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   8 clear the screen
   5 Lloyd Garland
   5 By Paul Howard
   4 By Miles Kinloch
   4 Andy Davis
   3 Wolfgang & Monika Haller
   3 Robert Skene
   3 Paul Howard
   3 Miles Kinloch
   3 Mark Harris
   3 Ben Douglas
   3 ASCII code
   3 &+.-+.+-+&%
   2 |~~__OOGGCCAA
   2 for count = 1 to 5 do
   2 first number is the  start  of
   2 current memory location
   2 construct picture number 4
   2 construct picture number 3
   2 construct picture number 2
   2 construct picture number 1
   2 Used val  C   B   A   C   B   A
   2 Use TASDFUE
   2 Tony Jeenes
   2 The reason for "good manners" is not  justbecause some old professor says  so  -  itlets  others   understand   your   programstructure. Even if you want  your  programto be really confusing (a la  Pi  Mania!),you will  doubtless  look  at  it  in  thefuture, and with GOTOs all over the  placelike nobody's business you may use severalwell-chosen expletives as you track up anddown the listing on a  GOTO  trail.  Clearstructure also helps debugging  and  makesthe program run faster.  To  slow  down  aprogram, use  PAUSE  or  a  FOR-NEXT  loop(PAUSEs can be skipped by pressing a  key,but  PAUSE  0  waits  for  a  keypress   -sometimes it's needed twice to  flush  thebuffer first and forget all previous  keyspressed).
   2 THE MIXING DESK: Register 7
   2 Roy Benson
   2 Phil Glaves
   2 Paul Westlake
   2 Patrick Morriss
   2 PCG: Convert to Tasword 2
   2 OR J$>"5" THEN GOTO 10
   2 LD A,(#5B5C)
   2 LD (#5B5C),A
   2 Justin Thorpe
   2 John Elliot
   2 James Waddington
   2 J7:A?>A??>>BC
   2 If you've written programs which read  thekeyboard with INKEY$ (as opposed to  INPUTor IN), you may have had  occasions  wherethe Spectrum says a key has been  pressed,but it turns  out  to  be  CHR$  0  -  thecharacter for nothing! This  is  rare-ish,but happens when the Speccy realises a keyhas  been  pressed  but  is  too  slow  toregister what it was. This problem can  beobliterated forever  like  this  (say  youonly wanted to register keypresses from  1to 5 on the keyboard):
   2 David Ledbury
   2 Dave Fountain
   2 Darren Randle
   2 Connect ORANGE LEAD to LONG LEG. 
   2 Christian Aymard
   2 Chic Computer Club
   2 C) Is X+2 a character?
   2 By Justin Thorpe
   2 Brian Gaff
   2 Bits:  7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0$
   2 Bill Richardson
   2 B) Is X+1 a space?
   2 Albert Harper
   2 Add header
   2 A) Is X a full stop?
   2 A man called Martyn
   2 ; Set the carry flag
   2 36 Budges Road
   2 100 IF A$="YES" THEN GOTO 200
   2 10 LET J$=INKEY$:IF J$<"1"
   2 (P)RINT h  - - -
   2 (F)ILL  b  - - -
   2 "S'funny, I never realised you looked likethat."0
   2 "Mirrors are very deceptive"
   2 "If the experiment worked?"
   2 "Ask you, erm... me, what?"
   1 zero, then the data stored  in  the#
   1 your life for reading this issue!!
   1 your feedback.
   1 you win some, you lose some.
   1 yieldconsistent, repeatable results.$
   1 y!"). The  128kSpectrums were released and  bigger,  moremusical games came out. But  by  mid-1991,it   was   clear   that   the   Spectrum'spopularity was falling compared  with  thenew  Sega  and  Nintendo  lunchboxes   andAmerican CD players  with  keyboards.  Thestaunch supporters, Crash, SU and YS,  raninto difficulties and had to hire  editorswho couldn't spell and knew nothing  aboutthe Speccy's history.
   1 write  to  Mr  Davis  explaining 
   1 would be perhaps a better way of doing it.Also remember that if you want the  Speccyto wait for a keypress, it can be done  inone line with:
   1 worrying now, Roy!
   1 withneagtive actions  of  Prism  PD.  Be  theybetrayed programmers,  unhappy  customers,innocent parties who  have  been  snubbed,misled, lied to or asked to give up  theirneutral stance in favour  of  Prism.  Thislist does not contain any Prism  customerswho  have  purchased  illegal  or   faultyprograms who have not yet reported it.
   1 with a 16 bit HEX number
   1 with   proof   that   he's   been!
   1 willinitialisize itself into the Opus-RAM  andis resistent about a RANDOMIZE  USR  0  orthe   Spectrum   reset   button.   Furtherinformation about the RAM (about  2  or  3Pound) will be given by Helge.
   1 will  give  "Program...file"  instead   of"Program:  file".  Unfortunately  in  thiscase, your filename  "file"  can  only  befive letters. I used to know  a  trick  tocompletely  overwrite  the  "Program:"  (Istole the routine from  Players'  "Thing")which involved some POKEs and CHR$ 0s, butI've forgotten it now so  you'll  have  tobreak into the loader yourself.
   1 wereconsequential  when  he  returned  to  thepresent. When he returned he  was  shockedat the changes. Why was this? If  he  madethe changes then his  parents  would  haveinfluenced these changes  in  and  on  hischildhood.  This  could  have   left   twopossibilities:
   1 waiting to hear  -  building  the!
   1 usual address or via MGPD.
   1 usual address
   1 useful guide  to  +D  dangers  by!
   1 updated,   plus   Kevin
   1 u&+.-+.+-+')
   1 tutorial of Powerprint.
   1 trying to place the blame on others#
   1 tremendous tutorial guide by Dave!
   1 to with 4000 added
   1 to the frequency after each step; c#
   1 to the end of the buffer  (n=1);  a#
   1 to convert between them.
   1 to be filled
   1 to   libellous
   1 titles!Congratulations to  Andy  Davis.  AR  doessort  of  qualify  as  a  software   housebecause   some   of   the   programs   arecopyright;  anyway,  I  had  to   put   anoptimistic one at the end to stop all  youreaders sobbing!
   1 title this is all DH  could  come!
   1 time travelling.
   1 threepossibilities:
   1 threepossibilities at this time: 
   1 this issue some 17  parts  larger!
   1 thesequestions which clearly proved  his  quiltand would make him  obviously  squirm,  heterminated Miles's subscription!y
   1 then use TASDFUE
   1 then use T2T3
   1 then T2TP3
   1 theexpansion port free for all those  add-onsfor less than one pound!E
   1 thedurability of the ribbon and printer head.The specifications of a  good  dot  matrixink are:_
   1 thede-generating service  produced  by  PrismPD.0
   1 theconstruction of cartridges such as: rubberdrive gears and rolls, styrene, ABS, nylonetc.[
   1 thecomputer keyboard,  tapping  away.  I  waswriting  the  control  program   for   themachine.  I  had  almost   finished   whensuddenly the internal lighting fused.  Theterminal  was   still   operational,   themonitor flickering in the darkness of  thesmall chamber which had been my  home  andworkplace  for  the  last  two  years.   Iquickly pressed the  "BACKUP"  key  and  asplit second later, released the tiny discfrom the storage medium. I climbed out  ofthe small hole into the  dusty  garage.  Itook a torch from a cupboard  and  climbedback inside.
   1 thecharacter
   1 the second hand  Spectrum  market!
   1 the protocol as featured in  last!
   1 the error occured
   1 the block, second  the  length
   1 the block  would be loaded
   1 the 128k AY-3-8912 sound chip  by!
   1 the  way   of   the   TV   "Video!
   1 the  block,  second   is   the
   1 that PRISM PD never listed adult 
   1 thanks only to  Martyn  Sherwoods!
   1 than issue  15  and  to  you  the!
   1 textadventures
   1 telephones and  the  pitfalls  to!
   1 techniques.
   1 suggestions
   1 strikinglydifferent musical output.  However,  usageof  these  programs  required   a   littleknowledge of musical notation in the firstplace, so writing a number one hit  wasn'tthat easy!
   1 store the screen data to memory page 4&
   1 store the screen data to memory page 3&
   1 store the screen data to memory page 2&
   1 store the screen data to memory page 1&
   1 stockan  excellent  range  of  3.5"  and  5.25"disks, boxes, ribbons and other office andcomputer supplies.k
   1 steel,  phosphor   bronze,   berillium   copper,  nylon,8
   1 stealing  and  illegally  selling!
   1 start a new column called
   1 sound buffer. It  takes  the  form:#
   1 sound buffer will  be  played  only#
   1 something new (n=0) or  adds  sound#
   1 some nasties  in  the  128  Basic!
   1 some   different   scenarios   of!
   1 solving.Technically, the graphics aren't  too  bad(colourful, and they match the  game)  andsound is reasonable where it occurs...
   1 software AGAIN.
   1 so-called'Exlusive'  demo,  he  thought  we  wantednothing more  to  do  with  him!  We  wereEXTREMELY upset  by  this,  so  we  sortedthings out with Andy, and then, what  goesand happens?
   1 snippets of news and info.
   1 short  story  to  be  printed  to!
   1 sequence is to be repeated
   1 screens and it would be nice  to 
   1 sametransmission method.
   1 routines to send  accurate  Morse!
   1 ring  name  likeAERO, (isn't that a chocolate bar?!)  <Yesand it's a trade mark and I had to  pay  aroyalty for mentioning it. Ed.>,  but  youand  I  know  that  PAPER  is  a  Spectrumcommand.  Find  out  its   character   setposition, which happens  to  be  218,  andthen...
   1 ribbons,  by
   1 ribbonmanufacturers specifically advise  againstthe use of re-inked ribbons. This is validif the normal clay based  inks  are  used.The solid particles  can  dry  up  in  theneedle  cylinder  walls  and  jam  up  theprinter head. This will not occur with theuse of a proper dot  matrix  ink  such  asMaxiprint.  In  fact,  as  we  will  show,regular re-inking of fabric  ribbons  willcontribute to extending the  life  of  theprint head.
   1 restore": PAUSE 0
   1 regular feature.
   1 refractinggeometrical  shape.   (My   apologies   tofriendly glass prisms  on  the  windowsillwho just like making rainbows on sheets ofpaper). By
   1 reader for sparing 0.0003424%  of!
   1 rather   than   the   blissfully   memory-ignorant:3
   1 questions and queries.
   1 properapplication  is  the  determinant  of  theultimate print quality as well as being animportantc
   1 promise, surely?
   1 programming, with Paul Howard.
   1 programmers.
   1 programmer
   1 private   letters   to   another 
   1 printutilities, ZX printer simulators for IF1 /128 / +D (which makes a  full  size  Epsoncompatable  printer  behave  like   a   ZXprinter), Spectrum ROMs for the SAM,  pluslots  of   well   programmed   games   andutilities.
   1 pre-copyinitialisation instruction. If this is thecase answer 'yes' to  question  3.  you'llget a program BREAK. Now type in and entera new program line:-
   1 polythilene,  polypropilene, styrene.%
   1 pointer by one byte
   1 plays a pure sound (a=0)  or  white#
   1 plans further expansion but wants!
   1 permission
   1 past a break-point
   1 particular
   1 panelsilluminated. Fastening my safety  belt,  Ilooked at my watch - 23:59. It  would  allsoon be over. Would it work? I laughed. Ofcourse it would,  HE  did  it  and  lookedfine.
   1 out of top 16K
   1 orMultiface.  Only try this if you know  howto  handle  a  soldering  iron,  have  theproper tools to hand (multimeter etc)  andknow how to build projects from a  set  ofinstructions.
   1 or like this (although DATA statements useup more memory)::
   1 or any other  textfile  which  is!
   1 once.  If  1,  the  sound   buffers#
   1 on  Scotland   has   passed   on 
   1 ofinformation of complaints about Prism  PD,Darren Randle awaited similar  from  Prismabout Alchemist Research, yet he  COULDN'TSUPPLY ANY. Why? Because  their  is  none.Forced  into  a  corner,  Mr  Sherwood  istrying to move the blame from himself.
   1 of this corny title. Paul  Howard!
   1 of the second screen of the 128k.!
   1 of the  block,  third  is  the
   1 number with which the block is
   1 noise from  electrical  equipment!
   1 noise (a=1); b is the  value  added#
   1 nobog-standard beat-'em-ups and  platformershere!1
   1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-63+pt 0=64)
   1 mymembership was quite uncalled for - an actof particular callousness, considering theway  they  've  benefitted  from  my  pastcontributions. My intervention, as I  madeclear from the outset, was aimed  only  atachieving peace, and  this  is  how  I  amrepaid.  I  don't   see   what   iota   ofdifference it should make, what he  thinksmy own personal views on the matter  mightbe: where my role as  would-be  peacemakerwas concerned , I went out of  my  way  toadopt a neutral, non-partisan  position  ,as he well knows. Apparently he would haveno objection to the spirit of my proposal,though,  if  it  were  coupled  with   themandatory apology... which  more  or  lesssays it all, I think. Let no-one thereforebe fooled!
   1 myappearance.
   1 mw>CFECFCEC?A>
   1 mw<<??==>>apJKJNJQ
   1 mind an apology.
   1 meeting  and   some   interesting!
   1 matically.Therefore, before any sound can  be  made,you must use 'SON' to re-enable  the  ISG.The  more  complex  the  sounds  get,  theslower your program will run.
   1 making, Des finally gets round to!
   1 main command used to manipulate the#
   1 m>>AA>><<apKJKJHJ
   1 location by one byte
   1 location back by one byte
   1 load the header to
   1 laterreleases, especially  the  3D  games  likePentagram  and  Knightlore.   (Who   needsFreescape?!).f
   1 large can of worms"
   1 laTransylvania  Tower!)  and  Wizard   Gamesbecame well known, and people bought gamesreleased by their favourite houses.  Therewere lots of competitions and  games  werewritten by  people  who  cared  about  theSpectrum's
   1 know that another  apology  will 
   1 it's own section, plus some  last!
   1 it was doing before being disabled"
   1 issue,  the  man   who   "doesn't!
   1 iscommandless, look for tiny  commands  likePI, OR, AND and IF within words. But therewill come a time  when  your  filename  iscompletely  empty  of  commands.  This  iswhere another type of Funny Filename  (Allrights reserved) comes into play...
   1 is'SPEED_', which requires a single  numericexpression to define speed of the  programrun.   'SPEED_0'f
   1 is the number of steps in sequence;#
   1 is exactly equivalent to:
   1 involving others in the process" 
   1 introduction into  supressing  RF!
   1 initialinvestment was somewhat expensive, I  musthave  already  saved  `15  on  replacementribbons  for  the  cost  of  a   94p   inkcartridge and, of course, am  helping  theenvironment  by  not  throwing  away   theribbons.
   1 influencing
   1 incorruption.
   1 inaccordance with instructions supplied withyour inker.7
   1 inAshby de la Zouch, Leics. They  spent  thefirst six months concentrating on  gettinga  game  called  Jetpac  ready.  It   sold330,000 copies at `4.95 which was a  clearsign of  their  success.  Following  othergreat Spectrum classics  on  the  Ultimatelabel they began working for  Nintendo  in1985 and Rare now has a workforce of 80 ata converted farmhouse near Twycross.
   1 in"Ballbreaker  II",   with   some   controloptions, but for some  reason,  using  thejoystick causes  problems  -  ie  you  areunable to  jump!  On  keys,  however,  theproblem  disappears.  It's  very  annoyingnevertheless.
   1 important news regarding A.R.
   1 immediately
   1 i=b: LET o=a: LET f$=" ": GO SUB  VAL%
   1 i$$h$i$h$i$h$
   1 how Prism doesn't have a good  +3!
   1 hope  before  Alchemist   closes 
   1 hiscontinued
   1 him to keep a log!
   1 header says there are
   1 hasobviously been written  to  try  and  saveface.2
   1 happens,Alchemist  Research  shall   continue   toreport  on  the  deplorable  behaviour  ofPrism PD until he sorts  himself  out.  Inthe early period of this  matter,  chancesof  who  was  right  or  wrong  was  50-50because of little evidence.  But,  in  thepast year the evidence against Mr Sherwoodhas mounted up.
   1 group has now lost our support - 
   1 gettingrediculous, so we decided to go  with  theP.D. library which we  trusted,  the  mostfriendly of the two and obviously this one(As I am writing this article in it!),  asfor the reason we trusted Alchemist  more?
   1 get all Spectrum  groups  working!
   1 generated by the Taswords and how!
   1 g0f00g0f0g0f00g0f00g00f0g0f0g00f0g0f000g0f0
   1 from the  editor>  guide  you  on!
   1 from  Robert  Skene  and  Patrick!
   1 formatequivalent.
   1 for a block of code -
   1 fonts,Commando-type  games  have   bold   blockyfonts, and so on.A
   1 first of a multi issue feature on!
   1 finishes   off   his
   1 finer screens  from  the  Clipart!
   1 featurealtogether, do as follows:-"
   1 f0g0f000g0f0
   1 f0g00f0g0f0
   1 f00g0f00g0f0g0f00g0
   1 f&&o//i+o+i)o)((
   1 extremely   underestimated
   1 externaldrives: problems are still being  reportedand  have  only  just  been  reported   byOutlet,  some  three  months   after   ourrevealations. Although Ben  may  not  haveexperienced problems there  is  no  excusefor the behaviour  of  Chris  Box  towardsmyself, Lloyd Garland or Chris Norfolk. Asfar as we are concerned,  his  drive  kitswill not be recommended to our readers andneither will the supplied software. Ed>
   1 expression (n). If  the  result  is#
   1 explains the properties and usage!
   1 exist" (according to M. Sherwood)!
   1 essentially
   1 er, I was going  to say something, but er,I've forgotten, er  I  don't  know what tosay...Z
   1 entirely in capital letters.
   1 electro-magnetically   activated   metal   needlesindividually encased in plastic  cylindersand which respond to  the  commands  of  acomputer.
   1 earliestopportunity; perhaps a  good  thing  sincesome of their last releases were  what  isknown as "mediocre". A change of logo  anda split into Gremlin Interactive  and  GBH(budget) completed the new image.  Gremlinstill sell three Speccy games,  but  don'tbother writing as they are oldies and  notworth the money. <I almost worked for themtoo. Ed>
   1 eachre-programmed key into a line  number  andthen put the CLEAR - RAND USR at the  end.It will execute a number of  new  commandsall at the same time. Please send any wildmodifications to me at the  usual  addressand I'll report next time. Who knows,  theresults may go into APD.
   1 dq+&+&+&+&+&+&+&r+
   1 dq&+&+&+&+&+&+&+r&
   1 down should that ever happen due 
   1 don't you?.
   1 disappointingChristmas bonus prevented it.*
   1 different   types   of   textfile!
   1 didn't see any point in thinking of my&
   1 derogatoryreferences to other  individuals  or  usergroups! Could this be mere coincidence, orare Prism in fact treating  the  copyrightlaws as  a  backstabbers'  charter,  usingthem to deprive people of their  right  toreply?
   1 definer program. Order it NOW!
   1 customers,   credibility and respect.%
   1 cousins,dogs-old-master was kidnapped  by  one  ofthem Little Green Men  once!"  and  to  bequite honest, the  only  one  I  would  beinclined to believe is the one  of  a  manwho was kidnapped, and then he claims thathe was made to mate with a strange female,he later died of Radiation  Poisoning  anghad lots of un-identifiable burns all overhis body, but was it  the  truth  or  justwishfull thinking on his part.
   1 could have called it BENS ZITS.
   1 correspond with his section.  Who!
   1 copy memory from page 4 to screen!
   1 copy memory from page 3 to screen!
   1 copy memory from page 2 to screen!
   1 copy memory from page 1 to screen!
   1 continual lying. First report  is!
   1 contents will be repeated for ever"
   1 containseducational and demos.
   1 confusion.
   1 computer music and the Spectrum. 
   1 communicationbreakdown! Anyway, I sent one  more  -  towhich the letter was not replied to.[
   1 comes up with some useful facts. 
   1 collections and  the  Theo  Devil!
   1 collection.
   1 classic Spectrum games.
   1 centre of the Universe: Worksop. 
   1 carriages?
   1 call me Shirly.
   1 bytes in the header
   1 bytes  in  the  block  the
   1 byCAREFULLY tinning  them  with  solder,  orwith an extremely fine grade  bit  of  wetand   dry   abrasive   paper.s
   1 by the way, I hate your english cheese. Itsmells nasty and there  is  no  garlic  insight.Z
   1 by Richard Wilmot.
   1 but this will have just the same effect:(
   1 bug-fixamendments - it has to be in  exactly  thesame form as when you saved  it  with  theCONFIG program.j
   1 buffer  before  replacing  it  with#
   1 brings us some top  +3  features.!
   1 begins   a   multi-part   hackers!
   1 be moved to, the third is  the
   1 be made towards Prism PD by Andy 
   1 b>CFECFCEC?A>
   1 b&+.-+.+-+')
   1 ax&+.-+.+-+')
   1 avoid in  this  very  competitive!
   1 audiablecharacteristics.  Namely  the  DRAGON  andTANDY machines with a  PLAY  command.  TheBBC  with  a  similar   system   but   farsuperior, the Commodores: even the Vic  20had a four channel sound system available,some five years before Sinclair,  and  theOric-1: extremely similar to the  Spectrumin size and  memory  but  was  actually  asuperior computer,  with  one  heck  of  aspeaker inside,  better  graphics,  betterBasic and better interfacing. If  it  werenot for the ZX-81 which had  swayed  usersearlier, perhaps we'd all be on Oric 128'snow!
   1 at a given address nn
   1 assemblers,
   1 asappropriate) at  the  address  below.  (Aslong as you're not Martyn  Sherwood,  thatis)!Z
   1 areexaggerations.
   1 aparticular  variable,  you  could  use   a'BRANCH' subroutine  to  print  its  valueduring the course  of  program  execution.Another method of checking program flow isto have the current line number printed onscreen via the  command  'TRON';  displaysline number  at  bottom  left  of  screen.'TROFF' disables the display.
   1 aonce-expensive  icon  now   a   reasonablypriced  accessory  within  the  reach   ofanybody.  Should  you  read  any  of   thenational papers, you  will  hardly  see  apage without an advert for a mobile phone.
   1 anything to go by!)
   1 anycontributions  to  him  or  to   AlchemistResearch,   who   are   sending   a   bulkcollection.b
   1 andwindow-captured before saving)."
   1 andstraightforward to carry out. It  is  wellworth making the effort: you only have  todo it once but you get the  benefit  everytime you switch on.
   1 andhardware,   such   as   monitors,   keypaddevices, RS232 linking etc.H
   1 andAN16.62: updated guide to the best in  the-
   1 and'SPEED_255' being similar to PAUSE 0.(
   1 and"MULTISTORE" programs were not dealt  within the way promised by Mr Sherwood.P
   1 and would appear to be part of a 
   1 and where to pick up the bargains!
   1 and inviting market.
   1 and how to  make  them  work  for!
   1 and d is the number  of  times  the#
   1 and Sinclair black 128K.
   1 and Microdrives at Lloyd and told!
   1 and 32000, but I've forgotten them now, sounless you know  better,  your  font  willhave to  be  located  at  62000,  for  themoment anyway. Remember that if your  fontis located  above  48384,  the  characterswill go all funny and you'll have to  typein the "standard" POKEs  above  while  notbeing able to read  the  text.  This  onlyhappens in the 128 BASIC  editor  -  don'task  me  why!  For   this   reason,   it'sadvisable to have the  following  line  inyour BASIC program:
   1 and   self   taughtawareness.
   1 an  incredible  size  it requires!
   1 am  I  to  argue,  I'm  only  the!
   1 always zero for a header
   1 allDOS-resident patches and utilities,  sincethey work by  overwriting  some  redundantcode, rather than using the  spare  2K  atthe end. The only exception, in  fact,  isTHINGI,  which  also  makes  use  of  thislittle-known area of  redundant  code,  soonly  ever  install  the  latter  into  anunmodified G+DOS.
   1 all assisted by Alchemist PD.
   1 afantastically  extensive   assortment   ofhardware. One science-fiction film  -  TheLast  Starfighter  -  relies  on  computerequipment  to  achieve   27   minutes   ofbreathtaking images. But to do this neededa $12 million Cray X-MP interfaced to  two$1  million   mainframes.   This   massiveexpenditure was considered  worthwhile  asit  allowed  pictures  to  be  constructedwhich  would  be  difficult  in  the  realworld.
   1 address where the block is  to
   1 adding an Amiga drive.
   1 add 256 =15616
   1 add 0   =15360
   1 acommunications device that connects to theedge  connector  of   the   standard   48Kmachine, or the original 128/+2.   On  theInterface  1  itself,   a   further   edgeconnector  connects  to   the   Microdrivedevice via a short ribbon cable.  The rearof the Interface is also equipped  with  a"through port", to allow  you  to  plug  ajoystick interface, Multiface or what haveyou.
   1 accomplished
   1 abused   and
   1 absorptioncharacteristics and  resistance  to  wear.Generally, the ink absorption capacity  ofnylon is infenior to natural  fibres  likecotton and silk although  it's  durabilityis much better.
   1 above  system  to  the  +D   disk!
   1 a; PAPER VAL "6"; INK b;1$;: NEXT F#
   1 a27:97:79735
   1 Yours Sincerely
   1 Your  interface/printer  may  require   anintensive setting-up proceedure.  Do  thisbefore loading  POWERPRINT  II.  Load  anynecessary  software,  then  set  up   yourequipment so that,  on  giving  the  usualcommand  for  a  high-  resolution  screencopy, it will make  the  copy,  then  stopIMMEDIATELY, with no extra line feeds. (Ifyou have a choice , you would normally setfor  maximum  copy  size).  If  you  can'teliminate extra line feeds you may have tosettle for gaps in each  vertical  sectionof Superprinted output, which will have tobe trimmed out. Take note  at  this  pointwhether your  equipment  copies  22  lines(the normal screen area) or 24 lines.
   1 Your  BASIC  should  also  CLEAR  to below49120, else the computer will crash.  Thisis  because  BASIC  will  have  lost  it'sstack when the paging takes place.
   1 You'll also find a "HALL OF SHAME"; a listof some people Mr Sherwood  has  lied  to,misled,  mis-represented,  caused  troublewith, upset, tried to drag into the battleonto  sides,  or  generally  created   badfeeling in the Spectrum community. It  canbe forgivable for one to have a list  withabout  three  or  four  names  on  -  takeSpectrum UK for example. But over a dozen?Makes you think doesn't it!
   1 You would be well  advised  to  order  theTheo Devil disks from Andy, especially  ifyou  missed  any  of  his  work   on   thecovertapes mentioned earlier.
   1 You will remember my silence proposal lastissue? How long did it hold? About a  weekand once again, Martyn Sherwood broke  it.I was hoping this section wouldn't have tobe written this issue and it would be  thefirst step towards the end but once  againhere we are.
   1 You will rarely  let  the  basic part of agame or utility  you  are hacking ever RUNfrom the intended area of memory it shouldbe loaded to, as  your own assembler basicmay be there. It  is  a  very good idea tocopy all the  system  variables  to a safepart of memory  where  they  can be loadedback if the need should arise.
   1 You will find it on tape seven, side B.'
   1 You should see:
   1 You should have  no  problems  identifyingthe pin numbers on the D socket, they  areengraved on the plastic bit that holds thepins in place, both inside and out.
   1 You should also be  aware the basic editorwill correct any incorrect number forms ina line if you happen to press the EDIT keyand then  ENTER  that  line  back into thebasic  program   -   try   this   out  foryourselves.
   1 You refer to "CLICKS" trying  to  put  youout  of  business  (its   actually   spelt"CLIQUES") I didn't realise that PD was  abusiness,  perhaps  you  meant  PD   POWERalthough you specifically state Prism  PD,you tell me that, and again I quote
   1 You rarely find accessories  for  sale  ontheir own. In the  past  twelve  months  Ihave only seen two, one for a Multiface  1and the other  for  an  Interface  1  withMicrodrives. It's far better to pick up  amachine complete with lots of extras.
   1 You must  never  allow  this  to  be pokedunless you  can  at  at  some  later stagereplace the orignal  number that was therebefore a return to  basic is made from m/cor an 'error'  occurs  in  a running basicprogram.
   1 You might also care  to  try and pick up acopy of 'Mastering Machine Code on your ZXSpectrum' by  Toni  Baker.  The  latter ofthese  two  books  contains  an assembler/disassembler I  still  use  to the presentday  and  is   what   I   shall  be  usingthroughout these pages.
   1 You may like to  compare  these  with  thedetails on the  keypad  projects  also  inthis issue, relating to  the  output  bitsand what values set them on or off.
   1 You may be able to  see  the  bit  settingwhich works the  lights.  If  the  +2  hadthree input lines then OUT  49149,4  wouldhave turned on the  third  light  and  OUT49149,7 would have lit them all. If  therewere FOUR lines, OUT  49149,8  would  haveturned on number  four  and  OUT  49149,15turns the lot on.
   1 You may  use  whatever  you  are  used to,though you should be  aware that the spacetaken up by  complex  assemblers can be ofvital importance when hacking, as you willfind out in future editions.
   1 You could  even  change  the  value of "x"with a Multiface if  you have one, so longas your stack  is  below  49120, you don'treally need any BASIC at all.
   1 You control Trashman with up,  down,  leftand right as  he  goes  along  the  street(it's an aerial view) collecting the  binsand emptying them into the  slowly  movingtruck. If you step on  the  house  owners'carefully  cultivated  lawns,  your  bonustimer will decrease rapidly - and if therehappens to be a dog of the house, it  willrun from around the corner and  bite  you,making you limp (ie you move slower).  Youalso limp if you run out  in  front  of  abike, and if a car hits you, you're dead!
   1 You can use this program to  set  up  yourown two-frame  animaton  by  changing  thegraphics commands in lines 60 and 70,  andlines 100 and 110 to make new images.  Butunder  the  right  circumstances   it   ispossible to get as many as eight pages  torun in sequence. The program  to  do  thisbecomes rather more  complicated,  and  iscovered in detail next issue.
   1 You can use this program as the basis  foryour  own  experiments,  by  changing  theimages that  they  draw.  But  next  issueexplains the techniques involved  in  moredetail, and how to push the sophisticationof the animation to  the  limits  of  yourcomputer.
   1 You can send donations c/o ROY BENSON at(
   1 You can delete  large  pieces  of  programusing the 'DELETE_' command;  followed  bytwo numeric expressions -  the  start  andfinish lines of the block to be deleted.
   1 You can  always  get  one  of  those  fontcollections and nick the fonts! There  arelots in PD libraries (along with the  fonteditors!),   such   as   Dave   Fountain's"F-Fonts Collection"  with  50  great  ArtStudio fonts (these are stored in  screensso   must   be   loaded   into   AS
   1 Yes. It's really  worth  getting  hold  ofOutlet's  "REM  Store"  <UT19,  APD.  Freecopies for all. Ed> utility as this is  aninvaluable tool. It lets you store machinecode  up  to  7  kilobytes  per  line   ininnocuous-looking REM  statements.  SimplyGOSUB the line with the REM and your font,or indeed any  machine  code,  is  shiftedinto RAM and, if you said so, acted  upon.
   1 Yes, I'm back with Some More  Reviews!  Mytheme this time is general strangeness, soI'll be looking at original, unusual gamesfrom   the   Speccy's   history
   1 Yes, I quite agree. This  is  one  of  thereasons why I cancelled  my  subscription,along with the fact that my questions werenot being answered, nor anything  else  inmy INDUG membership.
   1 YSMB provides two new ways  in  which  youcan produce sound on your 48k  Spectrum  -the  'PLAY_'  command  and  the  interruptsound  generator  (ISG).   PLAY_n,l,s,d,f.Where n produces pure notes (n=0) or whitenoise (n=1); l is the length of each step;s is the start frequency; d is the  numberof steps; and f is the change of frequencyafter each step. Variables d and f may  berepeated more than once if required.
   1 YSMB provides the 'DOKE_' command to  POKEtwo-byte values into memory. The first  isthe address to be POKEd  and  the  second,the  data  that's  actually  going  to  beplaced in memory. The data is stored usingthe standard Z80 convention - that is, LSBfirst, MSB second.
   1 Y TOO LARGE: You've tried to plot off  thebottom of the screen.?
   1 X TOO LARGE: You've tried to plot off  theside of the screen.=
   1 Womo said:
   1 Womo have  told  us  that  it  appears  MrSherwood would like  to  become  in  closecontact with them, much in the same way wehave (copying us again?).
   1 Womo and the SPC is a  powerful  computingforce  in   Germany   and   has   suppliedAlchemist  PD   with   28   MEGABYTES   ofprograms. Mr Sherwood only  gets  a  smallfraction of these from his little  "spies"who he uses to get  PD  from  us!  He  hastried to become pally  with  them  before,but to no avail.
   1 Wolfgang Haller
   1 WoMo-TEAM/Spectrum Profi Club
   1 WoMo / Spectrum Profi Club
   1 Without further ado, here  is  the  letterwhich Mr  Sherwood  so  deviously  penned,obviously hoping for our downfall!v
   1 With this out of the way the first of  thetwo images for the two passes is drawn - amanu  up  in  the  air   poised   over   atrampoline - and this is taken care of  inLines 60 and 70. Line 80 first  sends  theprogram off to Line 270 where there  is  aroutine  that  puts  the  dest  and   srcenumbers into the machine-code program  andthen calls the machine code  to  copy  theportion of the screen in which  the  imageof the trampolinist is seen.
   1 With this in mind, I'd like to put this totwo groups of people:?
   1 With this in mind,  I  can  think  of  twooptions:2
   1 With the relatively large  number  of  DOSpatches  and  +D  resident  utilities   inexistence, plus the  different  guidelinesthat apply to using  them  in  conjunctionwith  G+DOS  and  Betados,  I  felt   someclarification of this  subject  was  badlyneeded, and decided to write this article.
   1 With paged graphics, instead  of  buildingthe next picture up directly in the screenmemory, an area is reserved somewhere elsefor this purpose. Once the new picture hasbeen completed, it is copied  to  the  RAMnormally associated with the screen. Theseextra screen areas are called pages, whichis why the  techniue  is  known  as  pagedgraphics.
   1 With Tasword 3, Tasword 128 and Tasword +3comes a converter program to change  this.However, converting from Tasword 2 to  anyof the others is certainly not the "be alland end all", what if you want to  convertback, or to another format?
   1 With  some  equipment  you  may  need   tore-instate the ability to copy after  eachLPRINT,   by   repeating   ther
   1 Wirelessradio and TV?  Extremely  far  fetched  inthose  days  but  commonplace  today.  So,who's to say that warp  engines  won't  bediscovered (or already have  been?).  It'sfairly reasonable to say that ray guns andphasers are around, we can just  refer  toportable lasers and those cattle  zappers.Although  extremely   primitive   at   themoment,  theres  nothing   to   say   thattechnology advances won't make  them  moreportable.
   1 Why is it  that  Kobrahsoft's DICE utilityallows you to format  +3 3" disks to 203K,and their DB2  program  won't back them upto tape?
   1 White noise is just that - noise. It's thesort of noise that you may hear  when  youselect   an   unused   channel   on   yourtelevision.
   1 While needle impact pressure and frequencyare determined  by  the  type  of  printerused,  friction  coefficient  and   impacttemperature are profoundly  influenced  bythe presence of ink.
   1 Whereas 'PLAY_' is only a  glorified  BEEPcommand,  YSMB  provides  a  new  feature,allowing sound  to  be  produced  while  aprogram is still running.  Fifty  times  asecond  the   normal   program   flow   isinterrupted and a jump is made to a  smallmachine  code  routine  that   scans   thekeyboard. On the MB Spectrum, as  well  asscanning the keyboard,  the  machine  coderoutine has  been  customised  to  producesounds. YSMB provides a number of commandsto handle the ISG and the sound buffer:
   1 Where am I going? Nothing  glamourous  I'mafraid,  only  Bristol!  Following   LloydGarland's   holiday   in   the   wonderfulclean, modern  and  green  Sheffield  lastyear, the re-match is on his own turf!
   1 Whenever I come  across these in protectedsoftware, I just add  a  line to the basicprogram of my assembler.l
   1 When you've got most of  them  (you  can'tget all  the  characters  Tasword  shows),go to CUSTOMISE from  the  main  menu  andselect Y  to  CUSTOMISE  SECOND  CHARACTERSET. Now, simply press  the  correspondingkey for the  character  you  want  (takingcare to use or not to use CAPS SHIFT)  andenter the value.
   1 When you load the file or  catalogue  yourdisc,  you  have  managed  to   create   afilename of seemingly fifteen  characters!(The space after PAPER appears because  itis usually followed by a number).
   1 When this happens, the ingredients counterwill change and Charlie will need to hurryup and get more of whatever he needs.  (Itmust be an odd cake  -  apart  from  mixedpeel,  chocolate  and   sugar,   it   alsocontains plenty of cheese  and  custard  -yummy!!). The sonics suit the game and thegraphics are quite good, but I  find  thisgame too fast and  frustrating.  From  thevery  first  level,  you're  pelted   withcustard blobs, and I always end up  hidingin the corner throwing a stream  of  flourbombs!
   1 When the 'PLAY_' command is executed,  theISG   is   disabled=
   1 When sending Data
   1 When replying to  Miles  Kinloch's  letterabout distributing his PCG modifications  with a bug in it he said:m
   1 When receiving Data
   1 When programming, the next line number canbe produced every time  you  press  ENTER.The command 'AUTO_' requires  two  numericexpressions  separated  by  a  comma;  thefirst is the start  line  number  and  thesecond the value  each  line  number  willincrease by. To stop auto line  numbering,use EXTENDED SYM SHIFT 'L'.
   1 When it  came  to  the  crunch,  Andy  hassupported us since  we  started,  and  hasalways given us all the help he could  andhas never said anything bad about  anyone,but when we phoned Martyn, he  would  onlytalk about Andy, and when we said that  wewee going to make a  final  decision  overwhich library we were  going  to  use,  hesaid that we were  not  likely  to  chooseAndy's library, and  then  when  the  nextissue of P.D. Power came out, he said thatwe were splitting  up  and  that  he,  theeditor, would do everthing that  he  couldto stop us from leaving the spectrum!!
   1 When all soldered up and neatly secured inyour little box, power  up  your  Spectrumand put it in 48k mode.k
   1 When  you  fit  an  interface  1  to  yourSpectrum, mass storage,  local  networkingand RS232 communication become  available.Of course, +3  users  have  had  the  massstorage  for  years  now,  and   any   128Spectrum has an RS232 port, so what's  allthe  fuss  about?   Well,  quite   simply,unless you have a  +D  system,  you  don'topen files to a starage  device!   +3  DOSwon't let you do  it,  although  the  CP/Moperating system will.
   1 When  recieving   any   signals   with   acomputer, if you connect the  receiver  toyour  computer  directly,  a   substantialamount of noie is conducted along the wireand shows up as increased noise  level  onthe signal. The noise is usually  greater,sometimes much  greater,  than  the  noisecaused by direct radiation.
   1 When  done,  CLEAR  65022:  RANDOMIZE  USR65040 executes the code and stores the newcommand into memory.h
   1 When  all  three  mags  went  under,   theSpectrum was doomed. Software was  gettingharder to find; Boots, WH Smith and  otherstores stopped ordering in Speccy, Amstradand   Commodore   games.   The   remainingfaithful software houses collapsed or fledto the CON-sole  market...  or  did  they?Here's a summary of what happened to  someof the major software houses.
   1 What you do is set up the ribbon on top ofthe case using the components inside.  Youhave four little stands which  the  ribbonsits on and is gripped in place. You  havea tall shaft which holds the ink reservoirand a final  shaft  onto  which  fits  thehandle which is used to turn  the  ribbon.However, you can buy an  electric  versionwhich  is  the  same   but   features   anelectric motor for turning the ribbon,  orupgrade your manual kit.
   1 What wasn't so magnificent  was  that  thechip used was a scaled down version  of  afar superior  chip  and  even  though  thesound chip was stereo, it was wired  to  aMONO  socket!!!  Now,  to  me  thats  likewiring a colour monitor to a ZX-81!
   1 What does the german coder scene? From the"Mad Guys"  we  saw  the  Xterminator  andVision, but they have no answer if we  allwill  see  the  unfinished   "Megalomania"demo. Xterminator has shown us some  funnyscreens,  where  some  persons  from   theSpectrum  scene  was  seen  with  "specialweapons". So Visions "hardest weapon"  wassociological reports and  Wo's  from  WoMowas "Muehlen Koelsch" (a public beer  sortin Cologne). Sorry to hear, that  no  demowith this is planned, it was very  amused."The Unbelievables" promises to  "stay  onboard" and keep on coding  further  demos,and came out with a new one called "HollisBusters". Keep on coding  guys,  here  andeverywhere!
   1 What about ROYS RANTINGS - THE REHASH!.'
   1 What If My Fonts Are Completely Useless?(
   1 What I wanted to say, is that I'm  severlydispleased over what he has  done  in  thepast, and what he is doing now.  In  Dok'sarticle, he mentioned something about  oneof our group members  writing  a  sort  of'naughty' letter to him? That  was  me.  Isimply told him that our demos were not tobe distributed by him, that we didn't wantanything to  do  with  him,  and  also,  Icalled him stupid and  deranged,  which  Iadmit, was a 'little'  too  strong  for  afirst letter.
   1 What I shall endevour to  do is to put youon the right  road  to  what  to watch outfor. It is  up  to  you,  through your ownefforts,  to  become   familiar  with  theworkings of the 48K ROM and such things asunexpanded tokens in  basic lines when youinspect   them   with   your   assemblers/disassemblers.
   1 What Are Fonts?
   1 What  has   your   decision   to   abandonmarketing Adult Screens in Aug 93 have  todo with what you were listing in May 93.|
   1 What  about  the  BBC  comedy   "GoodnightSweetheart"?  Although  not  to  be  takenseriously (it is a comedy!), theres a  lotof reference to  modern  day  and  popularsongs,  supposedly  written  by  our  leadcharacter the time  traveller,  who  playsthem to a 1940's audience who love it.
   1 West Yorks LS22 4EN
   1 Well, watch any sci-fi  program  or  film,past  or   present   and   you'll   noticefuturistic devices. In presently made sci-fi, these devices, such as warp  drive  asphasers may not be around today  but  it'sonly a matter of time before they will be.Look at past sci-fi  films  and  programs.Rockets
   1 Well, this is a blatantly obvious questionreally for anyone who reads AlchNews,  butit's the sort of heading you have to startoff with, isn't it?  Fonts  are  basicallycharacter sets which  replace  the  normalSpectrum set. In  just  about  every  gameever which has been  released  since  1983there has been a  new  font  -  futuristicgames   have   futuristic   fonts,
   1 Well, mabye not then, but it's a lot  morerealistic  than  a  lot  of   the   "Closeencounters of the third kind!"  which  aregoing about, now here is the point of thisarticle, are there beings from outer space(or even in middle space, or  kind  of  inbetween outer and middle space??).
   1 Well, it just so happens that you can havea   joystick   interface,   leavingM
   1 Well, in late May Kevin told me  that  theproject is finished. It's  a  fully  casedunit and comes  complete  with  microphoneand stand. The unit runs in BASIC and  canunderstand upto four commands. In  machinecode it's possible to double that.
   1 Well, hopefully next time I will write  anarticle  on  the   Bermuda   Triangle   orsomething, if Andy will  let  me,  I  hearthat there is some good flying round thereat this time of year
   1 Well, I've covered all the  last  softwarehouses I know about here - writing to themmay  or  may  not   elicit   a   response,depending on whether  they're  Dixons-typepeople ("Spectrum?  What's  that?"),  JohnMenzies ("We don't support  THAT  sort  ofcomputer")  or  nice  blokes  ("Good   old8-bits, a pity there's  no  public  marketleft"). I don't want  to  promote  piracy,but it's really a lot easier  to  copy  orswap games in the  form  of  +D  snapshotsthan write to some twat <language. Ed> whoknows  as  much  about  the   origins   ofcomputers as I do  about  speaking  Koreanbackwards. (Not very much).
   1 Well, I have always been told  that  trusthas to be earned, and Andy has ALWAYS  hadour orders on time, has always held to hispromise over how long it would  be  beforethe P.D. will be returned,  and  has  evengiven refunds for software when we did notneed to  pay  for  it,  (and  occasionallygiven refunds when we DID need to pay  forit!), Andy has frequently done things justout of  his  love  of  the  spectrum  P.D.scene, and I cannot say enough  about  howgood his service is (He even gave me  someexcellent multiface pokes  for  Elite,  taAndy!),  so  there  are  no   prizes   forguessing who I trust! (I am  not  a  totalidiot, and would not like to lose money!),and HOW long did it take Chris  Taylor  toget his P.D. from Prism, and even then, itwas still not copied correctly.  <And  allthe other unsatisfied customers. Ed.>
   1 Well, I don't want to fill up the whole ofAlchnews with my  deranged  witterings  soI'll leave some other  writers  a  bit  ofspace. By the way, if you  are  interestedin swapping Speccy games and utilities  on+D disc, or if you'd  just  like  a  BASICprogramming contact type person, feel freeto write to me at my Hollywood  Mansion  /Scary   Castle   /   House   (delete
   1 Well worth the hassle converting them  formy B: drive, although  owners  of  the  +Dwon't even have to convert them!t
   1 We'll  start   with   programs   by   TheoDevelegas. When Theo first  got  in  touchwith me I sent  him  copies  of  AlchNews.After reading our reports, he  decided  itwould be better if he only  let  AlchemistResearch and WoMo distribute them.  You'llalso recall our  statements  pointing  outthey were NOT Public Domain, nor  do  theystate they are in the programs.
   1 We'll  also  be  combining  this  with  anunofficial Spectrum meeting at the  nearbyseaside town of Weston Super Mare.  Extacy3, The United Minds and a couple of  otherwell known Speccy celebs will be there.
   1 We will send it  to  Andy  Davis  for  hisPublic   Domain.:
   1 We was a bit in sorrow while we have  heldthem the first time on a Saturday  insteadas in the other years on Sundays.  All  inall we can say it was a very good  meetingon a sunny day  (we  have  had  of  coursealways sunny days at the meeting) and with35 visitors.
   1 We could hardly stop laughing, and then werealised that it was not all  that  funny,and   that   this   was   realys
   1 We are also looking for:
   1 We apologised to M.Sherwood, and Dok wroteto  him.  Then,   M.Sherwood   told,   notsuggested, actually TOLD  us  to  write  aletter to Andy, (Top  Alchemist  Bod  TypePerson!), and even  gave  us  some  actualGUIDELINES on what to say to him!!  So  wewere having none of this of course.
   1 We  don't  know  if  there   are   severalmeetings in the UK. If not,  then  someoneshould have the courage and try to  manageone.  It  could  be  a  day   which   willunforgetable for you.
   1 Watch  what  happens  when  you  use  yourjoystick  when  connected  to  a  SinclairInterface 2,  (IF2  from  now  on)  beforeloading a game. You should see a series ofnumbers, normally 6,7,8,9  and  0  if  youpress fire. Each movement of the  joystickis the same as  pressing  the  appropriatekey  on  the  keyboard  and  the  keyboardmembrane,  a  joystick   socket   can   beconnected to achieve the same results.
   1 WINDOW TOO SMALL: You've made  either  thewidth or depth equal to zero.G
   1 WINDOW TOO LARGE: Window is  too  wide  ortoo deep.3
   1 WHITE NOISE ON Channe C (B - A off)#
   1 W o k i n g h a m
   1 Viscosity (Brookfield @70F): 350 / 400 CPSFinesse of grind (N.S.)A
   1 Victoria Road
   1 Vic Bishop is on the lookout  for  a  W.H.SMITHS  COMPUTER  PROGRAM  DATA  RECORDER,measuring 10" * 8" *  2".  If  anyone  canhelp, or wants to  pester  him  about  hisfindings with PowerPrint II contact:
   1 Vic Bishop
   1 Various Spectrum and QL books, manuals andover 100 magazines from 1984 onwards.O
   1 VODAFONE is the largest and most  popular.It covers 98% of the UK. The phones use  astandard analogue radio frequency.v
   1 Usual Alchemist Research address.!
   1 Using Spectrum 120+2 Grey with Datel  DiskDrive.0
   1 Users of Printers  covered  in  PART  1  -Alchnews  15  can  ignore  this   printingsection.\
   1 Use T3TO2 (+D)
   1 Upto line 90 simply converts the  textfileinto lower case. You could save  the  filehere and edit it in Tasword to add capitalletters, but we'll let the computer do it!
   1 Upon  opening,  I  found  a  hard  plasticcontainer, about the size of  a  lunchbox.The lid had  a  series  of  lines  in  it.Lifting   off   the   lid   revealed   thecomponents of the unit  all  packaged  andneatly presented in a foam base.
   1 United Minds goes all  spooky  on!
   1 United Minds
   1 Unfortunately, this ridiculous  idea  fellflat on it's face because nobody did  whathe wanted. Darren  Randle  found  out  ourside of the story and  was  sent  a  largeream of evidence proving the guilt  of  MrSherwood.  Extacy  3  wished   to   remainneutral and have done  so.  Fish  magazinehas now closed down,  quite  recently  theeditor,
   1 Unfortunately, these programs found  theirway into Prism's slimy mitts  in  January.It's quite clear how they got there  -  weDO keep records you know!
   1 UPDATE:  Roelof  Koning  of  the  SGG  hasagreed to be  editor  /  compiler  of  thefirst   document.e
   1 UNRELIABLE. Again, this relates to affairsof the distant past, but  such  complaintswere  certainly  justified  at  the  time.Among my own first order  were  unloadablefiles and multi-part programs where  fileswere missing. I also know  another  person(no longer involved with the Spectrum) whoordered a +D disk, containing  files  thathad been snapshotted for  no  good  reasonwhatsoever. I was actually sent  the  diskby this person, to try and sort everythingout, so I saw it all  with  my  own  eyes.Again, I stress, I'm only mentioning thesematters to put the record straight  -  I'mnot in any way trying to suggest that theynecessarily reflect Prism PD's present daystandards.  Nevertheless,  the  fact  thatthey DID actually happen is  indisputable.It is therefore quite  out  of  order  foranyone to try to deny it for the  purposesof procuring an apology.
   1 Two  times  in  a  year  the  both  germanSpectrum  Clubs  held  up  meetings.   Theopening in the springtime is done  by  theSPECTRUM PROFI CLUB in Cologne, the secondis in autumn from the SINCLAIR  USER  CLUBin Filderstadt. Unless Germany is not  theUK, so a visitor rate over 20  persons  isreally a success, as they  came  from  allparts of the country (and  sometimes  fromforeign countries).
   1 Trying to install the membrane  back  intoit's socket is very tricky. However,  whatyou can do to make  things  easier  is  toplace a piece  of  foam  between  the  twoparts, and use masking tape to  keep  themsecure.
   1 Try to get one which has some sort of miniLCD screen built in,  plus  has  a  decentrange of features. Many  mobiles  offer  amini address-book feature  where  you  canstore lots of names and numbers. Have  onewhich shows signal  strength  and  batterylevel if possible.
   1 Tom Summerfield
   1 Today, equipment far  more  sophisticated,weighing less than a  pound  is  availablefor less than `10!f
   1 To show  the  screen,  we  would  use  thefollowing:-5
   1 To recap, here are some of his grammaticalerrors:1
   1 To make the first  line  of  your  programindelible  and  uneditable,   enter   POKE23755,0:POKE 23756,0. It turns  into  linezero and can be changed back by re-POKEingthe two values, but always turns into line256!
   1 To make matters worse, he has now  decidedto take  on  a  committee,  all  allegedlylocal people (assuming they do exist - oneis called T.Kirk.  Wouldn't  be  JAMES  T.Kirk would it?) who are supposed  to  havesome  sort  of  view  and  place  in   theSpectrum. (If they  don't,  then  why  arethey  on  the  committee  of  a   Spectrummagazine). No doubt this  is  to  try  andportray  that  Prism  is  run  by  severalpeople,   therefore   the   opinions   anddirection of the magazine is  dictated  bythem.
   1 To improve the ink absorption on nylon  ithas  to  undergo  a   process   known   astexturisation during the finishing processin which the fibres  are  subjected  to  athermal  treatment  which  transform   thefilaments into a highly twisted  structureto   improve   it's   porosity.
   1 To explain the situation in his own words,the  following  paragraph  is   by   FerryGroothedde:_
   1 To bring things into perspective:  the  AYchip is controlled  by  fifteen  registerswhich can be  altered  to  manipulate  theoutput from the chip.
   1 To all the rest of you making plans,  havea great holiday wherever you go! If you'restuck for a destination, Sheffield's not abad place! Seriously,  if  you're  in  thearea, please feel free to pop in. Quite  afew of you already have in the past year:
   1 Time for one more game - "Software  House"by  lesser-known  company  Cult.  This  issimilar to Incentive's oldie "Millionaire"in that you manage a software house.  Youraim is to make a lot of money  by  sellingSpectrum games (some hope!) but your plansare  foiled  by  the  evil  Arcade  Actionmagazine and nasty shop owners who  refuseto order your games.
   1 Three wires you will use from  the  keypadport are:3
   1 Three areas which would benefit from  suchmanuals are the Spectrum 128, Spectrum  +3& +D disk  interface.  Records  show  thatthere has been no such  manuals  or  bookswritten before which cover all aspects  ofthe Spectrum 128 since it was  built.  Thesame applies to the +D disk interface withit's hidden  extras  and  many  bugs!  Thepossibility of a +D guide could be  passedonto Datel Electronics for inclusion  withsales of new +D's.
   1 Thomas Eberle, SUC
   1 Thomas Eberle says  thats  it  can  formatupto 2 Megabytes and is  faster  than  anyother interface. It  can  also  turn  your128k Spectrum into a 256k model (no  doubtwith extra sideways RAM). If you  use  thepossibilities of the interface it is  alsoclaimed that in  can  increase  the  speedfrom 3.5MHz to 18MHz.
   1 Thomas Eberle
   1 This type of animation consists of drawinga shape on a piece of clear plastic, knownas a cell, and thn photographing two or soframes of film using a  conventional  cinecamera mounted on an overhead rostrum. Thecell is then replacd with  one  showing  aslightly altered version of the shape, andthe whole process is repeated. As you  canimaging, this type of  animation  requiresan incredible number  of  pictures  to  bepainstakingly  drawn  by  hand,  as  abouttwenty-five frames are  needed  for  everysecond of the finished film.
   1 This stops you from having to  shut  wholeenvelopes down if you want  the  sound  tostop momentarily. You can also synchroniseeffects this way.
   1 This should eliminate the situation  wheresomething did not happen  ,  and  you  areleft wondering why not.k
   1 This short bit  of  code  will page in RAMpage 7 at the  top  of memory, and the DOSROM in at  the  bottom  of memory.  We cannow call our DOS routines.
   1 This program may be  used  as  an  aid  tolearning  morse  or  brushing-up  on  yourmorse after a period away from it.v
   1 This program  only  runs  under  the  CP/Moperating system, and so it's +3  specificas only the +3 can run run CP/Ms
   1 This means that the AY can produce a  widerange of music and effects. Using the PLAYcommand  from  BASIC  only  scratches  thesurface - real fun can be had  by  drivingthe chip directly.
   1 This means that AlchNews will  essentiallybe known as a Spectrum  and  SAM  magazinebut  will  most  likely  to  be   seperateentities, Spectrum controlled by AlchemistResearch and the SAM side by Ferry.
   1 This list comprises  of  people  who  havebeen   connected   in   some   wayL
   1 This leads me to another important  point,for  Betados  users  in  particular  -  ifanyone  finds  they  do  need  to  update,please start from scratch, using the  BetaDos Maker program again. DON'T try to takea short-cut by running the  new  fixer  onyour present,  partially-fixed  DOS  -  itcan't be done that way!
   1 This issue: My Error Handler for the +3DOSlistings  Complaints  about  my  blisteredpinkies fom typing  that  in.  Chernobyl'sOperating System. And probably some  otherstuff...
   1 This is what our example would give:$
   1 This is what must be done. I have done  itin three steps to show the stages of how aprogram like this works, but it  could  bedone in two.
   1 This is what Theo's reply to  me  said  on28th March:5
   1 This is the first holiday closedown  sinceAlchemist Research was opened in 1986! So,if you could please make arrangements withyour letters and orders for  times  beforeor after that. However, I  will  have  themobile with me so  any  telephone  queriesshould be directed to that number.
   1 This is something you have  to  do  beforeyou can use a font  in  one  of  your  ownprograms (unless you  "borrow"  them  fromthe Art Studio!). There are far  too  manyfont editors around, and they can be foundclogging up PD libraries around the world.However, there are a fair few professionalprograms to do this,  so  here's  a  briefglance at a couple.
   1 This is part of the  paradox  theory.  Youhave been given something from the  futureby yourself so when you are at the time ofthe future sender, you become  the  futuresender and send it back to yourself so youcan send it back in the future!
   1 This is all  the  code  you really need inorder to set  the  default  user area. Yousimply set the accumulator (A register) tohold the user number you require, and CALLthe DOS routine DOS SET USER.
   1 This is a new game by BD DESIGNS.  It  hasbeen greatly  enhanced.  GASP  at  the  2DIsometric views GAZE  at  the  atmosphericdomes, in which you have to cut the  grassBOGGLE at  the  stunning  choice  of  nextgeneration, high tech Mowers.
   1 This is DEFINETLY the  work  of  a  guiltyman. In all my years I have been operating(far more than Mr Sherwood), I have  NEVERhad to terminate a sub. nor  have  I  lostONE  customer,   programmer,   or   writerthrough  bad  feelings.  Yet,   at   Prismthey've lost dozens!
   1 This is  a  compendium  of  the  lies  andgeneral  untruths  circulated  by   MartynSherwood and  /  or  the  team  behind  PDPOWER. Sources of the lies are  given  andany point in query should be  sent  to  A.Davis  where  proved  docuements  can   beprovided.
   1 This information does not give claim to bean exhaustive treatment of the subject butcontains practical advice on dealing  withany problems which may arise. In  general,the
   1 This holds  the  number  of  lines  at thebottom  of  the  screen  allocated  to theinterpreter for the printing of errors andthe such like (usually 2 = two lines).
   1 This game is actually quite believable dueto  its  neat   presentation   and   closeparallel with real life, and playing it at2 am in the morning you can  imagine  yourprogrammers busily typing in lines of codeand Arcade Action rolling  off  the  pressinto the  shops!  (Stop  laughing  at  theback). It's fun wondering what marks  yourgames will get - normally  bad  ones,  butthat's life as they  say  (who  say?).  Ifthis type  of  game  is  your  cuppa,  I'dsuggest finding a copy of "Software House"- all in all,  a  well  written  piece  ofsoftware.
   1 This example only goes to re-inforce  thatthe recruitment of a committee is strictlynominal and it is clear that  the  membersare being used for their names only to tryand portray that Prism  is  being  run  byseveral independant people in a democraticfashion, which is clearly not the case.
   1 This displays it in conjunction  with  thenormal ROM/RAM combination used by  BASIC.When you press a key  and  return  to  the128K Editor, the standard screen will thenbe restored.
   1 This byte could  hold  one  of four valuesdepending on what type  of save you loadedin.W
   1 This begs the further  question,  why  arePrism so afraid of their literature  beingseen? It is perhaps worthy  of  note  thatmany of  the  factsheets  etc.  which  areconspicuously emblazoned  with  the  words"Copyright  Prism  PD/Wallis  Publishing",just   happen   to   contain
   1 This article refers to the grey +2"
   1 This angered Miles somewhat and he  tableda list of questions  for  Mr  Sherwood  toanswer.[
   1 This  would  disable  the  NEW   key   andreprogram it to STOP:?
   1 This  technology  is  all  very  well  forpeople who have access  to  motion-pictureor  video  recording  equipment,  powerfulcomputers and plenty of time. But for mostpeople who posess  none  of  these  thingsstill find computer generated graphics  ofenormous  use.  Animated  images  are   animportant part of all  sorts  of  ComputerAided Design (CAD) packages, for  example,and every good arcade game relies  heavilyon  smoothly-animated,  attractive  screendisplays.
   1 This  mobile  can  operate  for  22  hoursbefore needing charging.B
   1 This  is  a  fault,  although  not   life-threatening  to  your  machine,  as  thesesymptoms are got rid of  when  you  unplugthe  external  drive  from  the  drive  B:socket. <No, the  fault  is  with  a badlywired lead. Ed>
   1 This   society   is   dedicated   to   thepreservation of  Roy  Bensons,  a  sad anddejected creature in need of much love andattention, and money.
   1 Thirdly,  All  information   supplied   tomyself about Prism PD and Martyn  Sherwoodhas  been  found  to  be  true.  The  onlyuntruth published was a  mis-reference  tohis contact with the  United  Minds.  Thiswas rectified immediately with an  apologyto Mr Sherwood and the United Minds.  Sometime later, Mr Sherwood wrote demanding anapology  -  proof  that  he  doesn't  read(especially  PROOF  READ)  anything!  Onceagain, an apology was sent, twice, as wellas being featured in AlchNews.
   1 Thirdly (oops!), it stops the listing whenreached, so all  lines  following  it  aremissed out.  There's  no  error,  it  juststops with the OK message. This is sort ofprotection, but messing around near  theselines  sometimes  causes  a  nasty  freezecrash in 128 BASIC.
   1 Think of the endless possibilities - for ascreen copier you could  use  SCREEN$  andCOPY - that's just two characters, leavingyou   eight!   If   your
   1 They said that the new SAM sections  wouldbe fine if they didn't interefere with theSpectrum, nor reduced Spectrum content  inany way.
   1 They have also welcomed the idea.!
   1 They can be saved to tape or +D disc,  andare automatically located at my  favouriteaddress, 62000! (You can relocate them, ofcourse). If you look at the "Font  Box  1"BASIC  program,  you'll  notice  lots   ofmachine code in REMs -  the  twenty  fontsand a routine called Xecue for the  smoothscroller.
   1 These were detailed in one of their famousfactsheets. The point is, though, why  didhe have to deny it  in  the  first  place,attacking  people   who   had   legitimategrounds  for  criticism?  And  why  is  heseemingly trying to  deny  these  problemsYET AGAIN? Martyn  should  realise  no-onecares now anyway, EXCEPT about the fact heis making out he is innocent,  so  he  canclaim he is owed an apology.
   1 These mentioned top right have either seenor  heard   the   extract   about   MartynSherwood. Just to remind you,  here  is  abrief summery of the content:
   1 These games were written by people  (what,not Martians?!) going solo at  first,  butsoon programmers began to  group  together(those who hadn't already done so  in  theZX81's  heyday)  and  form  the  legendarySOFTWARE  HOUSES.  Such   old   names   asAutomata,   Richard   Shepherd
   1 These are  like  gold  dust  second  hand.Nobody wants to pay `70 for one  new,  norbuy the FORMAT DX-1, for obvious  reasons.Prices for +D's will hold for a long time.Disciples are a possible  alternative  butvery few of these appear.
   1 These TV companies  are  loath to actuallycall these  programs  REPEATS,  which letsface it,  they  are,  no  these  progs arealways billed as 'another chance to see..'<and 'classic series' as if that justifiesit. Maybe we  should  get  a rebate on ourlicence fees for  all  the repeats or justsend  them  a   photocopy  of  last  yearspayment. Ed>
   1 Theres lots of Spectrum+ machines  around,a fair few rubber keyboarded versions  andthen the grey  +2's.  The  original  black128's do appear from time to time.
   1 Theres a program at  the  end  to  do  theopposite of this and tell you the POKEablevalues of 23606 and 23607 for a font. Ed>}
   1 There you have it, written  proof  from  athird party.6
   1 There were two disks in the  collection  Igot, but that was because I ordered the +3B:  drive  version.   One  disk   containsgames,   whilst   the
   1 There were lots of disk drives  going  foraround `15 but all  types  of  cables  andleads.Z
   1 There were a couple of music  packages  tolet the home user take  advantage  of  thechip,  namely  MUSIC  MASTER   and   MUSICMAESTRO. Both were remarkably  similar  inappearance   but
   1 There was, of course, the MARK TIME  MUSICBOX, which was a  follow  up  to  the  48ksmash "WHAM MUSIC BOX". But,  the  programdidn't give much in the way of  instrumentquality.
   1 There was one 8 bit stand with  a  lot  ofSpectrum  software  -  not   your   budgetrubbish but lots of  big  boxed  classics.Surprisingly, all were in great  conditionand most were new. I was incredibly  luckyto pick up HISOFT BASIC and HISOFT  PASCALfor only `2!
   1 There is the school of thought that  talksof a paradox through  time  travel.  Goingback to prehistoric times with the  commoncold - did YOU kill the dinosaurs?!
   1 There is one book I thoughly recommend youtry of obtain a  copy  of  by any means atyour disposal.b
   1 There is just enough room inside the  caseof the +3 to allow for this.F
   1 There is a wealth of utilities,  articles,short programs and  tips  around  for  theSpectrum and it  would  be  a  simple  andextremely popular undertaking  to  compilethem all into one  simple  booklet,  whichwould become something of a "bible" to anyuser. This has been previously proven with"The  Plus  3  Technical   Source",   oncepublished by Garner Designs.
   1 There is a  dinosoaur  program  too,  justperfect if little Johhny is doing a schoolproject on them.d
   1 There are trillions of ways of crashing onBREAK, but to disable BREAK  you  have  touse a piece of machine code (why not storeit in a REM?!) -  one  is  available  fromAlchemist PD. Why not order it and  a  REMstorer now?!
   1 There are four basic versions:
   1 There are five versions  of  the  program,all supplied when requested. However,  themost useful version is DLS3X. The others:}
   1 There are are two  five byte number forms,the 'short' and the 'floating point'.O
   1 There are a variety of chargers available,much in the same way as  camcorders.  Somecan charge the battery on  the  phone  andupto two others at the  same  time.  Thereare also rapid chargers and ones to chargeyour battery whilst in the car.
   1 There are a few "quirks" though, like halfthe opening option menu  vanishing  beforeyou get a  chance  to  read  it  etc,  butthat's not a fault of  the  program,  it'squite normal under CP/M.   The  only  moanI've really got is that  as  this  IS  the+3 version, why  couldn't  the  programmerhave  sorted  the  screen   display   out?Still, as long as you read  the  DOC  filethat  comes  with  the  program  and  takenotes, you won't really need  the  openingmenu so much.  The program qouls have  gota MUCH higher mark from me if this problemhad beed sorted out.
   1 There  is  room  for  improvement  in  theprogram to make it  more  compatable  withhigher  sized  disks  we  use  today   butwritten  BEFORE  Mr  Davis  got  his  disksystem shows insight and forward planning!
   1 There  is  really  nothing  too  difficultabout bits. They  are  used  in  two  mainways. Namely, you can visualise  each  bitas an on/off switch, or as an indicator ofa certain state. The other  way  bits  areused is for indicating numbers  in  binaryform.
   1 There  are  usually  lots   of   differentmonitors in these papers which are worth alook. I picked up a green screen  Fergusonmonitor in excellent  condition  for  only`12. Don't forget that the  AMSTRAD  CM-14monitor is one of the best Amstrad  modelsyou  can  buy.  Theres  also  the   colourCTM-644 and the  green  GT-64.  But,  takecare on how much you spend. One advertiserwas selling a CTM-644 for `40 but  when  Ilooked further  down,  I  noticed  someoneelse was selling the same monitor as  partof a deal with  an  Amstrad  CPC-664  withlots of games for only `30!
   1 There  are  two   main  classes  of  RS232devices,   and   these   are   DCE   (DataCommunication  Equipment)  and  DTE  (DataTerminal   Equipment).
   1 There  are  lots  of  potential  in  thesescreens,  from  designing  a  calendar  tosetting  out  a  horoscope  with   a   DTPpackage.  All the signs of the Zodiac  arein there somewhere,  as  are  pictures  ofanimals, pointy fingers, Garfield,  MickeyMouse, Donald Duck,  cars,  planes,  flagsetc.  It's all in there somewhere!
   1 There  are  black  +2a's   in   abundance,ranging from  reasonable  `20  boxed  withlots of games to  ridiculous  `90.  Theresone  advert  for  a  +2a  stll  boxed  and"hardly used" for `70 and has been in  thepaper for weeks.  Sometimes  I  feel  likeringing up and saying:
   1 Theo's address is  available  in  all  hisprograms should anyone wish  to  write  tohim. You will all agree that his  programsare  more  like  works  of  art   -   wellprogrammed  with  presentation  second  tonone.  These  kind  of  abuses  don't  putconfidence in ANY programmer to write  newprograms.
   1 Theo Devil Disks
   1 Theo Develegas
   1 Then, prepare some wires  as  mentione  inthe  Multiface  modification  (above)  andsolder a single wire to each of  the  pinsmentioned below.
   1 Then, checks are made to see that the nextcharacter is a letter of the alphabet  andnot a number as used in some  mathematicalequation or other. If not, then remove  32from the value of this letter, making it acapital letter.
   1 Then theres the "cause and  effect".  Likethe above, if you went back  through  timeand stepped on a flying  insect,  did  youend it's evolvement and change the  courseof  the  world?   This   may   take   someimagination. Lets say that we  live  in  aworld dominated  by  giant  flies.  Now  Idon't just mean hassling us in summer, butruling us. If you went back  in  time  andkilled it's last remaining ancestor at thetime before it mated, you'd eliminate themand therefore the future you've just  comefrom.
   1 Then there was all that business with  the'Exclusive' demo for him! We  almost  lostour friendship with Andy over that one, asat that time, we were a little  busy,  andwere delayed in writing back to Andy,  andafter   hearing   about   the
   1 Then  came  SOUNDTRACKER,   the   Spectrumversion of the famous Amiga music  writingprogram. It promised a simple and easy wayof entering music into  the  Spectrum  andgetting good results.  The  only  drawbackwas that there were  no  instructions  forthe program and it was a case of work  andresearch or leave it! As  a  result  thereare  a  fir  number  of  reasonable  tunesaround but the  most  outstanding  effortshave come from the now famous AGENT-X!  Nodoubt you are  listening  to  one  of  hisworks now as you read this.
   1 Their  catalogue  contains  thousands   oftitles, all at very  low  prices.  Besidesnew titles, he can also get some  classicstoo.  Theres  even   provision   for   +3,Microdrive, Opus and +D  programs.  For  acatalogue, send an IRC.
   1 Theinformation comes from Mr  Sherwood's  owndocuments and from lots of customers. Doesthat mean that his own reports are  untrueand all his  customers  are  liars?  Therehas been no wrong  information  passed  toAlchemist Research, all has been proven inone way or another and  is  available  forscrutiny by anyone who so desires it.
   1 The word  "file"  will  be  in  a  strangeplace, about one line down. Oh, I've  justremembered the last one  -  printing  overthe "Program:".  Because  "Program:"  onlyappears on tape systems, don't use this ondisc unless you want to see a funny effectwhich you may find difficult  to  get  ridof!  Tape  owners  can  use  CHR$   8   tobackspace without deleting, thus:
   1 The whole  point  of  DB2  is  to give youthe power to  back  up  all  your disks toanother  disk  or  tape.  It  doesn't copydisk based files to tape, it copies a diskimage, which is  a  far  better  way to goabout it.
   1 The value 4095 occupies 12 bits, the upper4 in register 1, the lower 8  in  register0. The same principle applies  to  channelB, using registers 3 and 2 and channel  C,with registers 5 and 4.
   1 The use of ribbons  properly  coated  withlubricant based ink has also been shown toincrease the life of the print head if  itis complemented by  periodic  cleaning  toremove accumulations  of  paper  and  dustparticles.
   1 The use of  "esq"  after  his  name.  Onlyadopted when  I  decided  to  add  my  BSCqualification to my name!m
   1 The two program  illulstrate  the  use  ofmachine  code  to  send  the  morse   withcorrect character durations and  spacings.The speed may be preset.
   1 The two control lines are used  to  selectthe required Microdrive  device  and  turnthe correct motor on or off, and port  #EFis used to control these lines, as well asto control the  erase  and  write  protectlines.
   1 The two addresses in RAM which  relate  tothe position in memory  of  the  font  are23606 and 23607. By default, these are setat 0 and 60 respectively. I must admit  atthis point that I have no idea  how  thesetwo numbers relate to the font's position;it's probably something to  do  with  highand low bits but who cares?!
   1 The trick with Funny Filenames is  knowingwhich characters you are allowed  to  use.Well, it's all of them! Even the  commandscan be used as  filenames.  Try  saving  afile as CHR$  249+CHR$  249+CHR$  249+CHR$249, and when you reload it,  presto!  Youwill see a load of  RANDOMIZEs.  This  maynot be a very useful filename, but as  youwill see, some commands are...
   1 The theme of  the  day  was  the  harddiskinterface  after  the  construction   fromRoelof Koning (SGG). Everybody who wants acircuit plan of it should write us and  wewill send this as a  copy  from  our  infoarticle in  the  july  mag  1994.  Workingharddisks was seen on the SAMs from Ian D.Spencer and Slowomir  "Slawek"  Grodkowskiin a bit modified form,  the  guy  with  aworking harddisk on the Spectrum  couldn'tshow it, because he hadn't got  free  fromthe work (what an  annoyance!).  The  mainproblem with the harddisk is the operationsystem, but Ian D. Spencer hopes to fit itinto MasterDos for the SAM,  who  does  itfor our beloved Speccy?
   1 The temerature at the inpact  point  is  akey factor in the wear. A large  share  ofthe strike energy is transformed into heatand the material properties (of the nylon)are very  sensistive  to  an  increase  intemerature. The printer itself may  becomequite warm after a working day.
   1 The surprise of the day  came  from  FrankMeurer, who presented a very new  harddiskinterface for the Spectrum. With  this  itshould be able to drive harddisks on  SCSIbase (the  interface  from  Roelof  Koningworks with IDE harddisks). A test  on  themeeting  failed  because   a   cable   wasmissing.  Also  a  DOS  is  just  missing.
   1 The strike pressure  of  the  needles  canvary from 5 to 200 psi, while contact timewith  the  paper  range  from  10  to  200microseconds, the latter being a  functionof the printing speed and strike pressure.
   1 The start was very calm but at (high) noonthe hall was filled to the last place  andfrom all sides you could hear  the  soundsfrom  running   demos,   mostly   on   theSpectrums.
   1 The special effects are really quite good,but  the  acting...  come  back  CommanderPlywood, all  is  forgiven!. No seriously,bring  back  Commander  Jeffery Sinclair!,BABALON 5 just is'nt the same without him!
   1 The sophistication that can be achieved inthis is limited by the capabilities of thecomputer you use. The Cray operates at 100megaflops  (100  million  floating   pointoperations per second). But as the  imageshave to be swapped many times a second forrealistic animation, even the  Cray  couldnot generate film-quality  images  quicklyenough for real-time  animation.  Instead,the images that it generated  were  filmedseperately in  a  conventional  stop-frameprocess.
   1 The six solder connections are made to theunderside of the circuit board.  Followingthe diagram, make the connections  to  thepins  on  the  membrane   sockets,   usingsuitable lengths of wire. It  is  probablywise to lay a  piece  of  insulation  tapebetween the wires  and  circuit  board  tostop chafing when finished.
   1 The situation with G+DOS  2a  is  somewhatdifferent,  since   with   the   standard,unmodified version, there is approximately2K of spare +D RAM, which can convenientlybe exploited for a  variety  of  purposes.Few of the utilities and patches which  doso, however, actually use the  entire  2K,especially some of the smaller  ones  suchas the snapshot/key '0'  interrupt  patch,OPEN-3-OUT, ATTR +D etc., which take  onlya few dozen  bytes  each.  The  difficultyarises if you want to  install  more  thanone at the same time - which  combinationscan safely be  used  together,  and  whichones would conflict  in  terms  of  memoryrequirements?  The   problem   stems,   ofcourse,  from  the  fact  they  were   allwritten by different people  at  differenttimes,  and  as  a  result,  there  is  noorganised, mutually  exclusive  allocationof space to each item.
   1 The silly thing is, A$<>"YES" must be trueif  the  program  reaches   line   110   -otherwise it would already  have  branchedto 200. Where you have  a  situation  likethis, it's sometimes quicker  to  put  thenon-YES part of the program (line  500  inmy example) straight after the YES  check.So...
   1 The screw hole is at the output end of thepower supply. That's the end with the leadthat goes to the +3. Using  some  sort  ofmeter, a digital multimeter  or  somethinglike that, CAREFULLY  check  what  voltagethe 5V output is outputting. I'd  like  tobet you that it's below 5V,  and  if  it'sbelow 4.75V, I'm surprised  that  your  +3functions at all. The same goes for peoplewho's  5V  output  is  higher  than  about5.25V, as  TTL  logic  will  not  functionabove about 5.25V. It will not  have  beendamaged, unless there has been  more  thanabout 6.75V across it.
   1 The same letter also questions the realityof Ben Douglas. He said:B
   1 The results were stunning. The quality wasexcellent, equal, if not better than a newribbon. There were no blobs  or  spots  ofexcess ink at all.
   1 The report established that:
   1 The repetitive impact of  the  needles  anresult in  the  needle  temerature  risingclose to the melting point of  nylon  (480degrees F)  causing  a  softening  of  thefabric   under   the   needles'   strikes.Moreover, nylon is a poor heat  conductor;however, the presence of  ink  on  betweenthe  filaments   dissipates   the   impactenergy. Once  the  ribbon  gets  dry,  theimpact temerature  rises  sharply  causingrapid degradingation of the fabric.
   1 The regular re-inking of nylon-type fabricribbons with proper  dot  matrix  ink  cansignificantly extend the  useful  life  ofsuch ribbons.
   1 The reason for J$ is to remember  the  keypressed (I always use J$ for this, but  itreally  doesn't  matter).  You  can   thensafely know that J$ must contain a  numberfrom 1 to 5 and can go on like this:
   1 The reason I mention this, is  that  thereseems to be at least one other version  incirculation, which was apparently releasedin error to a few people at one stage, andcontains  some  bugs.  (These  were  laterfixed in V2.3).
   1 The reason  for  the  difficulty  of  highspeed computer animation is the amount  ofinformation required  by  a  picture.  Themore detaild the image, the more memory isneeded to store it. Increase the number ofcolours available and the  amount  of  RAMrequired to store the  colour  informationis increased, too.
   1 The quote is fair and I have admitted thatI made a mistake  and  apologised  to  allparties, both privately and  publicly  andoffered the apology for PD Power.
   1 The protection although  simple in conceptwas effective because they were diffult tocopy as the  block  of  code loaded in wasthe same length as the available memory inthe 48K machine, C000 bytes long.
   1 The proposal is this. Each  invited  groupwould  submit  any  information   on   theparticular compilation booklet in questionto the designated compiler who  will  thencollate  and   compile   all   informationrecieved  into  one,  or  a   series   of,wordprocessor  textfiles.  The   textfileswill  have  the  names  and  addresses  ofgroups  who   submitted   work   for   thecompilation,  along   with   credits   forindividuals who also helped. The  compileddocument will then be passed onto all  whoworked   on   it,   for   production   anddistribution   /   sale   by   their   ownindividual groups.
   1 The program which tells you the values  toPOKE for 23606 and 23607 if  you  type  inthe address:`
   1 The program uses string and numeric arraysso whatever  you  do,  DO  NOT  TYPE  RUN.Always start with GOTO 10. Only use RUN ifyou want to "cold start" the  program  andclear the entire menu of data.
   1 The program is very short and is, in fact,not necessary. When loaded it puts  a  newcommand into a key  for  a  demonstration.Pressing @ (sym shift 2) will not print  a"@" but tell you the amount of bytes free.
   1 The program is longer and you  still  haveto go through the time  consuming  processof  calculations  and  drawing  the   fourpictures, but  animation  does  not  startuntil this has been done. Once  stored  inmemory, the pictures can be reacalled veryquickly.
   1 The program allows upto 12 filenames to bestored and  features  an  option  for  10.Although it may be  outdated  for  a  diskwhich may have 50 or 60 files  on  it,  itcould be used for the 3" disk or a +D diskfeaturing 128 snapshots. As the program isin Basic it's easily modified.
   1 The process is very simply demonstrated bythe "flicker-book", in which  drawings  oneach page of a book can be animated as thepages are flipped over at  speed.  A  moresophisticated demonstration  of  the  samething  is  the   process   of   stop-frameanimation, which dates back to  the  earlyyears of this century.
   1 The problem is that to produce  a  displayof the quality taken for granted by cinemaaudiences]
   1 The print head on  a  dot  matrix  printerconsists2
   1 The price was something of a pain  in  thewallet, costing `39.50 +  VAT  along  with`4.80 for a spare pack of  inks  and  thencarriage and packaging. The total came  to`54.40.
   1 The practical results of  this is that youshould treat the TXD line of the +3 RS 232as the RXD line  and  visa versa.  The TXDline is in fact an INPUT, not an output asyou may have  expected.  Similarly, RXD isin fact an output.   So, you would connectTXD to the TXD line on the PC, RXD to RXD,DTR to DTR etc.
   1 The pososity, roughness and absorbency  ofthe  ink  and  properties  of  paper   areinfluenced by the type of  fibre  used  aswell as the treatment process during  it'smanufacture. Apart  from  special  purposepapers,  standard   computer   papers   ofdifferent
   1 The port used to control the RS232 port is#F7; data being sent serially on data line0.  The condition of the DTR line  can  befound by reading bit 3 of  the  port  #F7,and the  condition  of  the  CTS  line  byreading bit 4 of the  same  port.  Settingbit 4 will also raise the CTS line.
   1 The pitch controls how high the note  thatyou hear  is.  The  AY  can  accept  pitchvalues from 0 (highest) to 4095 (lowest).}
   1 The other system  variable  to keep an eyeon is DEFINE SIZE at 5C6B (23659 d).N
   1 The other one of these packages which I amobliged to mention is one written  by  me!"Font Box 1" is a collection of  20  fontswith a  viewer-saver  program.  There  areEuropean, PC, Bold and lots of other  fontstyles, all designed in  the  Art  Studio.
   1 The other notable "home-made font" programis Autochars. This consists  of  a  singleline of BASIC which is a machine-code  REMand can be merged with your  own  programsfor a bold font  without  "blockiness"  inthe small M and W. Alchemist  PD  probablyhas most of these programs,  so  write  toAndy for more info.
   1 The other is T3TO2 which converts  TaswordOPENTYPE +D serial files to Tasword2.O
   1 The other events which gave rise  to  thiscomplaint are again things which  happenedlong  ago,  but  nevertheless   completelyfactual and thus warranted it  being  saidat  the  time.  When  Andy   Davis   heardcomplaints   from   customers   who   wereaffected by Prism PD's slow  service  (seefirst point) and mentioned the  matter  inAlchNews to warn others, Martyn Sherwood'sreaction was to print  an  article  in  PDPower totally  denying  the  problem,  andblaming Andy Davis and Chris  Taylor,  whohad also been a victim,  for  "having  theaudacity to suggest that Prism PD is  slowin sending out orders".
   1 The only other thing that should be  notedhere is that on the Amiga drive, there  osa line that should be held "high"  at  alltimes, else the drive won't work.   Simplysolder a 100R resistor between pin 11  and12.
   1 The only exception here is  "h"  which  isfor the half  fraction.  I've  been  usingTasword 128 with the half symbol  on  thiskey for over two years and if  I  move  itnow I'll never remember where I  moved  itto!
   1 The one thing that I must say about  theseprograms is that th quality is  excellent.Years ago, Theo could have made  an  awfullot of  money  from  software  like  this.Compared to some  of  the  later  offeringfrom major software houses,  Theo's  stuffshines out.  These disks are far too  goodto miss, go get them!
   1 The number it contains is held in just twobytes of  the  five  -  byte  three is theleast significant and  byte  four the mostsignificant. The  sign  of  the  number istaken from  the  basic  line  -  if  it ispreceeded  by  a  minus  sign  then  it isnegative.  No  sign  indicates  a positivenumber.
   1 The noise is "coloured" by amplifying somefrequencies in the band more than  others.Register 6 can accept values from 0 -  forthe  highest  -  to  31  for  the   lowestfrequency.
   1 The next time  round  I  will cover a verysimple form of protection favoured by suchpeople as Firebird before they settled fortheir 'BLEEP LOADER'.
   1 The next ten  bytes  contain  the name, orten spaces if no name.@
   1 The next step is to creat  the  image  forthe second page that is to be stored.  Thetwo lines that achieve this  are  100  and100 while Line 120 PRINTs  a  non-audiablesound effect! This second image is  storeda by Line 130 which sends the  program  tothe subroutine at 270 and Line  150  swapsover the values of srce and dest which hasthe  effect  of  downloading   the   imagefrom RAM onto the screen. Lines 150 to 210set up a loop that will alternate the  twoimages that have been created.  This  willRUN until you press the BREAK key.
   1 The next five pages cover Tasword and  PCGWordmaster  and  give  clear  and  concisedetails on how to swap and convert betweenthem all.
   1 The nasty red <red? I thought it was blue.Ed.> cursor will beep at you  (maybe  it'sswearing!) as it flashes on the top  line.Now suddenly switch  to  the  down  cursorkey. The cursor apparently gets fed up  ofbeing moved around and takes a short breakright down to the bottom  of  the  screen!(Once I managed to get it under the footerbar)! You can get back  to  your  line  ofdollars,  but  pressing  the  wrong   keysinvariably causes a crash. Nasty eh?
   1 The most  recent  version  of the industrystandard RS232 communications interface isthe RS232  C  standard.   This standard isset   by   an   organisation   called  theEIA (Electronic Industry Association).  Itdefines a number  of parameters concirningvoltage  levels,  loading  characteristicsand timing constants.
   1 The more memory used to store the picture,the more work the CPU has to do to  updateit.  The  reason   why   most   commercialcomputer-generated films  use  stop  frameanimation is  simply  that  the  processoris not  sufficiently  powerful  to  updatelarge areas of memory quickly. If updatinggraphic displays is a slow  process,  evento people with powerful computers, how cana home programmer produce animation  usinga micro? One solution is the use of  pagedgraphics.
   1 The method for accessing the memory  banksinvolves POKEing a system variable 'BANKM'at 23388, but first, we must do  somethingvery important -  enter  CLEAR  49151  (orlower) - otherwise the stack will be pagedout, causing a crash.
   1 The mechanics of process is dependant on:)
   1 The main other  type  of  alien  sightingsetc, seem to be based around the bunch  ofaliens called "Humanoids!" this is  purelybecause the press get  a  bit  upset  whenthey have to print "Little Green Men!".
   1 The main component of  computer  noise  isharmonics of the video signal,  especiallyfrom the synch pulses. Noise  radiated  bythe computer is generally  acceptable  as,apart from the harminics of  thelie  synchpulse every 15,625 Hz,  it  is  comparablewith H.F. band noise. The  main  exceptionis the noise produced  by  the  RGB  videooutput of the BBC  computer.  This  shouldnot be used, or even  left  connected.  Ifyou need colour  from  the  composite  PAL(BNC)  output,  short  link  39   on   thecomputer  PCB  (near  the  back   of   thesocket).
   1 The magazine is  really  at  the  planningstage at the moment and Richard is lookingfor contributions and all kinds  of  help.Needless to say, Alchemist  Research  willbe helping out with disk  conversions  andmuch more.
   1 The lower 4 bits of  register  13  controlhow the envelope is to  act:  i.e.  if  itattacks or decays, whether it  dies  afterthe first shot, or whether it  repeats  adinfinitum. This is  how  the  register  islaid out.
   1 The lower 4 bits hold the  volume  of  thechannel which  the  register  applies  to.This can  be  from  0  to  15.  All  threeregisters are identical.
   1 The list continues to grow by the month.(
   1 The lines are:
   1 The latest  program  is  SQ  TRACKER,  andconsists  of  three  modules,  a  tracker,linker and compiler  program.  Apparently,ordering a  copy  from  the  source  costsaround `3, but is much more expensive fromother places.
   1 The key elements that influence  the  lifeof the ribbons and printer head are:N
   1 The interpreter  does  not  use the numberyou see in  a  basic  line as a reference,that is  there  purely  for  us humans, italways  looks  at  the  hidden  five  bytenumber form.
   1 The interface should be available  in  Mayand average cost will be `135.50.K
   1 The intention of these  columns, as far asI'm concerned, is  to  try and teach thoseof you who  have  some  basic and assemblylanguage knowledge, the  concepts of usingthose skills to  enable  you  to hack yourway past  any  of  the  protected Spectrumsoftware you have lying around your homes.
   1 The instructions recommend re-inking  whenfading becomes apparent.  Only  one  cyclewas needed  to  ink  the  ribbon  to  fullstrength again. As the details  state,  itis usually  a  good  idea  to  have  threeribbons in use, one being used  while  theothers are re-inked.  This  way  it  givesequal use to each ribbon.
   1 The ink is  an  all  dye  formulation  andcontains  no  pigments.  The  vehicle   iscomposed of  fatty  acids,  vegetable  andmineral  oils,  dispersing  agents  and  apropriety  synthetic  lubricant  blend  toensure life long lubrication of the  printhead.  This  ink  is  formulated   to   becompatable  with  all  known  print   headlubricants and will  not  sludge  or  formvarnishes  at  print   head   temeratures.Furthermore, it  is  not  harmful  to  anyknown print head materials, nor will reactwith   any   materials   used
   1 The idea is simple enough: the  screen  iscleared, each  of  the  four  pictures  isdrawn  in  sequence  and  the  process  isrepeated until the cube has  rotated  fivetimes. The disadvantage of this method  isthat it will draw each picture five times.The calculations each take some  time,  sopoor   animation   results   -   with   anappreciable "jump" between each image.
   1 The groups which have been invited to takepart are:3
   1 The games? Well, PEKING by  Dave  Saunderswould be first choice. I simply never  getbored with it although it does give me theodd headache. I've played many versions onPC's etc. but the  stark  "less  is  more"programming works best.
   1 The game I have  chosen  to pull to piecesin front of  your  very  eyes  in the nextedition is a game called ZOOT.r
   1 The former cannot  contain a value outsidethe range of  -65535  to a positive numberthat size and is easily understood.w
   1 The following sections  detail  some  morelies Mr Sherwood has  tried  to  circulateand our report of the TRUTH of  them.  Allare documented with proof. There are  alsoarticles by The United Minds  team,  MilesKinloch and N.R.A.  Cattell  to  name  butthree.
   1 The following is an UP-DATE on
   1 The following examples all assume that thewindow is not touching the right-hand edgeof the screen. Take  care  to  distinguishbetween the lower and UPPER case  letters.If you make an error,  simply  repeat  theinstructions  correctly.   Most   of   theexamples shown have been Super-printed  X2horizontally only. I haven't Super-printedthem!.
   1 The following  routines  are  anti-hackingones for your BASIC programs. Be  careful,as misuse can crash the computer  or  losebits  of  your  program.  They  also  havedifferent effects in 48k and 128k mode  insome cases, so  experiment  and  use  yourfavourites.  They  are  good   ideas   forprotecting loaders of machine code  games,like the old Alkatraz system.
   1 The following  program  will  give  you  asimple animation of a man  bouncing  on  atrampoline. Although the majority  of  theprogram is in BASIC, there is some machinecode that gives the speed required to callthe pages from memory.
   1 The first true musical  Spectrum  was  theSpectrum 16k, the ZX82. Although the ZX-81was it's predecessor, only the use  of  anaftermarket  add-on   allowed   music   sodoesn't count.
   1 The first program is T3T2  which  convertsTasword 3 and Tasword 128  tape  textfilesto Tasword 2 format.h
   1 The first program  should  be  entered  tocreate  the  machine  code.   The   secondprogram is the morse  generator  in  full.You may light to combine your results withthe  radio  communications   software   inAlchemist PD which can receive and  decodemorse.
   1 The first original game in my little  pileis   "Trashman"   from   NewF
   1 The first hidden feature of the Speccy  +2(the grey one, I mean) is a set of editingkeys  in  BASIC.  I  don't  mean  the  oldcursors or  delete  key,  oh  no  -  thesebeauties are much more obscure! Any  BASICuser will have used the EXTEND MODE  signs(copyright,   tilde,   backslash,   squarebrackets, funny  brackets  and  the  leastused symbol  in  the  character  set,  theInteresting Vertical  Line).  But,  I  askyou, have you ever used EXT MODE functionswithout SHIFT? In 48k mode, they could  beused  for  extra  commands  and   embeddedcolours, but in 128k mode, there are  lotsof hidden editing  features,  rather  likethe ones on the rare Spectrum keypad.
   1 The first book will  no  doubt  cover  theSpectrum 128 and grey +2. It will  featuresections on the extra memory, with lots ofsimple,   working   examples.   Specialistprograms and other hints and tips will  befeatured,   along   with   projects
   1 The first  byte  (at  7E00),  if  you haveloaded a basic program, will be zero.O
   1 The final program is TP3TO2 which convertsTasword +3 textfiles to Tasword 2.L
   1 The final  quote  is  also  laughable.  Heclaims that the  signees  of  this  letter"give full support to  Martyn".  This  hasbeen proved otherwise and can  be  checkedby writing to any of them.
   1 The entire group  of  system variable in a48K machine begin  at address 5C00 throughto address 5CCB,  the first available byteon memory available for  basic - unless aninterface  1  is  connected,  though, whenhacking it  is  advisable  to  remove it -again, you may  need  all  the spare spaceyou can get your hands on.
   1 The easiest way  to  percieve  time  is  agigantic  spiral,  ever   decreasing   (orincreasing).  Time  continues  round   andaround, and that is the rate at  which  weexperience it. But,  to  jump  to  anothertime, we simply  leap  over  onto  anotherspiral either to the  outside  or  inside.However, going from one to  another  wouldinvolve going through the fifth dimension,one which is undetectable. And if we can'tdetect it, how can we manipulate  it?  Andwe  can't  experiment  with  detecting  itbecause we don't know what we are  lookingfor!
   1 The difficulty was not in persuading  Andy- who was, in fact, more than  willing  togo along with it - but Martyn. Now, if thelatter's lukewarm  (or  rather,  ice-cold)attitude  had  been   based   on   genuinereservations,  I  might  have   had   somesympathy and tried to  reassure  him,  buthis refusal to co-operate was for entirelydifferent reasons, as he  made  abundantlyclear - namely, that he had  no  intentionof  letting  the  matter  end   until   hereceived a "public apology" from  Andy;  apoint  about  which   he   said   he   wasabsolutely "adamant". He then went  on  tolist  a  series  of  points  on  which  heclaimed  an  apology  was  owing,   makinghimself out to be  entirely  blameless  onALL counts - somewhat 'holier than thou ',methinks!
   1 The details  on  the  previous  page  weretaken  from  a  circular  which  has  beendistributed to all  customers  since  May.You will also find one with this issue. Ifyou have already  filled  one  in,  pleaseignore it. If not, pleasee try and  returnit before 1ST NOVEMBER 1995. This gives ustime to collect them all  and  organise  afeedback report for AlchNews 18,  December1995.
   1 The data passes between  the  Interface  1and the Microdrive  in  a  serial  manner,that is to say SEQUENTIAL.   Port  #E7  isthe input/output port used.
   1 The cure is to reduce voltage to  a  levelwhere it no longer causes  problems.  Whatthis level is will  depend  on  individualcircumstances but it should  certainly  bebelow 1 volt. First, make sure  that  yourreceiver is properly eathed.  If  you  arenot usingthe mains  earth,  bear  in  mindthat a stake in the ground has to  be  bigand deep  in  good  ground  to  be  reallyeffective. Then turn your attention to theVDU. If you are using a  monitor  with  anearthed metal case then there should be noproblem.. If you have a TV set, disconnectthe antenna lead  from  the  computer  andmeasure the voltage between  the  braidingand earth. If this is what is causing  thetoule, you can either use another TV whichdoesn't  exhibit  the   problem   or   trybreaking the braiding in the  lead,  whichhas been known to produce a complete cure.
   1 The code assembles  at 32768 (decimal), socalculate the address you  need to POKE inorder to set the  "x"  in  line 110 to thereal value you require.
   1 The chip is the AY-3-8912 and is the  sameone Atari uses in it's basic ST  models...ahem!Y
   1 The brackets  act  as  "single  expressionenclosers"  and   effectively   tell   theinterpreter to mind its own  business  andleave your line alone. Another famous  bugsolved... but there's more!  For  example,if you enter a line so long that its startvanishes from the face of the earth,  erm,top of the screen, the cursor scrolls  allthe way back up and beeps as if your  linecontained an error. Also,  I've  forgottenhow to  do  it  but  entering  long  linessometimes makes the cursor go down to  thebottom  of  the  screen  (just  above  thefooter bar) where it  will  stay,  beepingobstinately every time you move  it  up  aline!
   1 The biggest source  for  all  bargains  isyour local freeads paper. They are usuallyprinted on some vile  colour  and  featurethousands of free adverts,  you  just  payfor the newspaper.
   1 The ball is in your court, as we are  justfed up with you.:
   1 The advent of the Spectrum 128k promised anew era (or should that be a new  EAR)  inmusic.   The   threeh
   1 The adoption of a  committee  and  supportstaff after Alchemist Research adopted thesame techniques,  in  particular  when  MsWeston  took   over   the   paperwork   ofAlchemist Research, Prism had to get SusanSmith.
   1 The adoption of  a  helpline  service  andenhancing their CP/M service, very shortlyafter ours were initiated and upgraded!{
   1 The address ERROR  STACK POINTER points tois always the same,  relative to where themachine has been cleared to at the time -3bytes. When  initially  switched  on, thatwill be FF54 and that address will containanother address to be jumped to when or ifan error occurs  -  STOP  is treated as anerror, just as running  out of lines is aswell!
   1 The accessory market  is  VERY  expensive.Replacement batteries can cost  upto  `40,but the original one supplied should  lastwell over 3  years.  You  can  get  largercapacity  batteries  to  give  you  longeroperating times.
   1 The above modifications work for  me,  andthey should work for you too, but bear  inmind that the above procedures  are  quitecomplex,  and  by   their   very   nature,dangerous to the computer's health  shouldyou make a mistake.  It is worth  pointingout again that  you  should  ALWAYS  checkyour  work  BEFORE  you  switch   on   thecomputer, and even then,  be  prepared  topull the plug QUICKLY should something notwork the way it should.  It is also  worthyour  while  to  look  in   the   computerhandbook for details  of  the  ports  (pinnumbering etc),  as  I  may  have  made  amistake.  Besides, it's always wise to  beprepared and read everything  you  can  onthe subject before you attempt to  dabble.Like I said, these modifications work  formy, but I accept no responsibility for anyerrors you may make, or indeed, any errorsI have made in this article.  It is up  toyou  to  take  whatever  precautions   arenecessary  BEFORE something goes wrong.
   1 The United Minds Team
   1 The Stamper brothers started out 13  yearsago-
   1 The Spectrum's operating system is held inROM, at address  0  to  16383.   When  theInterface  1  is  added,  this  ROM   gets"extended"  by   the   addition   of   theInterface 1's "shadow ROM".  The  new  ROMis paged in over the already existig  ROM,and is 8K in size.  As you  would  expect,the Shadow ROM contains all the  code  forthe new  instructions,  control  over  theRS232 port, Local Network etc.
   1 The Spectrum is looked at as a DCE  devicewhen sending data, and a DTE  device  whenreceiving data.  A byte of data is sent onthe RXD line when DTR is set high,  and  abyte of data is received on the  TXD  linewhen CTS is set high.  This is  not  quitehow its done on a PC, but it does work  ifyou have a correctly wired cable.
   1 The SUC reports that production is not yetcomplete on this new  disk  interface  butthe prototype shows real promise.u
   1 The Rectory
   1 The Rant Files
   1 The RS232 connector is a standard 9 pin  Dsocket, only it's a female  socket  ratherthan a male plug.  You couldn't plug  yourjoystick into it for example.
   1 The RAM pages are  assigned  numbers  0-7,with page 0 being the one normally in situwhen running a program, and  thus  formingpart of the main memory. RAM pages 2 and 5have something of a dual role,  for  whileconstituting sections of the  main  memory(16384-
   1 The Proposals
   1 The Network only requires two  lines,  andthese are:4
   1 The Network is dominent to the RS232 port;and RS232 is selected over the Network  bysetting CTS to high (bit 4  of  port  #EF)during in/out operations.
   1 The Microdrive connector is a 14  pin  IDCtype device (7 over  7)  and  carries  thefollowing "signals":h
   1 The Maxiprint was the winner of  the  19901st IES Inovators Award  in  Hannover  andit's easy to see why. It's  so  remarkablysimple it's ingenious!
   1 The Local Area connector are just  a  pairof sockets, much the same  as  the  normalSave and Load sockets.  The  Network  usesport #F7, and is set using data line 0  ofthis port.
   1 The Legendary Coloured Filename! No,  it'snot some obscure  racial  insult,  it's  aclever effect which you  (Yes!  You!)  cannow use! (Beware disc owners -  these  maywell mess up your catalogue  if  you  pickclashing colours!). The Spectrum characterset is normally thought of as  being  from32 (space)  to  255  (last  command).  Thereason for this  is  that  the  charactersbefore 32 are unprintable - erm, no,  thatmakes them sound like  swear  words.  Theyare control characters  (that's  better!),used for setting colours and things. A lotof them are useless, but  regard,  if  youwill, characters 16 and 17.
   1 The IC can produce  three  sounds  all  atonce. Either a steady tone, or white noiseof  whatever  pitch  you  desire,  can  bepresent on any or all of the  three  soundchannels and each channel can  operate  atit's own volume.
   1 The HOLD bit will, in effect,  freeze  theenvelope while it  is  running.  Say,  forexample, that a steam train arrived  at  astation. If you reset the  HOLD  bit  thenthe effect would freeze. If you  then  setthe flag, the sound  will  carry  on  fromwhere it left off.
   1 The Great Roy Benson Debate
   1 The Front-panel is controlled by a  numberof single letters commands ; these may  befollowed by up to three HEX  numbers.  AllHEX numbers must be typed out in full;  ifa 16 bit HEX number  is  required  then  afour digit number must be typed. Note thatn represents an 8 bit HEX  number  and  nnrepresents a 16 bit number
   1 The F.C. between the  matrix  needles  andthe ribbon is very important.  The  ribbonstarts to  wear  out  once  the  filamentsbegin to dry out.  The  ink  plays  a  keylubricating role along the impact surface,prevents any adhesion between hot  needlesand nylon fibres  and  also  significantlyreduces wear.
   1 The ERROR STACK  POINTER,  at address 5C3D(23613(d)).5
   1 The Demon Hacker moans, groans, gripes andcomplaints section.=
   1 The Daily Mirror also ran a story in  lateApril  about  two  dropout  brothers   whocreated "RARE"  and  have  just  signed  amulti-million  pound  deal  with  Nintendofollowing  the   phenomenal   success   of"Donkey  Kong   Country",   the   consolesbiggest selling game of all time.
   1 The DOS bug-fixers, including SNAPFIX, arecompletely   safe;
   1 The All Formats Show has now been  runningfor years. In the olden  days  it  coveredall formats but if the show I  visted  wasanything to go by, it  should  be  renamedthe PC CD-ROM  FORMAT  SHOW.  But,  to  befair, it did cover other things  but  PC'sand CD-ROMs were the order of the day.
   1 The AY chip uses a 1 to indicate OFF and 0to indicate ON - the opposit  of  what  wewould expect!a
   1 The AY  chip  requires  a  great  deal  ofbitwise  manipulation  if  you   want   toproduce any  sound.  You  really  need  tounderstand the conceptof bits if you  wantto use the sound chip to any great effect.
   1 The AND statement is rarely  seen  withoutan IF, but in a different syntax (known as"binary AND") it can  be  useful  in  manyplaces where something happens to a stringdepending on a numeric value. For example,most people would use:
   1 The +2 manual makes the somewhat misleadinclaim that the 128K's  alternative  screenin RAM 7  cannot  be  used  directly  fromBASIC. This  article,  however,  seeks  todemonstrate  how  this  can  in  fact   beachieved, provided certain precautions areobserved.
   1 The 'floating point' five byte number formis not so  easily  understood and can holdvalues between -1.7014118E38 to a positivenumber of equal value.
   1 The 'POP_' command  will  remove  a  valuefrom the stack, whereas, 'PUSH_' places  avalue on the stack. 'PUSH_' is followed bytwo numeric expressions  -  the  statementnumber followed by the line number. Anyoneincorporating procedures or 'REPEAT-UNTIL'loops in a YSMB  program  should  use  the'PCLEAR' command to reset the stack at thebeginning of the program.
   1 The 'Front-panel'  is  provided  to  allowusers the opportunity to alter memory  andregisters  when  using  hexadecimal.   Thefront-  panel  is  activated   either   byexecuting the  'MON'  command,  or  typing'Control F' while a  program  is  running.The Front-panel uses  window  3  and  thisshould be at least 40 columns by 20  linesor the display won't function correctly.
   1 The 'BROFF' command is used to disable theBREAK key, and is re-enabled with  'BRON'.The BREAK key will still  function  duringinput or output operations.
   1 The 'BRANCH_' command will  come  in  veryuseful when debugging  programs.  If,  forinstance,   you're   interesteds
   1 The 'BRANCH_' command makes  the  computerexecute a subroutine at the end  of  everyprogram line. The command is followed by asingle numeric expression pointing to  thestart of the subroutine. If its  value  iszero, then the Spectrum acts as normal  atthe end of  each  line.  The  end  of  thesubroutine is defined by 'ENDPROC_'
   1 The  unit  comes  complete  with  a  game,calibration program and  unique  sound  tolight unit. No doubt it  will  only  be  ashort time  before  many  more  games  arewritten or modified for it.
   1 The  saddest  thing  of  all,  though,  isMartyn Sherwood's continued  intransigenceand   refusal   to   let   the   AlchemistResearch/Prism  PD  matter  drop   -   butremember, this is his choice entirely,  soI hope we won't hear him complaining.
   1 The  reason  is  because  they  are  stillsmarting from  their  loss  of  unity  andsupport  after  trying  to  accuse  us  oftaking them  over  and  are  still  makingaccusations in private letters to members,accusations  which  are  "frankly,   quiteridiculous", says one.
   1 The  program  redefines  any  key  on  theboard, and allows you to put  in  anythingyou desire, from a different symbol, rightthrough to a complicated routine.
   1 The  other  area  I  want  to  touch   on,concerns DOS configuration and  debugging.First of all, could I ask people to  checkthat their G+DOS 2a  'CONFIG'  program  isversion no. 2.3, dated Feb. 1989.
   1 The  old  Apple  IIe  only   had   capitalletters, much like  the  ZX-81.  More  andmore textfiles are finding their way  ontoPC disks which eventually can  end  up  onthe Spectrum. One file I came  across  wason  HYPNOTISM!  Anyway,  printing  such  adocument in capital letters  looks  ratherunprofessional, so the best  thing  is  toconvert it.
   1 The  most  practical  tariff  is  Lowcall.Monthly line  rental  is  around  `13  permonth and call charges are 17p per minute.~
   1 The  matter  is   indeed   worsening,   MrSherwood is continuing to  badger  people,mislead them and tell lies  just  to  savehis face with his  few  remaining  readerswho   aren't   aware   of   whats   REALLYhappening.   Mr   Sherwood
   1 The  latter  example   is   a   bit   morecomplicated. Basically,  the  lines  whichthe program should jump to for options  1,2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively are  stored  inline 30. The correct  line  is  then  readfrom the list by line 20.  This  takes  upfewer  lines   but   uses   more   memory.Incidentally, don't use lots of  variablesthat start with the same letter because itslows down the program - so  A,  B  and  Cwould be better names  for  three  numericvariables than A1, A2 and A3.  Of  course,if you want an  array,  they  have  to  beA(1), A(2) and A(3), but this is differentand arrays still gobble memory like Pacmanin a roomful of dots.
   1 The  ink  is  the  key  component  in  theprinting   process   andB
   1 The  following  program   demonstrates   asimple application of paged  graphics.  Asthe program contains machine code  to  getthe  required  speed  of  exchanging   theimages, SAVE them before RUNning, in  caseof mishaps.
   1 The  elements  involved  in  the  printingprocess are:6
   1 The  continued  presence  of  ink  in  theribbon  had  significantly   delayed   thewearing of  the  material  under  constantimpact of the needles.
   1 The  'CALL_'  command  is  used  to   callmachine code routines  in  memory  and  isfollowed by the address of the routine  tobe  called.  This  address  can  then,  ifrequired, be followed  by  any  number  ofnumeric expressions. These expressions areevaluated and the result pushed on to  themachine   stack.   This   feature   allowsparameters to be passed  to  machine  coderoutines.
   1 The   Interface   1   is
   1 Thats about as  far  as  this  article  isgoing to go at the moment, I  will  returnnext issue with some practicalr
   1 That's all from me, bye!
   1 That's all for this article, methinks,  sohere's my address for non-Prism people  towrite to me:`
   1 That was it! What the hell does it mean? Idont know about any of you but  I  do  notunderstand this one bit! I don't think  MrSherwood  even  knows  what  it  means.  Irecommend Mr Sherwood sits an  examinationin GCSE English because his words  do  notmake sense!
   1 Thanks. That really is it.
   1 Thanks to: Albert Harper
   1 Thanks  to  everyone  for  making!
   1 Thankfully, there is a conversion you  canmake to your computer which is very simpleand gives Stereo output.  With  some  luckAndy will be making some announcements andarticles shortly.
   1 Thankfully, there are three programs whichallow you to convert your  textfiles  backto Tasword 2. Essentially, Tasword 128 andTasword 3 are  the  same,  they  just  usedifferent  media.  Tasword  +3  is  a  bitdifferent because it saves to +3 disk  andalso saves under  it's  own  special  filetype, just to make life more difficult.
   1 Thank you.
   1 Ten years  ago  mobiles  were  ugly  greatthings. The handset  was  the  size  of  avideo  cassette  and  linked  to   a   boxcontaining  the  humungous  batteries  andradio comms equipment. Cost was upwards of`2000.
   1 Tel: 081 397 0763
   1 Tel: 01952 462135
   1 Tel: 0181 850 8344
   1 Tel: 01625 617262
   1 Tel: 01494 871319
   1 Tel: 01353 777006
   1 Taword 128 / +2 (128k)
   1 Tasword 3: Use T2T3 program supplied.%
   1 Tasword 3: Same format
   1 Tasword 3: As Tasword 2
   1 Tasword 3:   Rename to filename.COM#
   1 Tasword 3 (Microdrive)
   1 Tasword 2: Use TASDFUE
   1 Tasword 2: Use T3T2 (tape / Opus )"
   1 Tasword 2: Use T3T2
   1 Tasword 2: Rename to filename.COM!
   1 Tasword 2 is the only one  which  operatesdifferently. It saves exactly  whats  seenon the screen. So, if you have a line with20 characters  in  it,  it  saves  the  20characters  of  text,  plus  also  the  44spaces after it. If you press ENTER  afteryour text, it puts in an invisible  markerto tell it that thats the end of the line.This way you save a great deal of memory.
   1 Tasword 2 (48k)
   1 Tasword 128: Same format.
   1 Tasword 128: As above.
   1 Tasword 128: As above
   1 Tasword 128: As Tasword 3
   1 Tasword 128 / +2 second character!
   1 Tasword +3: Use T2TP3 program supplied.'
   1 Tasword +3: Rename with HEADLOAD.BAS.%
   1 Tasword +3: Rename with HEADLOAD.BAS$
   1 Tasword +3: As Tasword 3
   1 Tasword +3 (+3 disk)
   1 Talking about sci fi (as you inevitably do- bored reader.),  I've  been glued to the2nd series of  THE  X  FILES!, now I won'ttalk about it, for fear of spoiling it forthose readers who don't have satellite andwill catch it,  when  the  Beeb screens it(thankfully  without  adverts  every  fiveminutes), but  I  just  have  to  say it'sfantastic!.
   1 Take a look at this example:
   1 THE VOLUME CONTROL: Registers 8-10"
   1 THE ENVELOPE LENGTH: Registers 11 & 12&
   1 TAU CETI 128 would be  the  second  choicebecause of the depth and challenge of gameplay. I'd also plump  for  ELITE  too  forvery much the same reasons.
   1 TASMAN, creators of the excellent  TASWORDwordprocessors still sell their three besttitles. Contact them at:l
   1 T.A.W. supply adventure games for  a  widevariety of computers, including  CP/M  andthe Spectrum.  Most  software  is  writtenwith PAW, GAC or QUILL and can be suppliedon  tape  or  disk.   The   22   page   A4Spectrum catalogue goes into great  detailof all their available  titles,  giving  awell written scenario,  game  type,  partsand prices. This catalogue  details  seven128k   adventures   and   over   64
   1 Sutton-In-The-Isle
   1 Suppose that you want to set up  a  simpleanimated sequence involving  the  rotationof a cube.  You  have  decided  that  fourpictures will be sufficient  to  representone rotation of the cube, and you want thecube  to  rotate  five  times.  A  typicalprogram structure might look like this:
   1 Supplier   of   ZX   Microdrives,!
   1 Super advanced lawnmower simulator 2000'
   1 Suddenly, there was a blinding  flash  andthe  vacuum  brakes  operated   and   thenstopped. The pod dimmed  a  little  and  Ireleased my belt. I  climbed  out  of  thehole and walked across the  garage  to  anidentical pod, thirty feet away. I climbedin and looked at a chap tapping away at  aterminal. He turned around.
   1 Such routines, and  the development of thestyle and form  of  hacking you eventuallyadopt will therefore  be  your own, albeitwith a little guidance from these pages.
   1 Such a meeting is of course  an  importantday   for   exchanging   experiences   andsolutions about questions and problems. Itis this what makes this meetings a  reallysuccess and all who came have made big useof it.  But  as  often  in  live  not  allproblems could  be  solved.  This  is  thepoint we will give on some open  questionsto the AlchNews readers in  the  hope  forhelp. If you can help then you can  do  itdirectly to the questioner  or  over  AndyDavis, who will lead it to us or direct tous.
   1 Subliminal Extacy magazine
   1 Sub-Editor:
   1 Style  patterns  are  held  as  UDG's   ataddresses 32600 (a to u) and 32624  (A  toU). You can load your own patterns here ifyou wish. You can also substitute your ownSCREEN$ palette at  34816.  To  return  toPOWERPRINT II  GOTO  99  and  restore  thescreen if required with (U) N-DO.
   1 Strange then,  that  DB2  won't  cope withdisks formatted to  203K  by DICE. It willcope with the vast majority of "protected"games disks, but  not  a disk formatted byDICE.  Why?!
   1 Str M. Kogalniceanu
   1 Still, if you have a +3, an external  3.5"drive  and  CP/M,  you  could  find   thisprogram[
   1 Still in this letter, Mr Sherwood requestsan  apology  in  AlchNews  16  over  falsearticles featured in 11,12,13,14  and  15.Perhaps if he told US of this we'd be ableto comply,  especially  when  he  goes  onabout complaining customers not writing tohim. In reality, people  complain  and  heignores them. Because he refuses  to  givedetails  of  any  regulatory  body  he  issupposed to be connected  to,  where  elsemust people write. When the PSD  find  outhe's been withholding  their  address  andthe other lies and trouble he has  caused,no doubt justice will be done.
   1 Steps   the   current   memory
   1 Stefan Ballerstaller
   1 Star Micronics
   1 Staffs.  ST3 5BH
   1 Staff Writers
   1 Spectrum rubber keyboards - `1
   1 Spectrum community.
   1 Spectrum User Club
   1 Spectrum UK
   1 Spectrum Computerclub Benelux
   1 Spectrum 128 "bible"
   1 Spectrum - Birthplace of 21st
   1 Spectrum +3 / +2a printer lead - `3.50&
   1 Spectrum  group.   this   coding 
   1 Special report by The Editor
   1 Special Agent 'Spooky' Benson
   1 Special "Clamps" go to :
   1 South Wales
   1 Source format: Tasword 128 / +2
   1 Source format: Tasword +3
   1 Source format: TASWORD 3
   1 Source format: TASWORD 2
   1 Source file: PCG Wordmaster
   1 Sorry Ben, but your title is so good I&
   1 Some screens  have  bizarre  clues  as  tosolving the puzzles within  (who's  workedout "It's a whole hole!" ?) - others  havenasty pits which you  must  jump  over.  Ifound this game quite addictive as I  likeplatform games; although I'm useless at itI like exploring the  screens  and  tryingout   ideas   as   to   puzzle
   1 Some advice now about  the  procedure  formaking the Betados system  file.  Althoughit doesn't mention this in the manual,  itis vitally important to realise that  whenyou run the BDM program and are  asked  toinsert a disk containing  a  normal  G+DOSsystem file, the "+SYS 2a"  file  you  usefor  this  purpose  MUST   BE   COMPLETELYUNMODIFIED. Under no circumstances  shouldyou use  one  that  contains  any  patchesetc.,   including   the   G+DOS
   1 Soft Options stock thousands  of  Spectrumgames, books  and  hardware  at  VERY  lowprices. They also  cater  for  most  othereight bit machines.
   1 So, you are free to make  any  comments  /statements on his  actions,  stressing  mydispleasure if he doesn't remove the stufffrom his catalogues."
   1 So, with all this  in mind. It is possibleto leave basic  without  using a statementalong   the   lines   of   RANDOMIZE   USR(whatever).
   1 So, what  if  our  alien  neighbours  havealready come (Perhaps in the form  of  thejust recently acknowledged  phenomenon  ofball lightning) and have just  decided  toleave us alone, possibly  they  have  readthe entry in the Hitch Hikers Guide to theGalaxy   which   reads   "Earth..   MostlyHarmless"  Now  this  may  not  seem  veryrealistic to us, what with everyone alwaystalking about our capacity  for  war  (thehuman race as a whole that  is!)  and  thedestructivity  of  Nuclear  weapons,   butanyone who can  travel  through  space  ineither Energy, Light, or Radiation form isnot going to be scared by something  whichis probably as low tech to them as the bowand arrow is compared to a Cruise Missile.(Uh-oh,  we're  going  to  need  a  biggerstick...)
   1 So, the thing is, if you  got  your  drivefrom Chris Box, 99% of the time you shouldbe alright.  If  not,  adjust  your  powersupply, or put a new one on.  If  you  arenot sure whether or not to  put  an  extraPSU on, then go on, and do it,  after  allit can't do any harm.  I  just  wanted  toclear up one or two points.
   1 So, the equipment is modern, the price  ischeap and you're interested. Where do  yougo?W
   1 So, let this be an important lesson to allyou Amiga  and  ST  types  who  sneer  andpoo-poo the Spectrum at every opportunity.Will YOU be celebrating your first millionin ten years time, thanks  to  programmingskills learnt on  your  machine.  methinksnot!
   1 So, if you  are  a would-be-hacker, it canbe difficult to  learn  the  tricks of thetrade as there are  very few books around,if any, you can study to start you off.
   1 So, here we go with the start of a  seriesof articles  detailing  the  Interface  1,it's capabilities and all sorts.t
   1 So, from your comments so far it has  madeour job far easier, without upsetting  thereaders. Although the  increased  coverageand size would be very  favourable,  thereare other options to consider:
   1 So, for example, to page  in  RAM  1,  youwould POKE 23388,17; to page RAM  7,  POKE23388,23 and so on.g
   1 So,  while  we  report  on  the  lies  andinaccuracies of Mr Sherwood and Prism  PD,we  cannot  print  the  original  version,merely quotes. If Mr Sherwood  is  willingto release ALL his previous  letters  intothe public domain, I  would  be  happy  tophotocopy  and  distribute  them  all   toanyone who  wished  them.  It  would  soonbecome apparent who was telling the truth.After all, who appears the more  guilty  -the one who is open or the  one  who  mustcopyright his letters so others don't  seethem?
   1 So why not use computers to speed  up  theprocess? EVen the relatively  humble  homemicro can  produce  good  pictures,  whilepurpose-built  manframes  are  capable  ofstaggeringly sophisticated images.
   1 So the english will not be too good, OK?(
   1 So please, if  you  would  like to save asmany of  these  furry-bearded creatures aspossible,  then  send  as  many  financialdonations  as  you  can  -  we  accept anycurrency  >   dollars,  gilders,  rupples,anything (Bank  of  Baring  notes, leesonsand Ken-Doddies excepted) - So please,
   1 So here is where I take a rest and you getstuck in and  make  use  of  what you haveread to  examine  the  lines  of the basicprogram you  loaded  in  using  the loaderroutine.
   1 So far, we have been assuming the  use  of128 BASIC, but there is, in fact, a way touse the extra memory from  48K,  known  inthe trade as USR 0 mode. This  term  comesfrom the fact that if  you  enter  48K  bytyping USR 0 (as opposed  to  the  openingmenu option or the SPECTRUM command), thenalthough you will be in 48 BASIC, the 128Kpaging mechanism will still be accessible.
   1 So far, the  feedback  recieved  has  beenmost interesting and two sided.I
   1 So  here  is  a  thought,  what   if   thesightings  of  strange   lights   commonlyconnected with UFO  sightings  are  REALLYUFOs and all  the  common  military  crieswhen they say stuff  like  "HELL  BOB,  ITJUST PULLED A 90 DEGREE TURN AT GOD  KNOWSWHAT SPEED" are in fact due  to  the  factthat light can  change  direction  withoutaffecting its  speed,  (everyone  rememberour old  pals  refraction  and  reflectionfrom high school  physics?).  <Yeah,  justdon't mention PRISMS - Ed.  Dodgy  objectswhich BEND AND TWIST THINGS?> Yet  anotherpossibility  is  the  Alien  Energy   formregularly  seen   in   my   favorite   TV,programme of all time,  yep,  you  guessedit, STAR TREK,  Now  our  old  pal  AlbertEinstien  said  "E=MC2!"   which   loosleytranslated means "Energy  can  neither  becreated or destroyed, only converted  fromone form to another!" (At last, a use  forHigher Physics!).
   1 So   for   example   Roland   Kaiser,   AmTrutzenberg 44, D-50676  Koeln  is  askingfor someone who has typed  in  the  graficadventure   from   the   book
   1 SinclairComputerclub Benelux  and  editor  of  theclub magazine "Uncle Clive  &  Uncle  Sam"has approached us with proposition. Due tothe ever shrinking Spectrum population, heis considering closing the  club  in  1996but would like it to continue  within  theconfines of Alchemist Research.
   1 Sinclair Gebruikersgroep Groningen"
   1 Sinclair Express
   1 Since it was never sent, what can I  say?!This  letter  was  conconcted  just  afterAlchNews 14 which was December 1994 - somesix  months  ago.  In  that  time  I  havewritten and / or spoken to  the  names  atthe  top  of  the  letter,  who  are   notconnected with this letter in any way.
   1 Since investing in the  Maxiprint  I  havefound the ribbons to last far longer  thanbuying   new.   Althoughl
   1 Since Theo was adamant that Prism were notto  distrbute  the  demos  and   AlchemistResearch is the only  authorised  supplierof the programs, I  decided  to  write  toTheo and just ask if he could confirm thathe'd decided to let Prism release them. Nodrama, no fuss, no  sour  grapes.  Just  aconfirmation.
   1 Since Ben Douglas took  the  best!
   1 Since  we  forgot  the  introduction  lastissue, DESERT ISLAND TAPES is a ripoff  ofthe famous Radio Four records version.  Ifyou were to be stranded on a desert islandwith a solar powered Speccy and  TV,  whatfive fave  games  or  programs  would  youtake? Take it away Dave
   1 Silviu Stroie, RAMTOP magazine
   1 Sigmasoft's "Games Aid"  featured  a  fonteditor, which did its job but had lots  ofproblems. It was very  slow  (I  think  itmight have been  written  in  BASIC),  andworse still, accidentally  pressing  BREAKlost all your work! I  wouldn't  recommendthis one unless  you  have  more  patiencethan me.
   1 Shropshire
   1 Should it be possible to have  one  day  aharddisk in the size of gigabytes  on  theSpeccy?  An  exciting  idea...!!!   ThomasEberle  and  Fred  Duerkes  from  the  SUCpresented a  first  version  of  the  MB02diskinterface. We have seen it working  inFilderstadt last year, it is a  very  fastone and can store datas about 2  megabyte.While missing  some  ICs  a  demonstrationfailed also here in Cologne. So we hope tosee both systems (again) in full  functionin Filderstadt this autumn.
   1 Shortly  after  this,  Miles  recieved   aletter which said:<
   1 Sherwoods  underhand   activites,!
   1 Sheepsoft PD
   1 Sets  the   address   of   the
   1 Sets  a  break-point  at   the
   1 Serial printer lead - `4
   1 Sept 16 Northumbria Centre, Glasgow#
   1 Send an SAE  for  their  comprehensive  A5catalogue dealing with the Amiga, Amstrad,Atari, Commodore, PC and Spectrum. Lots ofSpectrum hardware and spares available  atthe lowest prices.
   1 Select C SET 5 - - -   (P)RINT  1R  10.   Select C SET 5 - - -   (P)RINT  1RL
   1 Select C SET 4 - - -   (P)RINT  0C"
   1 Select C SET 4 - - -   (P)RINT  0C  11.   (P)RINT a  - - -:
   1 Selanswei 25
   1 See point above Mr Sherwood!
   1 See SPECTRUM PROFI CLUB, previous page&
   1 Secondly,  the  way  he  dismisses   othercomplainants as "puppets". This  is  clearof  how  he  treats  people  who  make   acomplaint. Alchemist Research can supply alist of dozens of  people  who  have  beenupset, misled, lied to, or complained withregard to Mr Sherwood and his service. Notone  of  these  people  has  recieved   anapology.
   1 Say you've  just  written  a  game  called"Paper Aeroplane". Most people would  givethe BASIC loader a  bi
   1 Save this program with:
   1 Save this onto the disc with
   1 Same format
   1 Sam users  have  welcomed  the  chance  torecieve AlchNews on their standard format.T
   1 SYNTAX ERROR: The  MB  doesn't  understandyour input.5
   1 SUPERCODE 3: consists  of  150  microdrivecompatable  machine  code  utilities.   Itcovers just about every practical routine.~
   1 SREP_n Requires
   1 SOUND_n,a,b,c,d. Where n clears the#
   1 SOUND_ While quite complex,  this  is  the*
   1 SOFF   Disables the ISG- any sound  ceases*
   1 SLOW SERVICE. To be fair, I'm  not  tryingto say it's still true these  days,  as  Isimply don't know, but  it  CERTAINLY  wastrue at the time the statement  was  made,which is  all  that  matters.  Has  Martynforgotten  he  has  even   admitted   thishimself  before  now,  in  his  very   ownfactsheets? When I placed my  first  orderwith  Prism  PD  (shortly  after  it   hadstarted up),  it  took  approximately  SIXWEEKS  to  arrive.  Nor  was  I  the  onlyperson, as  I  know  about  several  othercases - and I'm not talking  about  delaysof just a few days, but  periods  of  manyweeks. Granted, these events may  be  pasthistory, but that DOESN'T give anyone  theright to deny they ever happened, in orderto make out they  were  unfairly  attackedand deserving an apology.
   1 SKY are showing THE  X FILES - REOPENED onon Saturdays, and  BEVERLEY  HILLS 90210 -THE EARLY  YEARS  on  some  other day (notthat I'll be watching it, it was a pile ofsteaming crap  then,  and  it's  a pile ofsteaming crap now).   <Good news Roy, it'sEVERY DAY! Ed.>
   1 SIM CITY +3
   1 SELLER: "Yes."
   1 SELLER: "Erm..."
   1 SAVE d1"" + CHR$ 6 + "File"
   1 SAVE d1 CHR$ 6 + "File"
   1 SAVE CHR$ 8 + CHR$ 8 + "...file" 
   1 SAVE CHR$ 6+CHR$ 22+CHR$ 1+
   1 SAVE CHR$ 6 + CHR$ 6 + CHR$ 6 + "file"&
   1 SAVE CHR$ 218 + "AEROPLANE"
   1 SAVE *"m";1;"name" LINE 10.
   1 SAVE *"m";1;"m" CODE 30665,11832:!
   1 SAVE * "m";1;"b" LINE 99
   1 SAVE "font" CODE 62000,768
   1 SAMPLETRACKER was the  follow  up  programand used samples of actual instruments  tocreate songs. The results  are  incredibleand can be heard in many  audio  demos  inAPD. The Sampletracker system is much likeSoundtracker but is tape only  and  ratheroff-putting! The system uses 4  but  soundsamples to create  a  soundtrack.  Version1.0  by  SKYSOFT  can  create  two-channeltracks but version 2.0 by  CBM  by  createthree channel tracks. Version 2.0 can alsouse the AY chip,  an  external  D/A  soundinterface and  even  the  Spectrum's  BEEPspeaker.
   1 S.C. sells a wide range  of  Spectrum  andSAm  software,  including   an   excellentwordprocessor,b
   1 S$: LET Z=VAL "840": GO  SUB  W:  LET%
   1 Run this on your  bug-fixed  DOS,  and  itwill remove the calls to the spin routine.(Line 20 takes care of  LOAD  @,  line  30deals with SAVE @.)
   1 Roy Benson>
   1 Roy Benson: Don't take  me  so  literally,man..
   1 Route De Bel Air
   1 Ronald Raaijen
   1 Romantic Robot
   1 Roger G41DE
   1 Roelof Koning, SGG
   1 Robots?Horseless
   1 Robert Skene &
   1 Ring ring, ring ring, ring click!!
   1 Rik Prowse
   1 Right. Let me get one thing  straight.  Ifyou are  not  a  BASIC  programmer,  you'dbetter  skip  this  section.  No  Z80  M/Cprogrammers  here,  I'm  afraid,   and   asimilar  message  applies  for  those  whorevel in Fortran, Dos, Forth, C, C+,  C++,C
   1 Right- thanks for that marcel.  I  bet  MrGrapefruit-Drink is turning in his grave.S
   1 Right, open up  the  +3,  taking  care  toremove the  keyboard  ribbon  cables  fromtheir sockets, and  make  sure  you  don'tpull too hard on the LED wires.  Clean theedge   connector   contacts   either
   1 Right, onto the next. This game merits theinteresting title of  "Action  Farce  II",and was featured as a reader game  on  theCrash cover tape of November 1989. This isdefinitely a  very  weird  game  from  thestart.  You  control  a  tank  -  not   anordinary tank, but one that can jump  (!),and far from blowing up enemy instalments,your task is to solve various  puzzles  inwhat turns out to be a  platform  game  ofsorts.  (I  can  see   why   they   calledthemselves Nutty Software!).
   1 Right, after any function call you make tothe +3Dos routines, the carry flag will beset or  reset  depending  on  whether  theoperation was OK or not. To test that  theoperation went OK you should put the  lineJP NC,ERROR after any CALL  to  the  +3DOSROM. This basically  means  IF  the  carryflag is set GOTO error routine.
   1 Right! Off we go, then!
   1 Richard Wilson
   1 Richard Wilmot
   1 Richard Coles, author of a couple  of  newPD titles  including  MICRO  MEGA  DOS,  auseful Microdrive utility,  will  soon  belaunching a new  tape  and  disk  magazinecalled SINCLAIR EXPRESS.
   1 Returns to BASIC
   1 Restores a break-point
   1 Research and customer enquiries  have  ledAlchemist  Research  to  understand   thatthere  is  a  desire  for   in-depth   andcollective guides on  certain  aspects  ofthe  Spectrum  computer.  This  has   beenstrengthened  with  the  high  number   ofrequests for +D and 128k utilities from myown library, Alchemist PD.
   1 Reprogramming a key is very  simple.  Justtype in 1 REM and then the key you wish toredefine. I like  to  use  underline  (symshift 0), but it's perfectly  feasable  toput in any keyword by typing it  and  thenpressing cursor left and then adding REM.
   1 Report by the Editor
   1 Remember, the two hex digit line number isin  reverse  order,   in   that  the  mostsignificant byte  comes  before the least.And,  that  the   two  byte  number  whichfollows the line  number  is the number ofbytes in the line - from the next byte, upto and  including  the  final  byte in theline, the ENTER character  OD ... Both theline  numbers  and  the  number  of  bytespointer  may   hold   illegal   values  inprotected software, or the ENTER charactermay be missing. Keep  a sharp look-out forthis type of thing  as  they are just someof  the  tricks  used  to  make  the basicprogram MERGE proof!!!
   1 Remember that you have to  take  the  binsback once emptied, and if you  go  in  thecafe to stuff yourself, don't overdo it! Ithink that this game has  been  very  wellwritten for  such  a  strange  idea,  withcolourful graphics and  humorous  commentsas you chat to the householders (includinga Manic Miner joke!), and  although  soundis limited, this game was written in 1984.
   1 Remember that you can't load the RANDOMIZEfile with  LOAD  "RANDOMIZE  etc"  becauseit's the command, not the word. The Speccytakes RANDOMIZE  as  a  single  character.Filenames can have ten characters, so  youcan  occasionally  be   sneaky   and   usecommands to increase your filename length.
   1 Remember that if you use machine  code  inREMs, the following  program  lines  don'tlist,  and  rather  than   the   customaryInvalid colour error, there's just  an  OKmessage. In 48k mode, machine code in REMsalso gives the flashing question mark  allthe time; a sure sign of something  nasty!Programs  to  embed  code  in   REMs   areavailable from Alchemist PD and  they  areWELL WORTH GETTING - cheap and very usefulfor storing fonts and screens in a  singlefile, plus easy to use, even for  thickieslike me who know  sod  all  about  machinecode! <Cheap. Cheap? They  are  free  whenmentioned in articles in AlchNews. Ed>
   1 Remember  back  in  AlchNews  11  when  werevealed Prism were  selling  illegal  andfaulty  software?  Well,  it's   happeningAGAIN! Not just once, but TWICE!
   1 Regular re-inking of fabric  ribbons  willcontribute to extending the  life  of  theprint head._
   1 Registers 8,9 and 10 control the volume ofthe sound channels  A,B  and  C  and  alsodetermine if any envelope effects  are  tobe  used  on  any  or  all  of  the  soundchannels.
   1 Registers 11 and 12 control the length  ofany such envelope effects - more  on  thatlater too.^
   1 Registers 11 and 12  hold  the  lower  andhigher bytes  of  a  16-bit  value.  (Thatmeans 0 to 65535) This controls the lengthof  any  envelopes  which  you  may   haverunning. In simple terms, it controls  theduration of the sound.
   1 Registers 0 and 1  control  the  PITCH  ofsound channel A. Likewise, registers 2 and3 do the same on channel B and 4 and 5 acton channel C. You will see why  there  aretwo for each later.
   1 Register 8 controls channel A,  9  is  forB, and 10 acts on channel C.F
   1 Register 6 controls the pitch of the whitenoise, if it is being used on any  of  thethree channels.c
   1 Register 6 controls how high  or  low  thepitch of the white noise is.F
   1 Register 13 controls  the  type  of  soundthat is heard if  an  envelope  effect  isbeing used, i.e. if the sound gets  louderor dies away, this  controls  whether  theeffect repeats or just sounds once.
   1 Register  7  can  be  though  of  as   the"mixing desk" - it  controls  what  soundsare on or off and what they sound like.{
   1 Re-ink  your  ribbon  whenever  the  printdensity   is   noticeable   reduced,N
   1 Re-assemble  the  +3  and  power  it   up.Should  ANYTHING  out  of   the   ordinaryhappen, like smoke pouring out  the  back,loss of picture, keyboard  not  respondingor the like, disconnect  the  power  RIGHTAWAY and recheck your work.
   1 RS232 Things
   1 REM second screen
   1 REDUCE WINDOW - - -
   1 READ A : POKE N,A
   1 RE: Prism PD Problem Page - AlchNews 14'
   1 R G 4 0   1 P J .
   1 Quite recently, our favourite computer hasbeen something of a headline maker! In theApril  issue   of   ".net",   a   magazinededicated to the  Internet  (yawn)  ran  afeature primarilly on the  Spectrum,  it'scontinuig popularity and it's role on  theInternet. Gerton Lunther,  author  of  theZ80   emulator,   was   interviewed,   andcoverage was given to the Speccy  area  ofthe Net and also the uplink site in  Chile(original source of AlchNews on the  Net),along  with   the   old   argument   aboutcopyright  of  old  Spectrum  games.   Thepublishers don't care or want  to  discussthe  matter  unless  ridiculous  money  ininvolved, distribute it and they  threatenlegal action.
   1 Quite odd, for two reasons.
   1 QL's,Spectrums, cartridges, keyboard membranes,disk drives, monitors and the Z88.  Flyersusually  go  out  with  all   letters   toAlchemist Research, but send an SAE to theabove address for the latest  catalogue  &deals.
   1 Publish my letter in PD Power in full,  itwill give  a  whole  new  meaning  to  thephrase "Publish  and  be  Dammed"  becausethis time it's the Publisher who  will  beDammed. One last thought,  never  discloseall of your cards ALWAYS hold at least oneback, I ALWAYS DO,
   1 Proposed "Essential Manuals" Project$
   1 Proof that Mr Sherwood sells titles  whichdo not work and I have to  perform  a  DIYjob on them! He copied this  program  from"Program Pitstop" in Your Sinclair. It didnot work in the original listing. So  he'seither:
   1 Programmers: Once again,  you  have  clearproof that Mr Sherwood has  no  regard  orrespect for your  work.  Don't  risk  yourtitles to him.
   1 Programmers learnt  to  squeeze  more  andmore out of the 16k and 48k Spectrums  andthe software houses grew and  grew,  whilesome of the other minor  ones  disappearedfrom the scene ("Old software houses neverdie, they only fade aw
   1 Program available from Alchemist PD#
   1 Professor D.H. White.
   1 Prof. D.H. White PhD
   1 Probably the most effective application ofall this, as I say, is in controlling  thesecond screen.  This  resides  at  address49152 in RAM 7, and can  be  displayed  inplace  of  the  normal  screen  by   againPOKEing BANKM. First, you must  decide  onyour ROM/RAM combination needs, then add 8to this value if you want the  new  screentoo. Note, by the way, that the screen canbe  shown  quite  independently   of   thecurrent RAM paging status  -  contrary  topoplar belief, it is NOT necessary for RAM7 to be paged first. On  the  other  hand,RAM 7 does need to be present  before  youcan alter its contents, so  let's  take  alook now at how a SCREEN$ might be  loadedinto this area:-
   1 Prism's whole handling of the  matter  hasbeen at best incompetent,  and  at  worst,deplorable. In view of recent  events  andthe fact that after informing  them  of  achange to an item I contributed,  it  thentook them over two years to get back to meto supply them with an update, I felt  thebest thing  was  to  ask  Prism  to  ceasedistributing my software altogether. Theirresponse  was  typically  enigmatic  -   atotally blank  compliment  slip!  However,even if  they  do  lack  the  courtesy  tofavour me with  a  proper  reply,  I  hopethey'll  at  least  have  the  decency  tohonour my wishes.
   1 Prism's   response   by   cancelling$
   1 Prism do not deserve life,  never!
   1 Prism customers: Beware, although  you  donot realise it,  Mr  Sherwood  is  sellingillegal titles AGAIN.i
   1 Prism by N. Cattell
   1 Printing  these  two  will  give  you   an"Invalid colour" error. By the way,  neversave a file as CHR$ 16 or 17  on  its  ownbecause you'll never be able  to  load  itoff tape, and if on disc, it will make therest of your catalogue unreadable (What  aprotection system!). What they need  is  acolour code after them. As  16  representsink colour and 17 represents paper colour,you  can  use  them   instead   of   thesecommands, so that:
   1 Price: `2 EACH.
   1 Pressing a key from A to L will  load  thegame  listed  by  it's  side.  Pressing  *brings up the Utilities menu.q
   1 Poking the  five  byte  number  form  is acommon method used  by  software houses inan attempt to  either  create red herringsor side-track you into coming to the wrongconclusions.
   1 Plus two C64's, five data recorders, Musicmaker hardware and software, lightgun  and30 games.]
   1 Please see sense and comply, as none of uswish  to  make  a  court   appearence   aswitnesses, which  would  happen  if  courtproceedings are carried out.  Each  of  usgive full support to  Martyn  and  he  hasrecieved a copy of our letters to you.
   1 Please do not ask  questions on aspects ofhacking  or  of  a  particular  protectionsystem until I  get  round  to  them ... Ishall cover in  depth such problem loadersas  ALCATRAZ  and  the  later  versions ofSPEEDLOCK.
   1 Pleasant View
   1 Placing B-C in brackets should cure it.'
   1 Pins 1, 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,  19,21 and 22.4
   1 Pin 7 - Ground 0V
   1 Pin 5 - Clear to send
   1 Pin 4 - Data Terminal Ready (DTR)!
   1 Pin 3 - Data Out
   1 Pin 23 +12V power
   1 Pin 2 - Data in
   1 Pin 12 +5V power
   1 Pin 11 (D socket) should go to +5V  via  a100R resistor.8
   1 Pigment content
   1 Philipsstereo sound chip was a marvellous  deviceand, boasted many, was the same chip as inthe Atari ST, and we all  know  how  greatthat machine is (!).
   1 Phil Dobson
   1 Peter Beardwood
   1 People's Phone
   1 Pear Tree Cottage
   1 PbRd u&e%`U
   1 PbRd u&e%`TFE"
   1 PbQD U&CEPU
   1 PbQD U&CEPTFE"uDc
   1 Paul mentioned some missing things in  themanual. I'd like to add  the  pinouts  forthe KEYPAD socket. Looking at the  socket,it's wired from 6 to 1 from left to right,6 being on the left  next  to  the  littlelocking pin.
   1 Paul Newman
   1 Paul Fairman
   1 Paul "Famous writer and PD person" Howard 36 Budges Road8
   1 Patrick Morris
   1 Part one: Spectrum Music
   1 Part  2,  continuing  from  "PROCEDURE   /REPEAT  UNTIL  STACK"  from  part   1   inAlchNews 15.`
   1 Paragraph 7 in the same  letter.  Here  MrSherwood2
   1 Paragraph  10  of  the  same  letter.   MrSherwood  kindly  supplies  us  with   the"abuse" thrown at him. This is:s
   1 PROC STACK UNDERFLOW: The procedure  stackis empty and you've executed 'ENDPROC_' or'POP_'.[
   1 PROC STACK OVERFLOW: You've tried to  nestmore  than  ten  procedures  or   'REPEAT'loops.Z
   1 PRINT PEEK 23429 +  256  *  PEEK  23430  +65536 * PEEK 23431<
   1 PRINT INK 2;PAPER 6;"Hello!"
   1 PRINT CHR$ 16;CHR$ 2;
   1 PRINT  ("Player  One  Wins"  AND   A=1);(
   1 POWERPRINT II is able to use up to 4 extracharacter-sets supplied by the user. BREAKfrom POWERPRINT II at any  time  and  loadfrom 1 to 4 sets (each of 768 bytes)  intoaddresses 58112, 58880, 59648  and  60416.Now enter as a direct  command  'LET  N  =number' where 'number' is the total numberof character-sets now  in  use  (up  to  amaximum of 9).
   1 POP and PUSH
   1 POKE x,PEEK (x)+32
   1 POKE 23617,0 also does something, but I'veforgotten what! I think it causes a  crashon BREAK, input STOP or input CAPS 6,  butI'm not sure. And then again, it might  bePOKE 23613,0. Sorry, I've forgotten!
   1 POKE (x+2), PEEK (x+2)-32
   1 PLOT 144,105: DRAW 8,-8
   1 PITCH TONES ON Channels B and A (c off)'
   1 PETER DEANE would like a  +D  or  Disciplefor his Spectrum +2.>
   1 PESTERING PEOPLE. Martyn Sherwood wrote tonumerous Spectrum organisations, with whomhe had no  personal  connection,  'tellingtales' on Alchemist  Research,  purely  totry and discredit them (and if  not,  thenfor what other purpose?) Why should he getan  apology  when  these  events   clearlyaren't in dispute?
   1 PEEK (x+2)>64 AND PEEK (x+2)<128 THEN%
   1 PD Clipart collection
   1 PCW+ Magazine
   1 PCG Wordmaster: Use TASDFUE.
   1 PCG Wordmaster: Convert to Tasword 2$
   1 PC Z80 library
   1 P.M. Reynolds
   1 P a u l   H o w a r d
   1 P R   R   I   L
   1 Over the years I  have enjoyed many of theaspects of owning a ZX Spectrum, though ofthem all, I would say hacking gives me thegreatest pleasure.
   1 Over 100 games, software on  tapes,  disksand microdrive cartridges  for  all  abovemachines. Also availablel
   1 Other than the brief weekend in 1994  whenI visited Carlise, I  shall  be  taking  awell deserved weeks holiday at:s
   1 Other hardware available fro Sintech is  anew sound interface which, Thomas  claims,"blasts your Spectrum with the same  soundas Amiga", for only `35.50.
   1 Orson, on your  section, you mentioned theKNUCKLE  GIRLS,   well   why?,  what's  sospecial about their knuckles? (and if it'sanything  sexual,  can  you  get  me theirtelephone numbers?).
   1 Original game  number  three  is  "Cookie"from Ultimate PTG. This is  a  real  oldiefrom 1983 and runs in 16K. You are Charliethe Chef (in the game,  I  mean)  and  youhave to bake a cake. What  an  interestinggame!  Actually,  you  have  to  daze  theingredients (all  with  illustrations  andnames in the tape inlay!) with flour bombsand knock them into the mixing bowl.  Thisis quite  difficult,  as  the  ingredientskill you on contact, but to  add  to  yourtroubles, the bins at the  bottom  of  thescreen house a nasty  Bin  Monster,  whosefavourite  hobby  is  throwing   bits   ofrubbish around, generally into the bowl.
   1 Original Programming: Dominic Morris$
   1 Open questions
   1 Oops, just remembered  something.  If  youtry to SAVE CHR$ (n) and you have a Plus Ddisc system, the  D1  or  D2  syntax  mustalways be followed by a quotes symbol. Youwill therefore have to put a  null  stringat  the  beginning.  For  instance,   thiscommand:
   1 Only two weeks ago I picked up a Spectrum+with tape deck, leads and  over  30  gamesfor just `10! The machine was in excellentcondition.
   1 Only a few days ago did I get a  telephonecall from Darren  Randle  which  is  alongsimilar lines. He recruited Darren to  tryand convince me that he had a  great  dealof support and that he  would  take  courtaction, with Darren's testomony.
   1 Only  available  from  Alchemist  ResearchNow..
   1 One of the statements Martyn made  in  hisletter, was that Andy  has  never  allowedPrism's side of the story to be told. Thisis not only untrue  (I  can  think  of  atleast a couple of instances where Andy hasspecifically  quoted  whole  letters  fromPrism in previous issues of AlchNews), butthe fact that Martyn  marks  most  of  hiscorrespondence as  'copyright'  is  hardlyconducive to this end!
   1 One benefit of Tasword 128 and  the  otherenhanced versions is the ability  to  havean extra character set to make use of  thefull range of characters available on yourprinter. Tasword,  in  particular,  allowsyou to use  vowels  which  are  common  inforeign alphabets, such as  accents  aboveand below  the  letters.  There  are  alsoother  symbols,  such   as   upside   downquestion marks (common in Spain),  plus  arange  of  fractions  and  other  notationmarks.
   1 Once you've got a large printout (we  onlydid this so you  can  see  the  charactersmore  clearly.)  you  can   compare   eachcharacter with the one in the  manual.  Ifyou remember, we are using code page  #850(Multi-lingual), which is on page  134  tousers of the blue manual. Simply jot  downthe deciam number of the character (in thebox)  next  to  the  character   on   yourprintout.
   1 Once you've done  that,  carefully  solderthe wires  from  the  multiface  onto  theextreme inside edge of the tinned contactsthat form the edge connector.   The  wholepoint of this is so that you can still usethe I/O port.   If  you  are  creful,  youwon't actually stop an edge connector from(say)   a   joystick   interface   fittingproperly.
   1 Once the edge connector has  been  removedand the holes clear of solder, prepare  asmany lengths of wire  as  there  are  edgeconnector strips on the +3  circuit  board(52 I think).  By "prepare", I mean cut tolength, strip about  5mm  of  plastic  offeach end and tin with solder.  The lengthswill vary depending on where you intend tolocate the Multiface board, so start  witharound 40 cms.  Better still, get yourselforganised and measure the length you  willneed first!
   1 Once the Front-panel is activated,  you'llbe  greeted  by  columns  of   hexadecimalnumbers. On the left (in Cyan) is the listof registers with the accumulator  at  thetop;  the  flags  register  is  shown   inbinary. The asterisk indicates the currentregister. On  the  right  is  the  currentpiece of memory with the current  locationshown on the inverse strip; at the  bottomis the input line (shown in green).
   1 Once fitted, drill two 3mm holes  so  thatyou can bolt the socket  in  place!   It'sreally the only way you will  get  a  goodfit so that  your  socket  doesn't  wobbleabout all over the place!
   1 Once every six months,  remove  the  printhead and soak the print face in  denaturedalcohol. Apply  a  light  coating  of  oil("Slippit" lbricanat or equivalent) beforere-installing.
   1 Once  again,  paraphrasing  our   commentsabout Susan  Smith's  letters  having  theMartyn Sherwood touch to them!r
   1 On the software side is the new SQ-Trackerwhich is supposed to be easier and  betterthan Soundtracker. Cost  of  this  packagewith instructions is `21.50.
   1 On the other hand, others have suggested anew name for an essentially new project.R
   1 On exit from  the  ROM  routine, the carryflag holds  the  error  condition.  If thecarry flag is  true,  then everything wentOK, and we  need  not bother with anythingelse at this stage.   If the carry flag isfalse though, the A  register will hold anerror number.
   1 On a desert island you'd have to go for  agood puzzle arcade game like TETRIS,but atthe time I'd probably choose THE DOUBLE byScanatron -  probably  the  best  footballmanagement sim as long as you  don't  mindnot having too much control  over  editingnames etc.
   1 On  the  educational/demo  disk  are  somereally  good  music  demos.   True,   theyaren't up to the stuff  we  get  now,  butbear in mind the programs were written wayback in the mists of time, it's no wonder.
   1 On  17th  May  we  discovered  some   moreunderhand activites of Mr Sherwood. As  wehave pointed out to him previously,  goingbehind  other  peoples  backs   or   usingpeople, he always  gets  found  out,  likethis time.
   1 Okay. With all I  have said in your minds,load up  your  assemblers  and  write thisshort routine to  the  address 7D00, so asto load in a  protected basic program to asafe  part  of  memory  where  it  can  beinspected and you can  try  and pick up onwhat may have  been  done  to  some of thelines, what variables  have been poked andalso to check if the  numbers in the linesare actually what they should be.
   1 Okay, before I go,  here's  a  message  toM.Sherwood, if he ever reads this article,(which he probably  will  eventually)  <Hewill because AlchNews Subscriptions  sendshim a complimentary copy! Ed.>
   1 Oh, the extra 2mm gap around the socket isso that when you plug in your Amiga drive,the metal flange doesn't get fouled by theSpectrum's  case.   Simple  (and  obvious)really!  Happy "modding"
   1 Oh, one more thing. Does this  descriptionof a game I used to play on  the  spectrumtell anybody  anything?  If  anyone  couldtell me the name  of  it,  I'd  be  reallygrateful- I've forgotten it's name, and  Idon't know which tape it's on either.
   1 Oh dear,  what  can  I  say  about  MartynSherwood then?8
   1 Office World aren't the great  discountersthey used to be. Disk prices  have  soaredmaking  ARGOS  an  unlikely  but   cheapersource of branded disks. Steer WELL  CLEARof their "Own Brand Consumable"  packs  offive 3" disks for  `21!  The  quality  wasextremely poor and  no  accepting  formatshigher than normal +3 standard.  The  onlyrecommended service  at  Office  World  atpresent is their print shop which providesa wide range  of  copying  facillities  atreally cheap prices.
   1 Of all the games, and there quite  a  few,the best has to be "Bombed".  It's a  sortof  "Mined  Out"  game,  although   Theo'sversion is written in  Machine  code,  hasbetter game play and  is  more  addictive.In fact so addictive is this game I was upall night trying to  get  past  the  firstlevel!  I'm not a games player,  but  thisone and Elite have to rank amongst my  topten.  Of course, Theo's better known gamesare on the disk too, like  Twinz,  TalkingHedz, Gunhead,  Solaris,  Nous  and  PiggyPunks.
   1 Of  course,  I've  written  him  a  lettersaying that NOPE, it's NOT PD,  and  ALCH.RESEARCH are the  sole  distrbutors,  alsoadvising him not to include my software onhis list.
   1 Obviously, if you only want  to  draw  onepicture, paged graphics may seem of littleuse. However,  if  you  want  to  write  aprogram  in  which  a  page  of  text   isfollowed by  a  picture,  say,  think  howconvenient it would be to be able to startcreating  the  first   graphical   displaysomewhere else in memory while the user isoccupied  reading   the   page   full   ofinstructions. When the display is  needed,time is saved as it is already present  inanother area of RAM. If convenient you canactualy perform  all  the  time  consumingcalculations yourself, and  just  use  thecomputer  to  display  the   pictures   asquickly as necessary.
   1 OUTLET did reply, but said only: 
   1 OUT 49149,3 turns on both
   1 OUT 49149,2 turns on the other
   1 OUT 49149,1 turns on one light
   1 OUT 49149,0 turns them all off
   1 ORDISTRIBUTION".  After  we  showed  how  MrSherwood  could  not  address  or  word  asimple  letter  properly  without  grammarmistakes and lies, he decided to add  thisto the top of any further!
   1 ORANGE  is  a  relatively   new   service.Coverage   is   increasing   monthly   andcustomer service is excellent but  initialprices are off-putting. Orange phones  usedigital encoding for a  clearer  and  moresecure signal.
   1 ON TRAIL: Maxiprint Re-inking system$
   1 OK.  Class dismissed.
   1 OCEAN - Thought  by  many  to  have  "goneunder",  Ocean  waded  across  to  the  PCmarket  with  games  like   Inferno,   butmanaged to keep a low profile.
   1 O) Copyright infringment
   1 O) AlchNews. Programs by  Theo  Develegas,Miles Kinloch, Chris Taylor.F
   1 Nylon  fabric  is  the  most  widely  usedmaterial for the printer ribbon  industry.The important requirements  of  a  printerribbon
   1 Nr Longton
   1 Now, you may be thinking "Who the hell  isthis guy" and "Why  does  Andy  Davis  letthese people write for his fanzine?", wellthe truth is, a  large  alien  space  shipcame down from Sirius,  and  landed  on  astone circle near Sheffield, and then  outcame these  small  men  (Well,  they  wereactually called Humanoids but we  wont  goin to that just yet!)  and  grabbed  Andy,who just happened  to  be  compiling  somedata on the local stone circles, and  theysaid "Excuse me Earthman, can you tell  uswhere the toilets  are??"  to  which  Andypromptly said "???"
   1 Now, to  the  numbered  comments,  not  tomention the  mis-spelling  of  SUMMARY  asSUMMERY!\
   1 Now, it's going to be extremely  difficultto explain or show each character so  it'sgoing  to  be  verbal  description   only!However, you will find two screens in thisarticle from Tasword,  the  first  is  theoriginal  configuration  of   the   secondcharacter set. The second  screen  is  therevised configuration. Theres very  littledifference, except in presentation.
   1 Now, however, POKEing 23388 won't make anydifference - you must use the pagging portdirectly, in order  to  access  the  extraRAM. This is OUT 32765,n, with  'n'  beingthe same value you would have  POKEd  into23388  in  128  BASIC.  Apart  from   thisaspect, though,  all  the  other  commentsapply equally to  paging  when  in  USR  0mode, including the need  to  CLEAR  49151(or less)  beforehand.  For  machine  codeprogrammers, USR 0  mode  confers  certainadvantages, as it frees the printer buffermemory for use, while still exploiting thefull 128K RAM.
   1 Now, as some of you may  already  know,  Ihave one of Chris Box's external drives. Ihave had no trouble from  it,  except  fortwo  things:  1.  In  CP/M  I  cannot  useDisckit because when it asks me to  removethe disks from both drives,  it  does  notrecognise that  I  have  done  so.  2.  InBASIC, if there is no disk in  the  drive,an 'Infinite retry' is started, which willlock up the machine until you reset or puta disk in.
   1 Now, I would also be the last to say  thatall cases are  exactly  the  same,  namelythat some drives use a 12V  supply,  whileothers only use a 5V supply.  My  Externaldrive does not use 12V, and  I  can  provethis because the 12V wires  are  not  evenconnected to my drive. It is possible thatLloyd's drive uses 12V, and so he may needto connect an  extra  PSU  to  his  drive.Actually, as far as I know, the only thingthat the  +3  uses  12V  for  is  the  PALencoder, which outputs the TV Picture, andif it is starved of power, will  begin  tomalfunction, and cause the distortion  andloss of colour that Lloyd mentioned in hisarticle last issue.
   1 Now, I will leave you to make up your  ownminds about wether there are  any  aliens,but I don't need convincing, I mean, I saythat the spectrum will never die,  and  mymates say "Oh yeah, and  the  aliens  havejust taken over ASDA in the form of  giantCabbages!" so now you know!
   1 Now, I  like  to  think  of  myself  as  afair-minded person, and if I  thought  forone moment that Martyn had genuine  reasonto believe he'd been wronged, I would  notbe writing this  article.  The  points  hecites, however, all refer  to  matters  offact, many of which I can verify  from  myown   experience;   therefore   I   cannotpossibly  see  why  he  expects  Andy   toapologise and pretend they never happened.
   1 Now,  insulate  the  board   against   anypossible electrical shorts between the  MFboard  and  the  +3  board  by  fitting  areasonably thick plastic bag around the MFboard.  Use plenty of tape to make sure itdoesn't come loose, and then DOUBLE  CHECKyour work.  Make ABSOLUTELY sure that  theMF board is wired correctly, and  that  noshort circuits can occur  between  the  MFboard and the +3 board.  Alsi  check  yoursoldering  on  the  edge  connector,   andcorrect any possible short circuits.
   1 Now you can assemble  the program and saveit.  We next need to  write a short bit ofBASIC to take input  from the user so thatwe can tell  the  routine what user numberwe would like  to  become  the new defaultuser number.
   1 Now to be perfectly honest,  I'm  not  theleast bit  interested  in  your  argumentswith  Andy  Davis,   Brian   Gaff,   MilesKinnloch or various Demo Groups or any oneelse (you do seem to upset a lot of peopledon't you?) My concern is for the poor oldSpeccy User  who  has  been  let  down  byeveryone from Alan Sugar to Daniel Garner.If it wasn't for "OUTLET" and the  valiantefforts of the Cavers brothers were  wouldthe Speccy be today ?
   1 Now this came as a bit of a  surprise,  asone of the libraries was the one  that  wehad chosen to use and  was  recomended  byVision of the Mad Guys (Ta Vision) and  itseemed to start from around  a  time  whenAndy Davis (Chief  Honcho  at  Alchemist!)had
   1 Now the term "Space Men" makes  you  thinkof  small   green   men   running   aroundscreaming "You are an  inferior  race  andmust be exterminated" or "Take me to  yourleader" or even  the  occasional  "We  aretrying to help Mankind!"  but  this  stilldoes not change the fact that if there areother life forms, that the chances of thembeing small, green, and male is a  one  inten trillion chance (Give or  take  a  fewtrillon!) its much more  likely  that  thefirst visitors from  another  planet  havealready been and  gone,  in  the  form  oneither  light  or  some  other   kind   ofradiation, as this type of  thing  travelsmuch  faster  than  most  forms  of  knownpropultion (Well, known to us anyway!).
   1 Now lets be  Crystal  Clear  on  this  onepoint, prior to Aug 93 you  were  offeringfor sale what you  referred  to  as  ADULTSCREENS, I have no idea of  their  contentsince from the list that you  supplied  on3" disc I didn't buy any, I wanted to knowwether on not the sreens could be  printedout before I did, hence my letter.
   1 Now if this is true, then there  could  beat  least  some  aliens  that  look   likehumans, but why  would  they  go  to  suchtrouble? are there alien  spys  on  Earth?perhaps  your  next  door  neighbours  arereally aliens who are  intent  in  cloningyou to join their army of zombies, I mean,I always thought that my  neighbours  wererealy strange (Or am I just paranoid!).
   1 Now I know exactly what your reaction willbe, "Why didn't  he  complain  about  thissooner", and the answer is simple, I  haveno complaint. If  people  were  saved  anymoney by reading the article, so much  thebetter, I am merely pointing out that  youhave quoted me  in  the  past  without  mypermission, so do it now with my blessing,I repeat publish the whole of  my  letter,why ? because you will then be exposed forthe lying hypocrite that you are.
   1 Now  look  at  the  alternative  algorithmbelow, which shows the  general  procedurefor  a  program  structured  around  pagedgraphics techniques:
   1 Now  load  POWERPRINT  II  saved  on  Discpreviously as per Alchnews 15 instructions(or from tape). When loading  is  completeREMOVE  THIS  DISC.  BREAK  and  LIST  theprogram and retype lines  830,  840,  2000and 2010 as listed below.  Now  BREAK  andRE-LOAD first DISC and SAVE as follows:-
   1 Nothing  much,  except  M.Sherwood  sayingthat  'Certain  individuals  in  Scotland'could not be trusted!! And  seeing  as  itwas plural, and seeing as we are the  onlyScottish group, well, could it perhaps  beUS he was talking about?
   1 Note, unlike  Ben,  I  use HiSoft's DevpacV5.1,  and  so  if  your  assembler  won'taccept any  of  the  following  text, thenyou'll have to  alter  it slightly so thatit does.
   1 Note that the ORANGE  lead  is  the  powerfeed line and will be required to  serviceboth LED's._
   1 Note  the  missing  "@"  symbol,  this  isbecause we don't want it to try and  ENTERwhen we press it!e
   1 Not strictly a computer related  magazine,but an excellent read!@
   1 Not only is this rather odd, it also makesas much sense as John Major, as the  errormessage will confirm when the  program  isrun. However, this little problem  can  besolved by using brackets (this  sort,  notthe funny EXT MODE ones), and here's one Imade earlier (?):
   1 Not only is there my comments on the Prismmatter this issue, but I have  been  givenno  less  than  FIVE   other   independantarticles  critical   of   Prism   and   MrSherwood, all by once-neutral parties.
   1 Not for any  particular  reason other thanit was the first  one  of this type I cameacross in my pile of software.r
   1 Not all of them appear  to  do  much,  buthere's the first ever (?) list of the onesthat have an effect on your listing:x
   1 North Deighton
   1 No matter which Spectrum service  you  arein touch with, the chances are that all ofthem  are  saying  that  Spectrum   groupsshould work together, rather than  againsteach other, to provide a stronger  servicefor the Spectrum.
   1 Next, drill a hole in  the  +3's  case  toaccept the push button, fit it, and breatha sigh of relief!e
   1 Next you  must  choose  the  tariff.  Thisdepends on how often you are going to  usethe phone, when and for what purpose.y
   1 Next issue we take  a  look  at  the  MIDIsystem and it's uses with a computer. Lookout for Antony Purvis's ZEN AND THE ART OFNOISE SERIES in AlchNews this issue.
   1 Next issue   : AlchNews 17, Sep. 1995%
   1 Next Service : PD Catalogue 9, July 1995(
   1 Next  issue?  No  idea  yet!  If  you tellAndy what you'd like  to  see, I'll try mybest.  This is  your  magazine, we're onlyhere to help!
   1 Next  issue  Tasword  Tutor   will   covermodifying the Tasword 128 help box to  usethe  symbol  under  "m"  in   the   secondcharacter set as a  symbol  shift,  ratherthan keywords such as "AND", "NOT" or "OR"which are, of course, not  printed  on  +2keyboards!
   1 New UK demos library
   1 New Spectrum library in Romania
   1 Nestling deep in the recesses of the  morepowerful breeds of  the  Spectrum  family,can be found a chip which gives us greatlyenhanced   sound   capability   over   theprevious 48k and 16k models.
   1 Neil Thomson
   1 Neil Thompson
   1 NOW press ENTER and the  program  will  besaved to disc; and  will  LOAD,  SAVE  andPRINT etc as per P/PRINT instructions.z
   1 NOT USED Enable (4-Bit value)
   1 NO THANKS to : Prism PD
   1 N.R.A. Cattell
   1 N) AlchNews.
   1 My use of the  words  "Alchemist  Researchapologises on behalf of Prism PD"  -  usedin their first "committee minutes" after Iapologised   to   James   Waddington,   BGServices and more on behalf of Prism PD.
   1 My thanks to Agent-X  for  his  help  withthis article.7
   1 My suggested strategy was as follows.  Thefirst step would have been for  both  Andyand Martyn to agree to neither  mentioningthe other, just for  one  issue  to  beginwith. The understanding  would  have  beenthat if  either  party  dishonoured  theirpledge, the other  would  then  have  beenunder no obligation either, thus allay inganyone's potential fears about becoming  asitting target. The way I saw  it,  no-onecould have had anything to lose by  givingit a try, and if  this  first  stage  weresuccessful, a permanent  commitment  wouldthen   have   been   within   our   grasp.Unfortunately, however, it was not to be.
   1 My reply to  you  is  very  simple,  don'tquote a small part of my letter  dated  11MAY 93, publish ALL of it in PD POWER  foreveryone to read.
   1 My personal choice was the NOKIA 101. It'sa vert stylish phone with  many  features.Many mobile phone stores  offer  it  at  agenerous discount from  `15-`30,  comparedwith it's original cost of over `180.
   1 My next point is one  of  style,  or  whatsome people call "good manners".  Be  verycareful where you use the GOTO  statement.Try not to use it in a subroutine  -  onlyRETURN should be used here unless the GOTOis an internal subroutine one.
   1 My fascinating monologue is now at an end,but if you want to swap or lend new  gameson +D disc or to swap PD programs, or evenjust to chat  about  BASIC's  shortcomings(you could write a whole novel on  them!),feel  free  to   write   to   me   in   myrose-bedecked cottage:
   1 My colleague  was  quite  taken  aback  atthem. It was  clearly  a  severe  case  ofstress, possibly leading to a  mental  andnervous breakdown.  Who  was  this  friendwith the symptoms? No  other  than  MartynSherwood.
   1 Multiface  3  into  the  +3   and!
   1 Multi-systems
   1 Mr V. Bishop
   1 Mr Staniford
   1 Mr Sherwood then started  to  spread  somerumours and some muck about Alchemist withclaims that  Andy  had  started  harrasingpeople with letters which were offensive.
   1 Mr Sherwood has blown almost  all  of  hischances in the Spectrum world. No doubt heis getting  desperate  for  more  support,hence this action. If there  had  been  noreports of any wrong  doings  by  him  forquite  a  while,  I  can  understand  thishappening, but while he continues to causetrouble with so  many  people,  nobody  isgoing to give him a second, or should thatbe TWENTIETH, chance.
   1 Mr Sherwood ends the letter by  saying  itisn't   Miles's   responsibility   to   beinvolved. He claims he no longer wishes todiscuss Mr Davis  with  Miles  or  others.Does this mean he will no  longer  featurelies and twisted facts in PD Power?  Snideletters to other groups  trying  to  breaksupport? Any comments in general to anyonewho gets in contact with him? I doubt it.
   1 Mr Sherwood claims  the  matter  has  beengoing on approximately twelve months,  notthe 18 as reported in AlchNews 15. Perhapshe should note his letter  dated  10/10/93to myself, which is approximately when thematter started. We could go  further  backto 31/7/93 when he made the  first  publicattack on Alec Carswell. If you'd like  togo back even FURTHER,  we  have  a  letterdated 22/10/92 where there was a delay foran order. The order had to be  modifed  toload from  tape  and  there  were  missingfiles.  I  also  ordered  "U37"  from  hiscatalogue of the time. I got  the  programbut also this scribbled at the bottom:
   1 Mr R. Coles
   1 Mr P. Deane
   1 Mr Kevin Gurd
   1 Mr J. Thompson
   1 Mr F. Ridout
   1 Mr A. Marshall
   1 Mr  Sherwood  accuses  me   of   "backdooractivities". Perhaps he should note  point5 above,  sub  point  M.  I  am  perfectlyentitled  to  pass  on  my   comments   topersonal friends but you did  not  see  mewriting letters to Spectrum groups  tryingto get support stopped. If any people wishto write to me  and  make  complaints  andpass on your letters, who  am  I  to  stopthem? I certainly do not encourage them todo so.
   1 Moving  away  from  keywords,  how   aboutmaking underline print a copyright symbol?T
   1 Most people seem to  have  heard  of  thistype of sighting and it seems to be a  bitof  an   urban   myth,   you   know,   "MyBrother-in-laws,
   1 Most of the other unusual 128k tricks I'vespotted are bugs in the BASIC interpreter,which are  never  in  short  supply;  it'salmost as bad as the original +D DOS!  Fora start, BASIC is prone to crash and  loseyour program (usually after an hour's workjust as you were  preparing  to  save!)  -this is nothing to do with the +D as I hadthis problem  when  I  was  using  a  tapesystem too. Now,  three  lines  of  dollarsigns  are  not  something  you'd  usuallytype, but if you  want  to  see  somethingnasty (and potentially fatal, so don't  doit with an unsaved  program  in  memory!),fill the aforementioned three  lines  withthe aforementioned dollar signs  and  thenhold the up cursor key.
   1 Most  Spectrum  software   needs  a  basicprogram to  control  how  the  rest of thegame, utility or whatever  is to be loadedin - that is with  the exception of the +3machines  which  have  the  option  of theboost sector, which I will not be coveringas  that  is   something   you  should  becompetent enough to  tackle for yourselvesby the end of these columns.
   1 More details can be found in  the  specialsection later this issue and  you  can  berest assured that the project  will  be  amore successful one  with  only  dedicatedSpectrum groups working on it.
   1 More dates in October and  November,  willbe featued in next issue.C
   1 More 128 IF bugs. Enter:
   1 Monika & Wolfgang Haller
   1 Modifying Tasword 128 2nd Character Set'
   1 Mobile phones have undergone rapid changesin   this   time:
   1 Mind you, an  irritating SKY announcer, isprobably the only  job/experience, that Alhas never  done!  (regular  viewers  of QLwill know that Al has done every job underthe sun - soldier, astronaut, civil rightsactivist, drag racer, actor, boxing champ,dancer, lost  his  sister,girlfriend, wifeetc, and  looked  incrediably  young in anepisode of MIAMI VICE  a  few weeks ago aswell!).
   1 MilesKinloch, Johan Koning, Womo, Lloyd Garlandor anyone else who  knows  this  extremelytalented programmer and writer.x
   1 Miles Kinloch.
   1 Miles  has  enjoyed  being   neutral   andworking with both groups for some time butwas  dismayed  at  some  Prism  propagandawhich was obviously  wrong.  So,  being  asubscriber with every  right,  he  made  acomplaint along with the "olive branch" oftruce once more.
   1 Miles   Kinloch
   1 Miktor: Are you dead ? If so,  send  me  amessage from beyond the grave.H
   1 Mike Astbury, Beach Imaging
   1 Michael Meyer
   1 Maxiprint, or any further information  canbe gained from:9
   1 Matt Beal, Fish
   1 Martyn refused to do this and as a result,told Chris that once a  program  had  beenplaced in the public domain then it  couldnot be  taken  out  of  it,  obviously  MrSherwood has never heard of DOOM! <Perhapshe'd also like to talk to John  Wilson  ofZenobi Software about removing  Quest  forthe Holy Snail  from  the  public  domain.Ed.  Also,  see  this  issue  about  Prismselling more illegal titles. Ed.>
   1 Martyn also  states  that  he  "no  longerwishes to discuss Mr. Davis with  (myself)or anybody else". If only this  were  truein all senses, what  more  could  one  askfor; but  reading  between  the  lines,  Isuspect what he's really saying is,  he'llnot  be  discussing  things  to   people'sfaces, but (no doubt with renewed  vigour)in  his  publications  instead.  This   isunacceptable by anybody's standards: if hehas anything to say, he should  either  doso directly - or shut up altogether.
   1 Martyn Sherwood (because I DO exist!!)&
   1 Mark Sturdy, Crashed
   1 Marcus Prichard
   1 Many  BASICS  have  the  'ON  ERROR  GOTO'command.  The  equivalent   in   YSMB   is'RESTART_',  and  it  requires  a   singlenumeric expression indicating the line  tobe  jumped  to  when  an   error   occurs.'RESTART_' will not trap either  INTERFACE1 or new YSMB errors.  When  an  error  istrapped by the  'RESTART_'  command,  someuseful  information  is  stored   in   thefollowing locations in memory: 59873/4 Theline at which the error occured
   1 Malcolm Gent, MGPD
   1 Malcolm Gent
   1 Make the change.
   1 Make sure that you get the numbers in line30 right - as it's a machine code routine,making a bodge  can  cause  all  sorts  ofstrange effects from  pretty  patterns  toweird scary noises!
   1 Make sure that when you solder  the  wiresto the  edge  connector,  you  solder  theright ones! You can check which  ones  arewhich by offering up the  Multiface  boardto the edge  connector  and  labeling  thewires.  Don't  get  confused  between  theupper and lower set  of  contacts  either!Like I said to strt  with,  if  you  don'tknow what you are doing, don't do it!   Itis assumed that  you  will  take  adequateprecautions about which wire  goes  where.If you blow it up, don't blame me.
   1 Make sure that all subroutines  are  lines1000 onwards, that they RETURN to the mainprogram before it ends and that you  don'thave to break in - and this will turn  thefont off just in time for the  OK  messageat the end  of  a  program  run.  You  candelete the line before saving the finishedversion, and remember you  don't  need  itwith fonts below  48385  or  for  the  48kBASIC editor.
   1 Make line  1  a  REM  statement  and  POKE23755,100. The program works but fails  tolist  until   you   POKE   23755,0.   Thisoccasionally has problems as GOTOs, GOSUBsand DATA  lines  are  inaccessible,  beinginvisible!  I  wouldn't  really  recommendthis but it does work, so have a go if youlike the idea. A similar "vanishing trick"occurs with  POKE  23636,150  and  can  bereversed with POKE 23636,92.
   1 MISSING PARAMETERS:  You've  not  providedthe  correct  number  of  parameters  whenusing a YSMB command.i
   1 MERCURY operates a mobile  service  withinthe confines  of  the  M25.  Their  hugelysuccessful one-2-one service  offers  freelocal calls.  Mercury  also  uses  digitalencoding.
   1 MAXIPRINT re-inking system.
   1 MASTERTRONIC - Long time supporters of the8-bit market, Mastertronic had split up bythe end of the Spectrum's  life  of  fame,but  parent  company  Virgin  now  releasegames for the 16-bit machines.
   1 M) See any of Mr Sherwood's  letters  whenyou upset him!8
   1 M) Acting immaturely
   1 Lower levels of  detail  in  the  picturespermit  frames  to   be   generated   morequickly. Indeed,  there  exists  a  flightsimulator  in  which  reasonably  accuraterepresentations of an aeroplane in  flightare generated 50 times per second,  givingrealistic animated effects.
   1 Lorton Road
   1 Looking back at the others in issues 11-15you'll see they've grown steadily in size.You'd think that Mr Sherwood would be morecareful and spot his  mistakes  but  no  -they just get bigger  and  more  pathetic.
   1 Looking back at  the  mail  signed  by  MrSherwood and  Susan  Smith  it  seems  thePrism theme tune should be from the JungleBook "I wanna be  like  you",  as  they'vecopied so many of our ideas and phrases!
   1 Loads  the  current   register
   1 Lloyd: I hope I  didn't  offend  you  withthis article.7
   1 Lines 10 and 20 are my  identifiers,  justin case a certain person types them in andclaims them as PD like he  did  with  YourSinclair programs!
   1 Line 80 is the end of the loop.
   1 Line 70 checks to see if the character  isa capital letter, if so, adds  32  to  thevalue,  making  it  a  lower  case   ASCIIcharacter.
   1 Line 60 sets up the loop.
   1 Line 50 loads the textfile.
   1 Line 30 asks for a filename.
   1 Line 120  makes  the  check.  Although  itlooks complicated, it's rather simple.  Itfirst looks for a full stop  (46).  If  itfinds  one,  it  looks  to  see   if   thecharacter after it is a space  (32),  justto confirm it is the end of a sentence.
   1 Line 110 sets up the loop again. 
   1 Line 10 sets the colours  of  the  screen,border and the displa:  black,  black  andwhite respectively.  Line 20 reserves a  narea of memory for the machine  code  thatyou will be using and then Line  30  sendsthe program off to a subroutine  at  Lines220 to 260 that sets up the machine  code.This subroutine reads off the DATA in Line220 and POKEs  it  into  the  memory  areareserved by Line 20  before  returning  toLine 40. Line  40  defines  two  variables"srce" and "dest". srce is the  high  byteof the address where the  DATA  is  to  betaken fromand dest is the high byte of thetemporary address store.  These  tell  thecomputer where to read  the  screen  imagefrom and where to put it in memory.
   1 Line  40  asks  for  the  length  of   thetextfile. This just saves a  bit  of  timeconverting blank spaces after the end of afile.  Tasword  tells  you  how  long  thetextfile is, so will a  catalogue,  shouldyou have disk drives.
   1 Line  100  is  a  simple  BEEP   seperatorbetween the two parts of the program.O
   1 Like many of the programs  written  by  MrDavis, DLS is simple  and  well  presentedwith a fine  use  of  arrays.  The  doubleheight routine adds  a  further  depth  intitling but is just too  slow  to  be  anyuse, which is most likely  why  it's  beendisabled, but can easily be re-instated.
   1 Like St.John  Swainson,  Mark  Harris  andJohan Koning, Miles Kinloch  has  providedan excellent neutral opportunity to end itand Mr Sherwood has snubbed it, whereas  Ihave   welcomed   it.   To
   1 Like New  Generation,  I  don't  have  anyother games by  Nutty  Software,  but  I'mpretty  sure  they  were  a   "home-grown"company. Again, I might like to  swap  forthese games - I have some good games  like"Rodland" and "Switchblade"  on  tape  anddisc.
   1 Like BT and Mercury, there are four  majortelephone companies which  operate  mobile(or Cellular) services.k
   1 Lets say you set up your time machine in afield in 1995  and  go  forward  to  2075.Who's to  say  that  the  field  won't  beturned into  a  motorway.  Taking  vehiclenumbers  and  speeds   into   account,   Iwouldn't like to be there!
   1 Lets say we go back  in  time.  Since  theearth is getting constantly worn down, howdo  you  know  you   won't   arrive   halfsubmerged under a foot of  earth?  If  youtravel to the past on  a  path  which  youknow existed two hundred years  ago,  takeoff two hundred  years  of  path  wearing!But, even then  you  could  re-materialiseinside somebody, or an  object  which  wasthere at the time. The only  thing  to  dowould be to go back at night, but thats noguarantee whatsoever.
   1 Lets face it, time travel is just too  tooimposible and  dangerous  because  of  thethousands of variables in the equation. Inthe meantime let's be entertained  by  thesheer bulk of it on  our  TV  screens  andpoo-poo it when it's on!
   1 Let us end with a new program for all Opususers,  written  and  presented  by  HelgeKeller,   Herm.-Loens-Weg   51,s
   1 Let me take you back in time, back  to  anera when the computer to have was - yes  -the Spectrum! Remember  that  this  was  atime  when  people  still   talked   aboutwirelesses and  Charlie  Chaplin  -  well,perhaps not THAT  long  ago,  but  in  the1980s anyway - and so people wondered whatthis new machine could do. With  eight-bitgraphics  (whoo!)  and   sixteen   colours(swoon!), this machine captured the heartsof the public  and  they  flocked  to  theshops to buy the  strange  cassettes  withnew age music, er, Speccy games, on them.
   1 Let me assure those INTERNET users outsideof Britain (& Europe) that the RBS-IS is awidely respected  organisation,  and not awide-boy cowboy  outfit  in the slightest,oh no, sir-ree bob. <Oh no, and Prism is areputable, honest service. ED.>
   1 Later, after begining work on our  currentproject, The Beyond Help Super-Mega  Demo,we offered Andy a part, and were going  tooffer Martyn a part as well, but  we  cameto realise that we were not  going  to  beable to have both of them in the demo,  asif we had one, then the  other  would  notdistribute the demo.
   1 Later in this  issue  you  will  find  twoarticles from the members  of  The  UnitedMinds. You may recall that  after  I  madethe mistake of mixing up the names of  theteam in an article in issue 14.
   1 Later Programming:
   1 Last  issue  you   will   recall   I   wasconsidering  investing  in   a   re-inkingsystem and now I have. I made  a  call  tothe  company,  Beach   Imaging,   on   midSaturday afternoon and ordered one with mycredit card. Tuesday morning,  the  devicearrived,  well  protected   in   a   largecardboard box.
   1 Last  but  not  least  the  WoMo-Team   islooking for some grafic artist. We plan tocomplete  some  old  basic  games  with  abetter   grafic,   but   we   are   alwaysoverworked to do all (the truth is we  arevery bad grafic artists).  We  know  aboutthe quality of some of the  readers  here,so if interested in a common work why  notwrite  us  (adress  at  the  end  of  thisarticle).
   1 LOAD *"m";1;"b"
   1 LOAD "font" CODE 62000
   1 LINE NOT FOUND: A message that occurs whenusing the 'EDIT_' command... you've  triedto edit a line which isn't there.u
   1 LD BD,#7FFD
   1 LD BC,#7FFD
   1 L) Pestering people
   1 L)  Robert  Skene  was  pestered   by   M.Sherwood to abandon support for  AlchemistResearch and work exclusively  with  PrismPD. Also, James  Waddington,  Brian  Gaff,Bob Brenchley, Joyce Cook, Alec  Carswell,Darren Randle were also  approached  in  asimilar manner.
   1 L nn nn nn  Moves a block of  memory.  The*
   1 Kobrahsoft.
   1 Kobrahsoft
   1 Kinloch explains  UNBIASEDLY  why!
   1 Kevin Gurd
   1 Karen Moore
   1 KOBRAHSOFT are suppliers of  some  of  thebest software around for the Spectrum  andSAM. Their biggest successes are the  tapeto disk  utilities,  along  with  such  +3applications like DICE,  DB2  and  so  on.Send an SAE and a  couple  of  stamps  fortheir catalogue:
   1 KEYS   CODE 65030,160
   1 KEYDEFINE can be found on  WOMO  5  or  atUT32. Any  of  you  who  have  ordered  itbefore  have  the  old  version  and   arerecommended to request the new  one,  freeof charge (An Alchemist PD policy).
   1 K) Not fulfilling orders
   1 K) Andy Davis, Chris Taylor  to  name  buttwo did not get the programs requested.Q
   1 Just when you  thought  AlchNews  couldn'tget any bigger, plans are underfoot to  dojust that!^
   1 Just to inform you, Mr Davis,  Patrick  isNOT on the phone!;
   1 Just recently I examined  approx.  two  A4pages of large texted  propaganda  and  myletter of complaint took well  over  TWICEthat, highlighting dozens of errors  whichare shown later.
   1 Just look at computers ten  years  ago.  8inch floppy disks  and  tapes  that  couldhold little more than 100k. Now we can getremovable SCSI hard drives the size  of  acassette box which can hold 570  megabytesand beyond. Spectrum users  wouldn't  knowwhat to do with HALF that capacity!
   1 Just because I've set the ORG of the aboveprogram  so  that  it  assembles  to 32768decimal, there is no  reason why you can'tassemble  it  to   another  address.   Theroutine should be completely re-locatable,and so  you  can  load  it  anywhere below49120, so long as you don't over write themachine stack.
   1 Just a few quick notes,
   1 June  3 Haydock Park Racecourse
   1 July 15 Courage Hall, Brentwood Essex%
   1 Judge A.J.Davis presiding
   1 Joyce Cook, Softsell
   1 Joyce Cook
   1 Jonesteleprinter, the results using  firstly  anormal plain ink cartridge  and  then  onewith  an  inking  roller  mounted  inside,revealed that both the regular ribbon  andthe re-inked ribbon  had  about  the  samelevel of wear with the format yielding 2.3million  aceptable  charaters  while   thelatter produced 2.6 million characters.
   1 John Wilson
   1 John Westhead
   1 John Thompson would would  any  games  andutilities for the Amstrad CPC, Dragon  32,ZX81 and Vic 20. He is also on the lookoutfor cartridges for the Commodore 64. He isselling off some Spectrum  and  Dragon  32games if anyone is interested. Write:
   1 John Stowe
   1 John Garner, Datasoft
   1 Johan Koning, SGG
   1 Johan Koning
   1 JIM LEESON, makes and sells printer cablesfor the +2a / +3 to any Centronics printerfor `10 including P&P.j
   1 J) Insulting customers
   1 J)  David  Sinclair,  Mark  Harris,   AndyDavis, Miles Kinloch,  NRA  Cattell  ChrisTaylor  plus  many  more.   All   previouscustomers - all insulted.
   1 It's simple really, but you will  have  tobear in mind that  I  will  not  bear  anyresposibility if you screw up  and  damageyour   computer,   external
   1 It's not just  RAM,  incidentally,  that'sselected in this way:  the  128K  machinesalso  have  an  extra  16K  ROM.  However,there's not  much  point  in  paging  thisshadow ROM from BASIC - on  the  contrary,great care must be  taken  to  avoid  thishappening, or a  crash  will  result.  Thevalue  POKEd  into  BANKM  must  thereforereflect BOTH the ROM and the RAM required,and is calculated by adding the  RAM  pagenumber to 16 - the latter  being  the  ROMcomponent. ( For those interested  in  thetechnical aspects, bits 0-2  of  the  bytegovern the RAM page; bit  3,  the  screen;and bit 4, the ROM.)
   1 It's just such a shame  that  Mr  Sherwoodcontinues to  distort  the  facts  to  hisminority readership  and  has  refused  topublish my, and others', complaints in hismagazine. But, action has  been  taken  onthis point and with my colleagues who  aresubscribers of PD Power, they  are  actingto rectify the matter.
   1 It's interesting to note  that a lot of TVcompanies are  now  re-showing  certain tvseries from  the  beginning  ie.  the veryfirst episode.
   1 It's easy to use, but there are two slightproblems.  Firstly,   editing   the   lineinvariably renders the code unusable  (theflashing text at the  end  stops  flashingwhen listed in 128k  mode).  Secondly,  itvery occasionally  changes  the  last  twosigns in  the  character  set  (tilde  andcopyright) - I don't know why, but it doessometimes happen.
   1 It's certainly a buyers market out  there.Lots  of  people  are  selling  their  oldSpectrums to move onto consoles and so on,making it cheaper for  us  to  expand  andreplace rather than repair.
   1 It's been a hectic  few  months, so I hopeyou will forgive me  if the column appearsshorter this time around (although, peoplehave compared my  column  to a politiciansspeeches -  you  never  know  when they'regoing to end!).
   1 It's a real pain to be honest, as the bestdisk sector editor  program around is alsoproduced   bya
   1 It's  still  possible  to  run  Z80   codeprograms alongside YSMB. The  top  sectionof memory above address 45000 is  used  byYSMB; any M/C routines of your own must beused  below  this   address.   YSMB   usesinterrupt 2 mode,  so  any  routines  thatmess  about  with  the   interrupts   willprobably  need   some   attention   beforeworking properly.
   1 It's  also  been  pointed  out  that   anyletters sent will not be  answered  unlessan SAE is sent. That also re-inforces  howserious he is about ending the matter.  Ifan SAE was sent, would the questions askedbe answered? He once claimed  that  I  wasgoing over the same things  again,  tryingto make them look like  new  matters.  Thesame  points  may  be  brought  up  again,simply because they have NOT BEEN ANSWEREDYET! Take the Bradby Club matter. How  oldis this now? I'll tell you how old. It wasdisclosed in a letter from Mr Sherwood  toMiles Kinloch on 28/3/94, almost  a  WHOLEYEAR AGO, and he has  still  not  admittedthat he lied, yet the proof is  there  forall to see!
   1 It would not  be  feasible or possible forme  to  cover   in  detail  the  differingmethods of protection  employed by all thesoftware houses.
   1 It would be impossible to state that PrismPD is  trustworthy  when  they  are  STILLselling illegal  software!  See  later  inthis issue for full details. I cannot  saythat myself and  Martyn  have  spoken  andcleared the air  because  he  ignores  ALLletters  and   refuses   to   answer   thetelephone - remember how I  said  that  hehides behind his answering machine!
   1 It would be great fun to  see  the  entirekeyboard  reprogrammed  either  for   morebetter location of popular symbols, addinga well used command (CAT 1?) or  just  forsheer
   1 It was with equal interest that I read thebit concerning  ALCHNEWS  9  turning up onthe INTERNET,  well,  if  in  a  couple ofmonths, this issue of  AN  turns up on theINTERNET, can I just  get a little plug infor a very worthy char-a-deee -
   1 It was about a quarter to midnight when  Iheard the hiss of vacuum  engines  outsidethe pod. I  turned  round  to  see  myselfclimb in through the opening.
   1 It was 23:55. I had finished.  I  ran  theprogram and typed in the co-ordinates...R
   1 It really should be obvious, but my use ofthe hash (#)  symbol  denotes HEX numbers.HiSoft Devpac likes  hex numbers presentedto it this  way,  and  as  I like the ideamuch more than  I  like  a silly "h" afterthe  number,  I've  used  standard  Devpacnotation.  If  your  assembler  differs inthis respect,  you'll  need  to  enter thehex numbers in your particular assembler'sown notation.
   1 It really is that  simple,  although  somecare has to be  taken  when  removing  thekeyboard  and  circuit  board,  prior   tosoldering.
   1 It is clear that the root of  the  problemis Mr Sherwood's attitude, which  grew  atthe approximate time when Alchemist PD waslarger that Prism PD. Makes you wonder  ifthe root of all this is  simply  jealousy?After all, we all know who Yuri Gararin is- who remembered the name  of  the  SECONDman in space?
   1 It is NOT necessary to SAVE  by  taking  ascreen  dump.  It  is  simpler  and   moresatisfying to alter the program so that itwill save SCREENS; so proceed as follows:-
   1 It concluded:
   1 It comes out every  month(ish)  and  costsonly `1. It's in A4 format and is a great,easy read with no wildly  stupid,  unfunnyhumour. Buy a copy now  and  get  20  freecredits to APD!
   1 It  also  pays  to  save  your  work  on aregular basis as a oversight usually meansa crash isn't too  far  off or the programbeing  hacked  will   regain  control.  Ineither  case,  all  your  hard  work  willprobably be lost.
   1 It   is   'The   Complete   Spectrum   ROMDisassembly'  by  Dr.  Ian  Logan  and Dr.Frank O'Hara.a
   1 Is this his answer?  People  start  askingquestions so either ignore them, terminatetheir subs or lie about them  in  his  ownmagazine where people cannot have  a  fairsay? Of course not. We have  welcomed  anyletter from Mr Sherwood which I  would  behappy to publish, but how can we  when  heputs ridiculous  copyrights  on  them  andmakes them copyright of groups who  nobodyknows and aren't even connected  with  theSpectrum?
   1 Incidentally, it seems that the PSD is notthe great regulator that Mr Sherwood makesout. Check any Amiga magazine and you willnot find one library or  group  registeredto the PSD. It's also  worth  noting  thatthe contact number of them is closed down!
   1 In this sense and with all best wishes  toall readers.6
   1 In the same letter, again Mr Sherwood  hasaccused AlchNews of slander! The  word  heis looking for is libel which would  stillbe  wrong,   since   the   definition   is"publishing of  a  false  statement".  Allstatements published in AlchNews have beenproven  and  have  documented  proof.  Anyexceptions are ones which  have  apologiesprinted after them.
   1 In the same  factsheet  is  refers  to  "acoding group in Scotland" which cannot  betrusted. A shame they cannot  even  revealtheir  name,  especially  since   previousissues  of  PD  Power  carried   so   manypromises about  the  projects  that  Prismwere going to do with the group! The truthof  the  matter  is  that  the  group   inquestion, THE  UNITED  MINDS,  decided  tobreak all links with Prism PD long  beforethis   statement.   The   statement
   1 In the dock  this  issue  is  the!
   1 In the chair: DAVE FOUNTAIN
   1 In the case above, "If the cap fits",  wasused  by  Miles  Kinloch  in  a   previousletter, but when Miles used it  there  wassome sense to the phrase!
   1 In the  above  routine,  I've  used "x" toshow  you  where  to  place  whatever  newdefault  user  area  you  require.  Simplysubstitute the "x"  for  a dummy value fornow, between 0 and 15.
   1 In my local area we are "lucky" enough  toget over half a dozen.  However,  when  itboils down to it, "Admag" in a nice  shadeof pink, has the biggest range.
   1 In each case you are prompted to  press  akey after each image has been drawn, and akey has to be pressed to start the  imagesalternating.
   1 In conclusion, my general advice would be,if you just want to keep things simple andavoid confusion, it's probably  better  tostick to the safe rule of only ever  usingone DOS-resident item at a time.  Providedyou re-boot before installing another, youthen can't possibly go wrong!
   1 In a test that was conducted by  Dr  Whiteand  Mr  Jean  Piere  Lecame,   OperationsManager  for  Armor,  a  major   cartridgemanufacturer,
   1 In a letter  from  Susan  Smith  to  MilesKinloch, it says of Andy Davis:I
   1 In a letter  from  M.  Sherwood  to  MilesKinloch,  dated   26/2/95,   Mr   Sherwoodstates:[
   1 In a basic header,  they indicate the autorun line. 8000  if  there  is  no auto runline.Y
   1 In a Sinclair Classic intervew he  claimedhe wrote short stories, AFTER  my  writingtalents were known to the public.u
   1 In a "PD Factsheet -  February  1995",  itrefers to a size increase in the magazine,full of "interesting articles, instead  ofslanderous  material".  Slander   is   theSPOKEN WORD. I think  the  word  they  arelooking for is LIBEL. In  any  case,  onlyone magazine  has  carried  this  kind  ofmaterial - PD POWER. AlchNews has informedthe public of the  "crimes"  of  Prism  PDwhich are the truth and documents  can  besupplied to prove every single fact.
   1 In FERUARY, he starts distributing them'
   1 In FACT, the only  letter  passed  by  TheUnited Minds  to  Alchemist  Research  wasthis  "guideline"   letter   as   detailedearlier.  This  letter  was   not   markedprivate  in  any  way   and   indeed   wasaddressed to myself, so I take it that  itwas for my viewing!
   1 In AlchNews 14, Wolfgang Haller wrote thathe was glad to know you. Well,  so  am  I.Andy gave  us  just  enough  publicity  toattract a few new members  (nice  but  notessential for our survival)  who  sent  insome contributions for  our  club-magazine"Uncle Clive & Uncle Sam" (and that's justwhat we needed). Less than 6 months  afterwe got to know each other, we joined handsto that we can both improve our magazines.Well, readers, in this context I have somenews for you: Andy will soon  have  a  newcopywriter: me. In return for letting  ourclub magazine survive,  I  gave  Andy  theidea  of  including   the   SAM   in   hisdisk-zine, and at the same time, I offeredto write about it, starting from the firstissue of 1996.  When  AlchNews  will  stopbeing for Spectrum  users  only,  it  willalso be renamed.
   1 In 48K mode  the  ERROR  address is always1301(h). This  error  address  will differfor machines in 128K mode, though you willseldom find it  necessary  to hack in thatmode - you do  all  the donkey work in 48Kmode and only use  128K  mode once this isdone and  the  'hack'  you  are working onrequires this to be so.
   1 In  late  January  Prism   circulated   aninformation  sheet,   titled   "PD   FACTSFEBRUARY 1995".  The  main  part  of  thissheet was to inform readers that Prism  PDhas many "new" demos (new  to  Prism,  butold to us!) and were now available. Out ofthis list of 51 demos (is that ALL? We getthat a week!),  there  were  seven  titleswhich should not have been there:
   1 In  conclusion,  perhaps   a   parody   ofShakespeare's immortal lines might sum  itup rather well: "Hell hath no fury like  acustomer scorned"!
   1 In  an  effort  to  end  the  long-runningdispute between Alchemist  R  esearch  andPrism  PD,  I  put  a  proposal  to   bothparties, based on a two-stage plan,  whichI hoped would lead to a truce. That was inJanuary. By March,  not  only  had  MartynSherwood rejected it point blank,  but  heterminated my subscription too, as  if  toadd insult to injury. I think it  is  onlyfair that you, the  readers  ,  should  beaware of the  stance  Martyn  Sherwood  istaking, for I feel the truth needs  to  beexposed.
   1 In  JANUARY,  he   recieves   and   beginsadvertising the software.C
   1 Impossible?  But  it's  true,  one  9  pinD-type socket and six wire connections areall you need.a
   1 Impact Temerature.
   1 Immense thanks to Dave  Fountain  for  hisexcellent insight into this program.N
   1 Imagine you go back a  couple  of  hundredyears, meet  some  bloke  called  WolfgangBeethoven in a local  bar  and  go  "Hellomate, I've got this great tune for you"...
   1 If your equipment needs a special command,other than COPY or RANDOMISE USR K
   1 If your equipment also needs to re-instatethe ability to  LPRINT  after  each  COPY,then type in a second new line:-t
   1 If you've enjoyed this article, you'll  bepleased  to  know  that   this   type   ofinformation  will  be  in  the   new   128Essential Manual project, along with  tipsand advice on all aspects of the  Spectrum128.
   1 If you prefer, you can substitute 23  with31 (i.e. 23+8) in line 20: this would thenactually display the  second  screen  area(initially  black)  while  the  screen  isloaded into it. Line 40  is  not  strictlynecessary, in fact, as the 128K  operatingsystem will  restore  the  default  pagingautomatically afterwards but I included itanyway for the sake of clarity.
   1 If you only want it for  emergencies,  thetariff to choose  is  EmergencyCall.  thismeans you only pay a  small  monthly  linerental,  but   call   charges   are   veryexpensive.
   1 If you have tried to  MERGE the basic of aprotected game, you  will have found, moreoften than not, the machine either crashesout or the basic lines cannot be listed.  The reason this  happens  is not importantand is a  result  of the programmer havingaltered  lines  within  the  program whichwill screw  up  the  editor  when it comesacross them  while  carrying  out  a MERGEcommand.
   1 If you have any questions regarding what Ihave covered in  this  issue, send them inand I will  do  my  utmost  to answer themwithin these columns  of  the next editionof ALCNEWS -  providing  they are sensiblequestions, that is!
   1 If you have  any  Spectrum  equipment  forsale, please let us know  and  we'll  giveyou a mention in the next issue.t
   1 If you connect together two Spectrums, youwon't have the  above  problem, and so youcan connect the  RXD  line of one computerto the TXD line  of  the other, the RXD ofone to the TXD  of  the  other, CTS to DTRetc.  In fact, you should use a "standard"null modem  cable,  detailed  later in thearticle.
   1 If you are a business user then there  areseveral business tariffs to  choose  from.Contact your local mobile phone centre formore advice.
   1 If you  can  follow  everything  up to thepoint  where  the  program  either  leavesbasic or  jumps  to  m/c  within the basicprogram, don't be afraid to try and followthis as well  -  you  will  learn far morefrom the mistakes you  make than those youdon't!
   1 If this is the case, I could use the  samereasoning to bring something back from thefuture. If I think sending back a disk  ofplans for a 986 super processor chip  fromthe future, it would  appear  on  my  deskwhere I could sell the design to Intel formillions and then  be  a  very  rich  man.Then, in the future when  time  travel  ispossible, send back the disk to this  timeso I could make myself rich!
   1 If this is the case I  think  we  need  tofind out who give The Troggs and  Wet  WetWet the idea for "Love is all around"  anddo a "Terminator" on them.
   1 If theres anyone not listed, LET US  KNOW!We can't keep asking you  if  you  want  afree  plug!  You'll  notice  one  or   twoservices  missing  this  issue.  This   isbecause they have closed down  or  are  nolonger in the Spectrum readers interest.
   1 If it is poked with with a zero then thereis nowhere for the  reports to be printed.Once again, as for non standard lines, theinterpreter gets hung up  and a crash willensue.
   1 If anyone knows what the name of this gameis, and where I can buy a copy, I would bevery grateful. You can write to me at  thenormal AlchNews address.
   1 If anyone is interested, I have compiled acompatibility  table,  listing   all   thepatches and +D resident utilities  I  knowof,   cross-referenced   to   show   whichcombinations are feasible, and which  onesaren't. I also managed to  adapt  some  ofthe patches to work together,  where  theywouldn't in their original form,  so  it'simportant to realise that the entries  forthem in this table ref er to these specialversions only. If anyone wants a  copy  ofit, they are welcome to write  to  me  c/oAlchemist Research,  or  just  contact  medirectly if they already know my  address.(Please note, by the way, I am  unable  togive any help with UNIDOS, as I don't haveit.)
   1 If anyone is interested in  the  unit,  itcosts a very reasonable `18  (at  time  ofprint) and  will  possibly  come  with  anAlchemist Research disk  or  tape  of  theprograms. Any Alchemist Research  customerwho buys one will also be  registered  forfree updates and further news of the unit,along with free  new  programs  when  theyappear.
   1 If an end to the feud is  really  what  hewants, no-one is actually standing in  hisway.X
   1 If all went well, the Multiface now  worksas well as it ever  did,  with  the  addedbonus that you can now use  your  Kempstonjoystick interface!  The Multiface is  toolarge to allow connection  of  a  KempstonInterface, I expect  you've  noticed  thatyou simply can't plug the joystick in!  Dothis modification, and you can!
   1 If I was better at this game I might  likeit more, but it's not really  my  sort  ofgame, so I don't. QED. It's a pretty  goodgame  to  squeeze  into  16K  of   memory,though!   I   prefer   Ultimate's
   1 If  the  address  in  ERROR  STACK POINTERpoints instead to  say,  an address withinthe  basic  program,  then  when  an erroroccurs  a  JUMP  is  made  to  the addresspointed to by  the  address  pointed to byERROR STACK POINTER -  If say, ERROR STACKPOINTER held the addess 5D00, then when anerror came about,  the  two  byte value at5D00 will  become  the  address  the errorroutine will jump to. Got that? Good!
   1 If  any  of  you  would  like  any  LC-100ribbons fading, I'd be happy to do  so  ifyou send the ribbon, SAE  for  return  and50p to cover the ink cost.
   1 INSULTING CUSTOMERS. For a start, isn't ita  trifle  severe  to   cancel   someone'smembership, just because they don't happento see eye to eye with him on every issue?Small wonder if people prefer to  approachother user groups with their grievances  -perhaps they want  to  hang  on  to  theirsubscriptions!
   1 ILLEGAL WINDOW:  This  occurs  when  using'CURRENT_' or 'FX_' you've  tried  to  usemore than ten windows.j
   1 IF A=1 THEN PRINT "Player One Wins"#
   1 IF A=0 THEN PRINT "Player One Loses"$
   1 I) Abusing programs
   1 I)   Miles   Kinloch's
   1 I've got all  annoyed  now,  so  I'd  bestleave before I write  any  naughty  words.Bye!X
   1 I've been putting it off long enough,  butI'm now  going  to  discuss  time  travel,theory or possibility?j
   1 I'mblathering a bit here. Let me resume  thisline of enquiry and get on with it.P
   1 I'm sure  there  are  trillions  of  otherbugs, so far undiscovered by me, but as myfinal point, you can make the  128k  menuslook a right mess simply by turning  FLASHon. The menus aren't affected by  INVERSE,OVER, BRIGHT or any of  the  other  colourcommands, but if  you  turn  flashing  on,then select the Edit menu,  it's  a  majorheadache inducer and also  looks  somewhatsilly. If  you  then  select  Exit  (whichreturns to the main  menu  without  losingyour program - or  resetting  the  FLASH!)you  can  see  the  main  menu   and   theCalculator menu do the same thing. To  addto  this,  even  the  footer  bars   startflashing (ooh, naughty!) and rather  spoilthe coloured stripes  that  symbolise  theSpectrum. (Blasphemy and sacrilege)!
   1 I'll then poke the hidden five byte numberform with the floating point number I wishto know and then  RUN the line - disregardthe fractional part  of the number printedunless  a  multiplication  follows  in thenext  or  subsequent   statements  of  theprotected program under inspection.
   1 I'd cheat and take four games plus  a  C60of all my favourite utilities. Maybe a fewyears  in  isolation  with  the  likes  ofAdvanced Art Studio, Soundtracker, the PFNfont  editor  and  a  compiler   of   somedescription would see an improvement in myprogramming.
   1 I will, however, show  how  to make use ofthe DOS routines to  inspect not only thissector of a disc,  but any sector and alsowhere and how to find  any file on a disc,whether  it  has   been   erased  or  not,providing it has not been over-written.
   1 I watched him climb back into his pod,  anexact replica of  my   own   and   restarthis  engines.  After  the  vacuum  enginesrefired and the  craft  disappeared  in  aflash of light, I got back to the program.
   1 I was speaking to a  doctor  colleague  ofmine the other day and I asked him  for  aspot diagnosis of a friend. He  asked  thesymptoms, which were:
   1 I use and strongly recommend the  Vodafonenetwork. It's coverage is second  to  noneand it's phones are cheap and  the  widelyavailable.
   1 I travelled some 15 miles East to the townof Worksop to one of the shows.I
   1 I think the  funniest  portrayal  of  timetravel must  be  in  the  "Bill  and  Ted"films. They wanted some keys, so said thatin the future they'd go back in time to  acouple of minutes before their present andplace the keys there for  them  and  laterwould go back in time!
   1 I think it would be far better  if  Martynsimply swallowed his pride,  forgot  aboutthese points and just agreed  to  end  thewhole  affair,   instead   of   stubbornlydigging in his heels. In  my  opinion,  hewill  have  only  himself  to  blame   forwhatever may be said  about  him  in  thismagazine,  for  I  offered  him  a  goldenopportunity to prevent  it,  on  which  hepoured  scorn.  Let  no-one  therefore  bedeceived if he tries to paint a picture ofhimself as the hapless victim,  supposedlybeing  forced  into  defending  h  himselfagainst attacks by Alchemist Research. Thefact of the matter is,  he's  prepared  tohold us all to ransom over his demand  forthis apology, and seems to regard  'truce'as  almost  a  dirty  word:   a   poignantrevelation  of  the  true  extent  of  hisloyalty and  dedication  to  the  Spectrumcommunity, which no-one should forget.
   1 I take all and sundry to  be  the  averageSpeccy User and , others, to  include  me.Well heres you chance, I have written  notto Mr Davis but to you if you  don't  likethe reply you don't like the truth,
   1 I strongly recommend that,  if  possible, you tackle the  problem  at  it's  source,following the advice above. If however, itis impractical or impossible to reduce thevoltage to an acceptable  level,  you  canmake a direct connection between  receiver& computer grounds. If you  do  this  withwire, you will eliminate the  problem.  Itis best to  make  the  connection  with  aresistor of 20-50 Kohm,  which  should  below   enough   to   reduce   the   voltagesufficiently  but  high  enough   not   toincrease the noise.
   1 I spent about five minutes re-inking  eachribbon, giving the handle a gentle turn ofabout one turn  per  second.  When  you'vecycled the ribbon you close the lid of thelittle ink cartridge and give  it  half  adozen turns to remove the excess ink.  Theink consists of a little tube which standsupright. It  has  a  hole  in  the  bottomwhere the ink slowly seeps  out  and  ontothe ribbon.
   1 I sat back at the terminal,  replaced  thedisc  and  began  typing  immediately.   Ilooked at my watch.  I  had  about  twentyminutes to go on the program. By  midnightit will be complete and I can then try  my"experiment".
   1 I remember, as if  it were just yesterday,sitting down in front of this little metalcased object, with strange looking symbolson the keys, thinking  to myself there wasno way on this earth  I would ever be ableto make it do what I wanted it to do.
   1 I recently made this  modification  to  my48k+ and found it to be faultless. Becausethe 48+  is  physically  larger  than  therubber keyboard version, you may  have  touse a lead as shown over.
   1 I received your letter on the 16th of thismonth, and it has taken me  until  now  tofirst of all, find out what on  earth  youwere  talking  about,  and  secondly,   todecide wether or not it was worth the timeand trouble to  answer  you,  25p  is  25pafter all, then again if you have spent  3months searching  through  your  files  tofind a letter of mine then you  deserve  areply, and lastly, calling me a  liar  wasprobably the deceiding factor.
   1 I really don't  know  if  us hackers are asecrective lot or  not  as  very few of usever seem to come out of our homes to tellthe world what we  do  or the way in whichwe do it.
   1 I realise, with a strong  sense  of  guiltthat the PC has turned me  into  a  Technolentil... So I have to tear  my  butt  offthe PC seat and get on the spectrum so  asI can write my contributions in  time  for10 days.
   1 I quite frankly can't see  the  attractionin such screens unless they can be printedout  and  handed  around  in   the   LocalHostelry or the bookies for a  laugh,  youwould have to be a pretty  sad  person  towant to gaze at such screens on a monitor.I also think that  it's  significant  thatyou quote from my letter  in  May  93  andthen jump to August 93, I quote
   1 I pressed the start button. The  pod  doorclosed0
   1 I picked up some blue disk  labels  and  aserial printer lead if anyone  would  likethem. I shall also  be  going  to  anothershow in a couple  of  months  time  so  ifyou want anything picking up let me know.
   1 I once saw a BBC program  which  containedthis  delightfully   wasteful   piece   ofprogramming:`
   1 I nn nn n   Fills a block of  memory.  The*
   1 I moved the carpet  of  wires  and  cablesaside with my foot,  lifted  a  hatch  andclimbed inside the small void. I  laid  onmy back and slid down about  three  metresto the fuse section. I quickly  reset  thelighting system and increased  the  cutoutrating to +50x, previously  set  to  +30x.The electrostatic memory of  the  terminalmust've  released   a   quick   burst   ofelectrals back to the main power  unit.  Islid back  to  the  now  lit  opening  andclimbed out, replacing the cover.
   1 I mentioned Des Taylor  before hand, and Ihave to  admit  I  found  his column quiteoriginal and  refreshing  (right,  thats afiver you owe me,  Des!) <it's in the postRoy. DES> and I look forward to his columnon time travel, in  fact  I wonder what hethinks of QUANTUM LEAP!, because lets faceit, it's a  miracle  that Sam could travelas far as  the  post  office, let alone intime with Ziggy the computer in charge!.
   1 I make this the first line in the program,so it  can  be  located  with  ease with adisassembler, and I input the folowing;{
   1 I looked  at  my  watch.  It  was  exactly23:50. I sat up from my  chair  to  get  abetter look at my visitor: me!r
   1 I know that I am probably the last  personwho should be  giving  advice  to  anyone,<No. Anyone involved in the  Spectrum  hasan opinion and as a customer, your opinionshould be treated with respect  and  actedon. Ed.> but I think that this  is  reallygetting out of  all  proportions,  and  isgetting  big   enough   to   pollute   theatmosphere of the community, and  what  isthe big problem, this could all be  sortedout by talking about it, so don't be  daftabout all this and just get it sorted out,everyone can see that Andy is  willing  tosort it out, but  the  whole  thing  fallsdown to one question..
   1 I hope you enjoyed AN15,  I know I did!, Ihave to  say  that  I  thought  the speccysoftware market was  dead  -  until I readthat excellent  review  of  that brilliantnew  speccy  game   -  Advanced  lawnmowersimulator  adventure  -  I  think  it  wascalled, anyway I urge  you all to rush outand obtain a  copy,  who needs a Megadriveanyway? oh  I  do...   they make excellentdoorstops!.
   1 I hope my Skanna is up  to  skanning  thislisting, because I'm not. I think  what  Iwill do is to just get  Andy  to  put  thelisting on the disk, so you don't have  totype it in. (This is the  advantage  of  amagnetic magazine- you shouldn't  have  totype  out  long  listings)  So  I'll  justexplain how you use it.
   1 I have just upgraded my PC Slightly...  Itis  now  386DX-40  with  VGA  and  SkannA.Letter from Andy arrives this morning.z
   1 I have  only  just  started  to write thiscolumn, days before the deadline for AN16!I must be turning into a Des Taylor!x
   1 I had you all fooled.
   1 I had been working  all  day  and  it  wasgetting late.  The  machine  was  completeexcept for the array  of  loose,  trailingwires all around  the  floor.  I  was  satinside
   1 I had a quick flick through the section oncode breaking last issue, interesting, buthas anybody been  able to decipher BritishRail platform announcers yet?.
   1 I got out the half a dozen old ribbons I'dbeen  keeping  and  set   to   work.   Theinstructions suggest you  put  a  drop  ofTippex on the ribbon so you can  see  whenyou've made a complete  cycle.  I  noticedthat  Star  LC-10  /  100   ribbons   needapproximately 192  turns  for  a  completecycle but this may change  on  the  ribbonmake.
   1 I entered 23:45 05/06/22
   1 I entered 2263 4844 0040
   1 I entered 00:00 06/06/22
   1 I don't think Mr  Sherwood  was  expectingthis because, if I had failed to print  anapology, it would have given  him  groundsto  take  legal  action  -  publishing  aninaccurate  statement  and  not   publiclyrectifying  it.  If  Mr  Sherwood  is   soconfident that statements in AlchNews  areuntrue, why has he not done anything aboutit in all this time?
   1 I don't know how I fooled so many  people,but I bet I  didn't  fool  anyone  french.Why, you ask?  Well,  here  is  my  friendMarcel to explain--
   1 I don't know about microdrive syntax  'cosmine doesn't work!!=
   1 I do  not  intend  to  teach  a particularstyle of hacking and  will use no tailoredm/c routines to  achieve  the desired endswhen I do a live hack.
   1 I ask you Martyn, how long can this go  onfor, you have put things in letters  abouteveryone having suffered from this in  oneway or another, well thats true enough, sowhy not end all of this now and  apologiseto Andy, no one really wants to  see  thiscontinue, and Andy has appologised for themistake over the names of the phone calls,and I think that this was more  than  fairon his part, is  this  just  going  to  beanother one of the  things  that  you  aregoing  to  start  screaming  "CONSPIRACY!"over?
   1 I also own  this  game's  sequel,  "Travelwith Trashman", but it's a very  differentgame and nothing like  as  good.  Briefly,you have to go around the  world  clearingup  the  countries  -  leaping  frogs   inFrance, roses in Spain (but look  out  forthe bull!), etc. However,  it's  difficultto  earn  enough  to  visit  many  of  thecountries,  and   the   game   is   ratherfrustrating and repetitive.
   1 I also have something else  for  you  finepeople. (If I can persuade Tas. 2 to mergeit in.)[
   1 I  wouldn't  like   to   say   that   it'simpossible  as  I  would  dearly  love  totravel through  time.  But,  as  there  isnothing to act as a guide, how can  it  bedone?
   1 I  will  expand  a  little  on  this  laststatement...6
   1 I  think  that's  all,  but  if  you  haveproblems, feel free to  write  to  someoneelse! Alright then,  me.  My  address  forgames-swapping, BASIC programming contactsand annoying  people  who  don't  like  myarticles, is:
   1 I  immediately  apologised   to   Patrick,Robert and Mr Sherwood. Some time later  Igot a letter from Mr Sherwood demanding anapology!
   1 I  hope  you  will  find  the  PROGRAM  ofinterest I was hesitant  about  taking  onthe project but, I am now pleased  that  Idid as I have  learned  a  great  deal  bydoing so. If you have any Questions I willdo my best to answer them. If I can't I'llask ARNOLD.
   1 I  have   expermented   with  transmittingtextfiles  from   my   48K   machine  (viaInterface 1) to my PC lately, and I've hada fair amount of success.  For some reasonthough, I cannot seem to get the PC and +3to talk to each other, so the details thatfollow of cable  wiring  should be treatedas a basis for  experiment only.  The datafrom the PC  seems  to get badly corruptedfor some  reason,  although  I  have set 8data bits,  no  parity  and  2  stop bits.There is a  mis-print  in  the Interface 1user manual by  the  way,  the Interface 1needs two stop bits, not one as mentioned.Once I set  the  PC  to  2 stop bits, datatransfer was  completely  reliable at 9600baud.
   1 Hulme Lane
   1 Hows about a "bytes free" routine for  theRam disk? Try:8
   1 However- this will only work if your  codeis watertight, so make sure your paging iscorrect, and you  are  passing  the  rightparameters to  your  routine.  An  examplethat crashes the computer is dos set 1346,as if you don't leave 4  sectors  for  theRAMdrive the Computer locks up.
   1 However, when Darren  saw  the  wealth  ofINDEPENDANT  evidence  against  Prism   hebecame very concerned.  When  Prism  couldnot supply ONE  PIECE  against  myself  orAlchemist Research it  was  clear  he  wastrying to manipulate Darren  for  his  ownneeds.
   1 However, there are plenty of users sellingequipment privately, through  the  TradingPost section of AlchNews. These provide  afar wider range  of  equipment  at  variedprices. Send an  SAE  for  their  list  ofhardware and software for sale.
   1 However, the instructions did  state  thatreally  faded   or   previously   un-inkedribbons may need two  or  three  attempts.Also, these ribbons were  EXTREMELY  faded(take no notice of the old saying that theScots are mean, it's  Yorkshire  people!),so I gave them all two more coatings.
   1 However, the inevitable  question  arises,what should someone do if they  happen  tosuffer from  BOTH  problems?  Suppose  youfind  your  LOAD  @/SAVE  @  routines  areslowed down, but on the other hand,  doingwithout the patch then leaves you with thecorruption  symptom  instead?   Obviously,since the  latter  is  more  serious,  theroutine would still have to  be  retained,but a possible compromise might be to keepthe drive-spin patch just for SAVE @,  anddisable it in LOAD @. If you want to do itthis way, run the above, but omit line 30.
   1 However, the high cost will be off puttingto most, especially as you'll have to  addthe drives. Also, with  the  device  beingnew, many will be unwilling  to  take  theplunge and become a pioneer, as  has  beenclearly shown with the failures of the QL,SAM,   and   DX-1.   But,   when   furtherinformation and,  perhaps,  a  demo  modelbecomes  available,   Alchemist   Researchshall seriously consider investing in one.
   1 However, the first  recommended  accessoryis some sort of wallet for it.  There  arelots available, almost  all  are  made  ofleather. I use one which allows the phonesuse whilst still in the  case  and  has  atransparent window to show the screen.  Itprotects the phone from all  weathers  andis padded on the inside to prevent  damageif knocked  or  dropped.  It  also  has  astrong and long belt clip for attaching toyour person.
   1 However, rather than produce it  alone,  Iconsider it would be a great  exercise  toprove to the Spectrum community  that  theremaining  groups  can   and   will   worktogether, rather than against each  other.Although there has been evidence  contraryto this in the past eighteen months  by  agreat many parties who are just interestedin their own  successes,  I  believe  thiswould be a good opportunity to alter  thatand  show  that  the  remaining   Spectrumgroups  can  continue   with   grace   anddignity.
   1 However, one said:
   1 However, in the past you'd have to prit itout and re-type it.  Something  you  wouldnot relish  if  the  textfile  was  ratherlong!
   1 However, as mentioned before,  the  +3  isawkward (have you  ever  used  one?!).  Wemust first put a header on  the  textfilesso they can be read!
   1 However, I had experienced  distortion  ofthe picture, but no loss of colour  BEFOREI even had the idea of getting an externaldrive. We put it down to a dodgy ULA,  andreplaced this, and this cured the problem.I'm not saying that everyone should go outand buy a new ULA for two reasons: 1.  TheULA costs about `17 ( I had a  hell  of  ajob finding the ` sign there, I think I'vebeen using the Pc for  too  long!-  TechnoLentil)
   1 However, I can't help  but wonder if everybody is flogging a dead horse, before it'seven  dead!.  I   mean,  before  BBC2  hadfinished screening the 1st series of the XFILES, SKY started screening the 2nd!, andthen (on  Saturdays)  the  1st, fresh fromthe BBC!, and  now  they've released it onvideo!.  <It's typical TV tactics. BBC arealso  showing   other   second   hand  SKYproggies like DUE  SOUTH and CHICAGO HOPE.Now,  while  these   programs  aren't  tootypical of US  'quality' programming, whatconfuses me  is  why  BBC  chose to screenthem at prime time slots on BBC1 where theTOP rated US  TV  programmes:  The X Filesand Star  Trek:TNG  are  relegated to craptimes on BBC2.  Then  again,  the BBC havenever been  too  up  on  sci-fi - rememberTRIPODS, DOCTOR WHO and now BUGS! Ed>
   1 However,  we  should  remember   that   MrSherwood is (supposedly) in charge and thebuck stops with him. Delegating complaintsand  matters  such  as  this  one  to  hislackeys, such as Susan  Smith,  shows  howconcerned  he  is  with  the  matter.   Tointroduce someone who has only one side ofthe story is just the same as him  writingthe  letters  himself.  In  fact,  on  oneoccasion, one of these letters is  writtenin exactly the same style as  his,  yet  asignature of S. Smith ends  it.  Comparingthis  signature  with  a   previous   one,supposedly by  S.  Smith,  shows  a  cleardifference in handwriting styles!
   1 However,  now  he  has  recruited   AmandaPandagirl from Sinclair Classic to try andsing his praises because he has  no  meritof his own.
   1 However,   rather   than   answer!
   1 Howard) gives the software houses!
   1 How useless, eh? For  printing,  yes.  Butfor filenames, these  two  characters  arecompletely groovy!!  You  can't  SAVE  INK2;PAPER 6; "file" but you  can  SAVE  CHR$16... etc! Each CHR$ statement counts as acharacter in your filename, but even  withan ink and paper colour (you don't have tohave both, or either!) you still have  sixcharacters left! BRIGHT and FLASH can alsobe done  like  this,  but  I've  forgottentheir character codes (look  in  the  userguide). My final  filename  trick  is  the"Ooh, how on earth  did  he  get  so  manyspaces in it?" one.
   1 How many times have you found yourself  ina situation where you have loaded  a  gameinto your 48k Spectrum, to find  that  youhave the wrong joystick  interface...?  Orwish to connect a printer or  disk  drive,but have no through port.
   1 How about if you go forward  50  years  intime from 1995? What are  the  chances  ofyou meeting yourself? One  reasoning  saysnone because in 1995 you went missing  andnever re-appeared until 2045 where  peoplesaw you  and  say  you  didn't  age.  But,return and live for another 50  years  youwill be around to see yourself appear,  sothe people who reported seeing  you  won'treport it, so the old version of you  willhave experienced a different welcome,  yetyou are looking at yourself!
   1 How Do I Use A Font In BASIC?
   1 How Can I Design A Font?
   1 How  many  users  have  been   forced   todowngrade to an  Amiga  or  Atari  or  Godforbid an IBM compat machine, my advice toyou is simple, put the  feuding  last  andthe Speccy users first.
   1 How  fickle  these  people  are.  When   aproject  to  take  advantage  of  this  isplanned,  they  soon   show   their   truecolours.
   1 Hiya peoples, the latest PD catalogue  hasjust arrived, and with  it  came  a  "few"disks and a VERY short note telling me  toreview them.  I dunno, a hacker's life  isnever a dull one!
   1 His latest trick is now to  terminate  thesubscriptions of anyone who asks too  manyquestions. Perhaps his next step  will  beto   hire   hitmen?   Whatever
   1 Hilton Court
   1 Hi everyone! Just  recently  I've  noticedloads of things about  the  +2  that  seemnever  to  have  been  documented,  so   Idecided to compile  them  into  a  Taswordfile.  This  turned  into  an  article  ofsorts, and presto! Here it is in Alchnews.(Well, it isn't yet, but  it  must  be  ifyou're reading it)!
   1 Hi I am Dok of the United Minds, and  thisis my amazing article which is written  inthe  style  of  an  article  written   forAlchnews! (Eh?)
   1 Here, AND acts like an IF - but note  thatit only works when a string is  influencedby a numeric value. It doesn't have to  bePRINT - PLAY can also be used  like  this,but remember that if neither condition  istrue, the command PLAY  on  its  own  willgive a Nonsense in BASIC error.  (PLAY  is128k only of course;  sorry  48k  owners).It's worth experimenting with this  as  itis a way around lots of separate IF lines.
   1 Here's  another  bug  in  128  BASIC.  I'mwriting this one from memory but it shouldwork.  This  is  a   more   serious   bug,affecting  the  IF  statement.  It   firstcropped up  when  I  was  entering  a  48ktype-in listing, but when I reentered  theline in 48k mode it remained as it should.The line in question was something like:
   1 Here goes then- You are in  a  helicopter,and at the left hand of the  screen  thereis a square window. You can see out of thewindow, and the landscape is  composed  ofbuildings and  skyscrapers.  You  have  toshoot an invader, which looks like a blackround circle. You fire at it using  the  0key, and the screen tells you to  fire  byflashing a bar above the ammo  meter.  Theammo meter is underneath the window  wherethe invader is. You  could  crash  or  getshot  by  the  invader,  and   when   thishappened your windscreen got cracks in it.If the crack got  from  one  side  of  thewindscreen to the other, you were dead.
   1 Here  is  a  short  program   that   flipsalternately  between  normal  and   secondscreens at the press of a key:-s
   1 Hello, tis I, The Demon Hacker again!   Assome readers of AlchNews already  know,  Ihave just been given an Interface 1 and  apair of Microdrives.  It was not  entirelywithout a catch though!
   1 Hello, my name is Dok,  and  although  youmay not have heard of me, I am  am  memberof the Scottish  demo  group,  the  UnitedMinds. Since we started doing demos  abouta year ago, one thing took our notice morethan anything else  on  the  spectrum,  itseemed that two rival P.D. libraries  werehaving a  bit  of  a  fight  between  eachother,  and  whilst  one  was  saying  onething,  the  other  was  saying  somethingelse.
   1 Hello and welcome to a really  interestingarticle  about  Funny  Filenames!  Do  youremember how "Saboteur" loaded,  with  thered filename? And  what  about  the  gamesthat printed filenames over the "Program:"instead of after it? I  bet  you've  spentweeks wondering how they did it! Well, nowthe secret is yours! You will soon be ableto amaze your friends with Funny Filenames(UK Patent Pending) on tape and disc!
   1 Hello all you out there YET AGAIN! I don'tknow,  a  deputy  editor's  work  is neverdone.  With my  recent  promotion went allthis hard work.  Life's  a bitch, then youmarry one, then you die!
   1 Hello  again,   and   welcome  to  another'exciting' (and  I  use  the term loosely)column.[
   1 He sent them guidelines, which was in facta letter penned by himself,  written  fromthe view of The United Minds and  possiblyDarren Randle, Extacy 3 and Fish magazine.No doubt this letter was  to  be  sent  tothese parties who would supposedly sign itand send it to me.
   1 He claims to forget  point  A)  as  he  isinnocent. Of ALL accusations? This is  NOTtrue   whatsoever.   As   stated   before,evidence can  be  supplied  to  prove  allstatements. He  has  admitted  himself  tohave made mistakes before, but  now  seemsto forget them! We, however, do not.
   1 Having said that,  though. Any program youdo use should preferably contain a BREAK -POINT  routine,  which  can  be  called toprint out all  the  register values beforemaking a safe return to basic.
   1 Having  seen  a  recent  issue  of   theirmagazine, it's easy to see why people  aredeserting. At least  two  regular  columnshave folded, due to lack of support and  acouple  of  contributors   have   suddenlystopped sending material.  Throughout  themagazine  are   feeble   and   embarassingrequests for help while on the  next  pagethey try to make out there are no problemsat all.
   1 Happy holidaying.
   1 Happy Hacking...
   1 Hahahahahahhahhaahaah!
   1 HI TEC - Well  known  publishers  of  such"average" games as  Scrappy  Doo,  BoulderDash and the excellent Potsworth,  Hi  Tecran into financial  problems  and  finallysank without trace, leaving behind just  afew bubbles in the form  of  Looney  Tuneslicences. <I almost worked for Hi-Tec. Ed>
   1 H) Source: Thomas Eberle.
   1 H) "Selling" PD for profit
   1 Grindleton
   1 Greetings to:
   1 Greatful appreciation must go out  to  allwho helped in the production of this  finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:{
   1 Graham Collier.
   1 Graham Collier
   1 Good luck to those  of  you who stick withme and whatever  is  to  come  in this andsubsequent editions of ALCNEWS!s
   1 George Imrie
   1 GenerationSoftware, who  previously  wrote  programsfor the ZX81 (not a  very  new  generationthen!). This is doubtless a very  originalgame and quite  a  groundbreaker.  Anyway,this game is for one or two  players  (notsimultaneously). Each player is a dustman,er, trashman, and must empty the bins intothe dustcart as it chugs along  the  road,before the bonus timer reaches zero.  Sucha task would be impossible,  but  you  canmake the bonus  timer  increase  by  doingtasks for householders.
   1 Gastackerstrasse 33
   1 Gastackerstrasse 23
   1 Garry Rowland
   1 GREMLIN GRAPHICS -  This  popular  companyturned out unfaithful, going straight overto   the   consoles   at   ther
   1 G) Subject of the watchdogs
   1 G) Complaints were  made  to  The  TradingStandards Office and the Post Office UsersCouncil about Prism PD.k
   1 Furtherimprovement is made by the application  ofa high polarity  polymer  coating  to  thefabric  surface,   which   increases   theaffinity to ink.  The  increasing  use  ofhigh speed printers and 24 pin print headsrequire the use of high  density  ribbons,which have less porosity but  much  betterwear resisitance.
   1 Further details are explained later in themagazine. Feedback  forms  based  on  thisarticle have  been  in  circulation  sinceApril, your comments are most welcome.
   1 From now on I will refer to this  chip  asthe AY or the sound chip.  Now,  lets  getdown to business.e
   1 From here there are a  couple  of  tariffswhich raise the line rental but lower  thecall charge, depending on how you use it.}
   1 From Alchemist Research or
   1 Frciction Coefficient.
   1 Formats  Computer  Show  at   the!
   1 Format Publications
   1 For those  of  you  who  do  not know whatinformation is contained  with a header, Iwill explain it to you.k
   1 For the sake of beginners, let's start  byexplaining a little about  how  the  extramemory is configured.  The  Z80  processorcan only handle 64K  at  any  given  time,i.e. addresses 0-65535, so this means  notall the extra  RAM  can  be  available  atonce. It has therefore  been  arranged  in16K blocks, known as 'banks'  or  'pages'.When one of these banks is required, it isswitched or 'paged in' to occupy addresses49152-65535  -  in  other  words,  it   isswapped for the RAM that was there before.Since paging can only  take  place  withinthis top 16K of the memory map,  only  onebank can ever be  present  at  any  singletime.
   1 For some  reason,  the  +2  manual  didn'tinclude these, but they  all  work.  Maybethey're in the later manuals for the  128kmachines (+2a and +3), but I'm  not  sure.<No. Ed.>
   1 For more details, contact Richard at:%
   1 For more details or to order, send an  SAEto:-
   1 For every ream of paper printed, blow awayaccumulated  paper  and   dust   particlesdeposited on and around the platen and theprint head carrier and holder.
   1 For a long time now, we've  seen  lots  ofinteresting  and  vital  articles,  ideas,tips  and  programs  appear  for   certainhardware. The  +D,  +3  and  Spectrum  128immediately  spring  to  mind.   AlchemistResearch had the idea of collating all  ofthis into one big textfile. Anyone who hadanything of interest could contribute  andin return would get a free  copy  of  thistextfile to produce and market it  as  oneof their own  products  in  any  way  theychoose.  The   textfile   would   be   thecopyright of those who helped upon it.
   1 For  those  of  you  rightfully  taking  aneutral stance, or have not been  involvedin the Prism matter then things have takensuch nasty turns.  It's  gone  far  beyonddodgy  software  and  poor  quality.  It'sdeveloped  into   tactics   reserved   forpoliticians.
   1 For  those  of  you  interested,  I   haveincluded some  of  the  screens  from  theclipart collection in this file, and a fewmore will follow it.
   1 For  more  details,  contact   SUC   whoseaddress is in Trading Post.E
   1 For  Betados  users,  the  most  importantpoint to realise is that this DOS uses thewhole  +D  RAM,  with   none   to   spare.Therefore, the ONLY such items that can beused with it (apart from the  bug-  fixingpatches) are SQUASH and SNAP OUT, both  ofwhich are specially designed to  overwritecertain  facilities  in  a  non-haphazard,non-destructive way. (Both SQUASH and SNAPOUT can be present simultaneously, by  theway, but always install SNAP OUT last.)
   1 Fonts are  always  768  bytes  long  (eachredefinable character  is  on  an  8  x  8grid), so make sure  that  the  767  bytesafter the start address you load it to arealso free of other code. (It's  safest  toleave a gap between blocks of  code  whichhave to be stored in RAM at the same time,as well as easier). I said earlier that  Idon't know how 23606 and 23607  relate  tothe RAM address, but the ones that I  knowand use are:
   1 Following comments made by a reader  in  aprevious issue of AlchNews,  THREE  MONTHSLATER Mr Sherwood decided  to  go  on  theattack  by  writing   an   offensive   andill-researched letter  to  the  reader  inquestion without first checking his  facts(or should that be lies?).
   1 Following  the  editor's  purchase  of   amobile,  here's  his   brief   guide   andpointers  on   choosing   a   phone,   thepleasures and pitfalls.
   1 Following  reports  in   last   issue   ofAlchNews, it appears that Spectrum  UK  isin danger of killing itself off as fast asit estabished itself.
   1 Fish Magazine
   1 Firstly, you should look  at the header todetermine the start line.C
   1 Firstly, loads  of  people  are  dribblingmindlessly for more info about  the  superspeccy. Well, if you want  to  know  more,turn the Page =>
   1 Firstly, how to build in a Multiface.%
   1 First, we need  to  set  up the memory mapthat  +3DOS  needs  in  order  to operate.The user manual tells  us that we need ROM2 (the DOS ROM)  at  the bottom of memory,page 7 at the  top,  and the machine stackmust be below 49120.  This is very easy toachieve, and can  be  done  in  only a fewbytes of machine code.  So, type this intoyour assembler.
   1 First off then, I must say how impressed Iwas at seeing all  these  screens!   Thereare LOTS of  them  as  they  come  on  twodisks!  I was up all night converting  the+D format disks so that I  could  look  atthem, and it was well worth it.
   1 First of all, you will need to  fit  a  23way Female D socket.  This isn't difficulteither, simply cut out a hole at the  rearof the +3, just above the  external  driveconnector.  Measure the D socket  to  makesure you have  it  right,  then  allow  anextra 2mm all round the cut-out.  You willsee the purpose of this later.
   1 First of all, you will  need  to  open  upyour  Multiface  and   remove   the   edgeconnector.  You can do  this  by  using  adesoldering pump or some  desolder  braid.Be careful though, too much heat will liftthe tracks off the circuit board, and  youmay even end up  causing  damage  to  heatsensitive components.  Before you do this,make sure that your soldering iron has  anearthed bit, and that you  ae  wearing  ananti-static   wrist   strap.
   1 First of all, I'd just like  to  make  thepoint that I  am  not  trying  to  rubbishanyone else, who has aired their views  onthis subject. I am merely writing  down  afew observations that I have made, while Iam  sitting  here  with  both  of  my  bigtoenails just removed, and not being  ableto walk very well. I'll spare you the gorydetails of that.
   1 First  and  foremost,  either  select  thefirst screen picture or load  up  Tasword.Then, making sure that your printable areais TYPE A, get a large +D screen  dump  ofthe set. If you don't have a +D,  try  anduse a printer driver which will allow somesort of large and / or sideways printing.
   1 Finally, the phrase "The ball is  in  yourcourt". Used by Mr Sherwood in a letter tome over twelve months ago - can't he thinkof anything more  original?  In  fact,  MrSherwood has re-used old phrases  quite  alot recently. Not only his, but also thoseof Miles Kinloch and myself!
   1 Finally, please note that care  should  betaken with the 128K's  Ramdisk  facilitieswhen  the  second  screen  is  in  use:  aRamdisk file could well encroach upon  thesecond   screen   area,
   1 Finally, here's a short routine  in  BASICto create an instant bold font located  at60094. To use it, RANDOMIZE USR 60094, andto turn it off, enter the "standard" POKEsat 23606 and 23607. The only problem  withthis is that the aforementioned  M  and  Wblockiness occurs, but it doesn't look toobad. Credit for the routine goes  to  JohnWesthead, who also wrote  a  font  packagebut I've forgotten what it's called!
   1 Finally, for 3" disks,  I  must  recommendVIKING DIRECT. A box of ten 3" disks costsonly `19.99 with discounts of two and fivepounds per box if more than  five  or  tenboxes are bought at the same time. If  anyreaders would like to  take  advantage  ofour business account with  Viking,  pleaselet   us   know.   Viking
   1 Finally, DAVID LEDBURY of Sam Prime has  awide range of Spectrum software  for  saleranging  from   budgets   to   big   boxedclassics. I've seen this collection and itis absolutely priceless! For more details,send an SAE to:
   1 Finally, "m" is the copyright symbol  (C).The smaller and proper symbol 184 is used.If you've used the normal copyright symbolin Tasword (Ext Sym Shift and  P),  you'llfid it's visible and different to  @,  butwon't print out as a copyright symbol. Youcan't modify it either as  far  as  I  cansee.
   1 Finally,  some  +D  users  complain  of  aproblem  with  a  sector  sometimes  beingwritten before the drive has time to reachfull speed, resulting in that sector beingcorrupted. From what I gather, it seems toaffect two DOS functions: printing  to  anopentype file, and SAVE @. (LOAD @ is alsoprone,  but  with  less  serious  effects,since no  writing  to  the  disk  is  thentaking  place.)   Betados   remedies   theproblem by pre-spinning  the  disk  beforeSAVE @ (a nd likewise  in  printing  to  afile opened RND), so when I wrote  my  DOSbug-fixers,  I  thought  I'd   include   asimilar routine to overcome the problem inG+DOS too. (I added it to LOAD @ as  well,for good measure.)  However,  while  beingserious for some people, the phenomenon isnot one which is universally  experienced.In my own case, for example, if my  drivescome to rest, they will ALWAYS spin  firstfor a second or so, before doing the  nextread / write - WITH OR WITHOUT the specialroutine that's supposed  to  be  required!I'm no expert 
   1 Ferry Groothedde, SCB.
   1 Ferry Groothedde, SCB
   1 Ferry Groothedde of the SCB  and  magazineUncle Clive & Uncle Sam has asked  if  I'dlike to merge his magazine with AlchNews.}
   1 Ferry Groothedde
   1 Ferry   Groothedde   of
   1 Feeling tired after turning a little wheel3600 times in one evening, I retired.  Thenext evening I gave each ribbon a try.z
   1 Fax: 0181 850 5971
   1 FX NOT IMPLEMENTED: Linked with the  'FX_'command... you've  tried  to  use  a  callwhich doesn't exsist.i
   1 FULL CREDIT is due  to  my  friend  ARNOLDYATES  for  the  LINE  modifications.   Myfunction is just to share the information.~
   1 FIVEopportunities to end it (including myself)clearly shows  that  Mr  Sherwood  has  nointention of ending the  matter  and  justwants it to drag on. Perhaps with  nothingto complain about, Mr Sherwood doesn't seea  future  for  himself  in  the  Spectrumworld. This  makes  him  a  very  sad  andinsecure man. As has been  stated  before,perhaps Mr  Sherwood  is  aware  that  hisservice is  failing  and  will  eventuallyfold in the near future. If  this  is  thecase, perhaps he is  wishing  to  continuethe fued so he has someone  to  blame  forit's end.
   1 FIRST: LOAD a Formatted disc and  type  inthe following short program:-G
   1 F=b TO VAL "21": PRINT AT f, b;  OVER%
   1 F.  Ridout  is  still  selling  an  UNUSEDMultiface 128 with a copy of Lifeguard for`15. He is also  looking  for  a  completelist of EPSON Printer  control  codes  andcommands if anyone can help. Please  writeto:
   1 F) Under police investigation
   1 F) After lying to Miles Kinloch that PrismPD  was  run  as  a  full  time   businesssponsored by the  Bradby  Boys  Club,  themanager  informed  me  that  he  would  becontacting the police and I  may  possiblybe contacted to provide evidence.  I  havebeen given NO information that the managerdid not take this course. Soon  after,  MrSherwood  claimed  he  resigned  from  hisposition as TRAINEE there.
   1 Extremely confusing isn't it!? Andy  wrotea short  story  about  time  travel  whichcovers this and I'm sure  he  explains  itbetter than me. I'll get him to feature itlater in this issue.
   1 Example: It's probably a good idea to  addline  10  when  using   the   LPRINT   IIIinterface as  an  LPRINT  instruction  mayinterfere with the copy size you have set.Now enter the keyword RETURN. You will nowbe back into WINDOW MODE  ready  to  startusing POWERPRINT II.
   1 Example 2:
   1 Everybody has some opinion on time  travelso please send in your thoughts, ideas andcomments on it.c
   1 Every week or two, there are at least  twoSpectrum  +3's  complete  with  games  andjoystick and, in some cases, still  boxed,for only `30.
   1 Every subject you could imagine is coveredand I had no problems using them with IconGraphix (48K) and Art Studio.q
   1 Every home computer has an area of  memoryassociated with the screen. It  an  eitherbe memory mapped, which meansthat for eachscreen location there is  a  correspondingmemory location, or it  may  be  organisedusing a display file.
   1 Evening all. The purpose of  this  articleis  to  answer  the  question,   "WhateverHappened To The Software  Houses?",  hencethe title. So, whatever did happen to  thesoftware   houses?   Ahem,   sorry,
   1 Even  though  the  Spectrum's  music,  thesinlge  channel  BEEP  was  diabolical  inBasic, great programmers made great use ofwhat little there was to play with. Fairlysoon, many understood  how  to  manipulatethe ULA into getting a pseudo two  channelsound  system.  Indeed,  there  are   manygames and programs which  show  this.  Twoextremely notable  examples  must  be  theAXEL-F sound demo and  music  from  FUTUREGAMES. Alchemist PD has ten volumes of top48k music which may sound dull if you're a128k user, but is a marvel of  programmingfrom an extremely limited device.
   1 Escom have branches throughout the UK,  thSheffield  shop  is  on  Pinstone  Street.Phone number 0114 279 8800.o
   1 Escom  also  sell  good   quality   Germanprinter ribbons, price of an  LC-100  monoribbon is `3.50 and  `7.29  for  a  colourribbon.
   1 Ernastrasse 33
   1 Ernastr. 33
   1 Erm. sorry that this column is so short.(
   1 Erm, I did also know the  ones  for  6&
   1 Entry to the show costs `4 but  there  arelots of  free  entry  and  discount  entryvouchers knocking around in local  papers.The  following  page   gives   dates   andlocations of the shows.
   1 Enables the ISG,  resumes  whatever#
   1 Either way, we can now return to BASIC, sowe must get rid of  RAM page 7 and the DOSROM, page our "normal"  RAM page 0 back inat the top of  memory,  and put ROM 3 backat the bottom.  This is easy too!
   1 Either way, this is NOT how to  run  a  PDlibrary.2
   1 Eg: Spectrum font:
   1 Eg. Before, the  statement  CAT  1  simplygave an error, but with  the  Interface  1present and a Microdrive attached (with  acartridge  fitted),   the   statement   isexecuted, giving a list of  the  first  50named files held on the cart,  along  withthe number of free bytes (in K) available.
   1 Ed's supplement:
   1 East Sussex
   1 Each register on the chip will control  anindividual feature.=
   1 EXT MODE W - Delete word left
   1 EXT MODE T - Go to bottom of program$
   1 EXT MODE P - Move up ten lines
   1 EXT MODE N - Go to top of program!
   1 EXT MODE M - Go to end of line
   1 EXT MODE K - Delete all to left
   1 EXT MODE J - Delete all to right 
   1 EXT MODE I - Move to word left
   1 EXT MODE E - Delete word left
   1 EXAMINE. This command displays  the  type,name, length and start of any files  foundon tape. Use BREAK to escape.q
   1 ENVELOPE SHAPE & CYCLE Register 13"
   1 ED: "You obviously know that the  Spectrumhas no major coverage  now  which  is  whyyou're selling it,  but  do  you  honestlythink you're going to  get  anywhere  nearwhat you paid for it?!"
   1 ED: "Do you still have  the  Spectrum  forsale?"0
   1 ED:  "I'm  not  surprised.  How  can   youjustify selling it  for  that  price  whenthere are countless others around  it  forless than HALF that?"
   1 ED. He's lost more than that!, oh well,'
   1 ED. Ahh yes, but which bits?. And don't'
   1 E) In an "open letter"  featured  in  FISHfanzine,  Mr  Sherwood  made  public  thatAlchNews would be available  from  him  ifmedia and stamp were sent.  No  permissionwas given and there is no indication  thatAlchNews is a public domain program.
   1 E) Distributing AlchNews without 
   1 E) "Duplication" of several statements andphrases used by myself and several others.T
   1 Due to the vast amounts of printing we  dofor letters and catalogues,  ribbons  onlyususally last a  fortnight.  The  re-inkedribbon lasted quite a  bit  longer  beforeshowing signs of slight fading.
   1 Dok of the United Minds '95
   1 Do not fool  yourself  into  thinking I oranyone else can teach  you all there is toknow  about  hacking.  For  one  thing, nomatter how good a hacker you are, there isalways something  new  to  investigate andconquer.
   1 Disks are very competitively priced at themoment. The best value 3.5" ones are  fromESCOM. Quite recently they opened many newbranches, taking the total to 100.  Doubledensity disks are `2.32 for a box  of  tenwhereas High density are `2.11!
   1 Diaries", we threw an Interface 1!
   1 Despite the fact  there  were not too manybooks around at the  time, I did manage tosort out what was what and after a year ortwo I  became  quite  proficient  in basicprogramming. Hacking was  a natural followon when I  got  around to tackling machinecode.
   1 Despite claims that analogue  phones  havepoorer  reception,  my  experience  provesotherwise - the reception has been clearerthan my BT line!
   1 Desmond Tyler
   1 Delegating others to do his dirty work  isjust a prime example of how far he will goto avoid the issue. You can  see  this  bytheir claim that out of my 22  letters  in12 months, only SIX have been replied  to.It's worth noting that in these six he hadsomething  to  say  but  did  not   answerimportant questions which he simply cannothave  an  answer   without   incriminatinghimself. He caused this entire problem andhe has the job of trying to sort  it  out,not passing the matter  onto  his  lackeyswho have no understanding  of  the  matterwhatsoever. Essentially, he is  in  chargeand he should answer for it.  As  you  canalso see in the letter, no  reference  wasgiven to my "shut up or shut up" proposal.Obviously, he  is  unwilling  to  end  thematter.
   1 Dear Mr Sherwood,
   1 Dear Mr Davis
   1 Davis - one of many  to  come  I 
   1 David Wood
   1 David Crookes
   1 Dave Ledbury
   1 Dave Fountain.
   1 Dave  is  well  known  for  his  excellentmagazine SINCLAIR CLASSIC, which  recentlyfolded so he could concentrate on  writingother software and  write  for  SubliminalExtacy.
   1 DRAW 5,-17: PLOT  118,125:  DRAW 10,5:&
   1 DRAW 15,4: PLOT  113,105:  DRAW -8,-8:&
   1 DRAW 11,-5
   1 DRAW 0,-15: DRAW -5,-16: PLOT 128,120:&
   1 DRAW -8,-8: PLOT 145,106: DRAW 8,-8#
   1 DOMARK - Creators  of  many  Speccy  gamesincluding the TV Games series, Domark alsodared to release  console  software.  Theyhave had a  move  and  are  now  based  inLondon.
   1 DOKE and CALL
   1 DLS: Disk Loading System
   1 DLS:  Original  version.  Comprises  of  afront end menu system only.E
   1 DLS3X: Latest version, works in any mode.)
   1 DLS3 : As above, but uses 128 ramdisk  (!)DLS3B: for storing of a screen.I
   1 DLS2: Simple  shell  of  DLS3X.
   1 DLS was written by Andy  Davis  some  timebefore he  actually  invested  in  a  disksystem. Trying to anticipate mass  storageand the need  for  some  organisation,  hedevised this program. Although  there  arefar others on the  market,  it's  a  neat,well displayed  program  which  may  servesome purpose.
   1 DLS program.
   1 DLS is  located  at  UT33  in  the  latestcatalogue but is not PD. The  program  cannot be duplicated or  distriubted  by  anyother groups without the permission of  A.Davis.
   1 DLS 3X comes loaded will example filenamesand ID  names.  You  can  remove  them  bypressing BREAK and then RUN.p
   1 DISTRIBUTING ALCHNEWS WITHOUT  PERMISSION.Well,  did  Prism  PD   have   permission?(Rhetorical question.)j
   1 DICE,   orDisk Information Copier  Editor, has to bethe best  sector  editor  around.  It willeven format 3" disks  to 42 tracks, givinga large increase in capacity.
   1 DH. Well it could have been worse, you&
   1 DH. Oh I don't know, BENS BITS, shows%
   1 DH. I think he's definitely lost his edge,*
   1 DH. Did you know that, PRISM PD, took up(
   1 DB2  is  by  far  the  best  disk  back uputility produced for the  +3, but it won'tfully  back  up   disks   that  have  beenformatted to greater than 40 tracks!
   1 DAVE WOOD has some spare PC  equipment  tosell. It  includes  an  SX386  motherboardwith AMI bios, 6 ISA slots and  space  forSIMM RAM  to  16Mb.  It  also  features  aTRIDENT VGA board 512k with IDE I/O  boardwith printer port / joystick etc.
   1 DA7C2DDE1DD23FDCB016E28EADDE1C9" 
   1 D1SCREEN$ ": LET z=VAL "820": GO TO w%
   1 D. Ledbury
   1 D-76307Karlsbad. It is called  "Noram"  and  willhelp to solve the problem that occurs whenthe RAMTOP in a program is  so  low,  thatthe report  "4  Out  of  memory"  will  beprinted, i.e. if you set CLEAR 24000. Thismakes often problems, i.e. when  you  willconvert demos with a low Ramtop to run  onOpus disk or with games. All you  need  isan additional RAM  in  the  Opus  and  theprogram.
   1 D-51069 Koeln
   1 D) Unreliable
   1 D) Poor use of phrases, as detailed above.*
   1 D) As above.
   1 Crashed magazine
   1 Craig Wilson
   1 Craig Elder
   1 Could I also ask people to make sure  theyare using the latest versions  of  my  DOSbug-fixers - the final  versions  are  thesame as those given away with AlchNews 12.<Also on the +D Utilities Collection.>  Ifanyone's not sure, by the way, there's  aneasy way to tell - enter LOAD d1 - if thisgives an 'OK'  report,  you're  using  thecurrent ones, but if you get  a  'Nonsensein G+DOS' error, you must be using one  ofthe earlier versions; possibly those  fromAlchNews 11, or maybe from another source.(This new command was one of the very lastthings I added.) The latest fixers are, ofcourse, available from Alchemist Research,if anyone needs them.
   1 Copy 1 of 4:
   1 Converting Apple IIe Textfiles
   1 Contributions   can   range   from   shortarticles, tutorials, information on usefulsoftware and how to aquire it, hints, tipsand short programs which can  be  includedin the manual. For ease of processing, allinput should be submitted on +D disk, Opusdisk, Spectrum +3 disk, DSDD  PC  disk  ortape as a popular wordprocessor  textfile,such as  Tasword.  However,  this  can  besorted at a later date by the compiler  inquestion.
   1 Continues  program   execution
   1 Connect GREEN LEAD to SHORT LEG. 
   1 Connect BLUE LEAD to SHORT LEG.
   1 Computers   arenormally set  to  be  Data  Terminals, andModems and other such devices are normallyset to  be  Data Communications.  Normallyyou would  only  interface  DTE devices toDCE  devices,  but  beware,  the  SpectrumInterface 1 and  +3/+2a  (and probably the+2/128) are set as  DCE and NOT the normalDTE.
   1 Commands  that  previously  led  to  errormessages are now treated as correct,  withthe appropriate action taken.q
   1 Coming shortly:
   1 Clean the external drive socket on the +3,because after all these years, it's  boundto be a bit mucky.f
   1 Chris Thomson
   1 Chris Taylor, Triad
   1 Chris Taylor
   1 Chris Norfolk
   1 Chris Habbersham
   1 Chris Box: Used Tenners please B-)"
   1 Chernobyl's Operating system:
   1 Checks made:
   1 Checks made by line 120:
   1 Century Talent?
   1 Cellphones direct   (Advert in newspapers)Vodafone centres:
   1 Catalin Russen, MicroCRIFS
   1 Calls the machine code routine
   1 CPC Undercover
   1 CPC / PCW support
   1 COPY "filename.COM" to SPECTRUM
   1 CONTENTS (7)
   1 CONTENTS (6)
   1 CONTENTS (5)
   1 CONTENTS (4)
   1 CONTENTS (3)
   1 CONTENTS (2)
   1 CONTENTS (1)
   1 CONT controls whether the envelope repeatsor not: i.e. if the sound is a  one-off  -like a gunshot - then  it  won't,  but  ifit's a repeated effect, such  as  a  steamtrain, then it will.
   1 CODE MASTERS - The name all Speccy  ownersassociate with Dizzy the egg and simulatorgames, the "Codies" promptly  switched  tothe PC and unmentionable Japanese  things.They even had the cheek to  release  Dizzygames on the PC and Megadrive - the abusedegg  even  features  in  the  Sega  "MicroMachines" on the title  page.  They  stillhave very limited stocks of some games andcompilations, and have changed their  oncefunky  logo  into  a  frankly  crap   pinkscribble. <C.M. won an award for "most useof  words   like   excellent,   brilliant,simulator, advanced, turbo and super". Ed>
   1 CHRISTIAN AYMARD is on the lookout for thefollowing programs:=
   1 CHR$ 6 is the same as the comma  in  PRINT"Hello","Hello".   It   moves   the   textposition across half a line.  You  can  dothis in Funny Filenames (Registered  trademark). Try this:
   1 CHR$ 17;CHR$ 6; "Hello!"
   1 CHR$ 0+ "name."+CHR$ 6
   1 CELLNET is Vodafone's  main  rival.  Theircoverage and  customer  base  is  slightlysmaller.   They   also   use   thev
   1 CATALIN  RUSSEN  would  like  some   Amigacontacts, wishing to swap tips, advice andsoftware for the Amiga. If you would  likean Amiga penpal, please write to:
   1 CAREFULLY solder  the  wires  from  the  Dsocket, so that they match  up  with  thischart.Z
   1 CANNON BC01 inkjet cartridges, `5  each  o14 for `50.5
   1 CALL #0130
   1 C) Very poor use  of  italics,  underline,bold text and capital letters  in  variouspermutations to try and accent his  words.Simply  ONE  is  enough,  If  I  wish   tohighlight  a  word  I  would  use  CAPITALletters, not underlined,  bold  italicisedcapital letters!
   1 C) Slow Service
   1 C)  Statements  by  Chris  Taylor,   MilesKinloch, Mark Harris, to name but three.R
   1 C)  Not  researching   wrong   informationsupplied to Mr Davis.?
   1 Bytes OD add 0E in  a bytes header are thethe  start  address   of  where  to  beginloading the block of code.n
   1 Bytes 0F and  10  are  the offset to wherethe variables, if  included with the save,begin - this two  byte  number is added tothe address  held  in  the system variablePROG.  at  5C53  (23635)  and  the  systemvariable VARS is  updated,  along with allthe other system variables which must alsobe updated: eg; EDIT LINE.
   1 Bytes 0B and  0C  are  common  to all fourtypes of header and  are the length of thedata block which follows the header.x
   1 Bytes  0D  and   0E  contains  informationrelevent to the type of header.I
   1 Byte OE  for  number  or  character arraysholds the lower  case  letter of the arraywith 40 (h) added for numerical arrays and80  (h)  added   to  the  character  arrayletter.
   1 By the way, remember that you can relocateyour code in RAM  by  forcing  it  into  adifferent location when you load  it.  So,if you wanted  to  relocate  a  font  from32000 (Art Studio default)  to  62000  (myfavourite address!), you'd do this, addingdisc syntax if appropriate:
   1 By the way, never  ever  use  CLEAR  in  asubroutine as it corrupts  some  stack  orother  and  gives  you  a  strange   errorreferring to a line  which  often  doesn'texist.  CLEAR  should  always  be  at  thebeginning  of  a  program.  The  Spectrum,unlike  many  other  versions  of   BASIC,allows you to redimension a  DIM  variablewithout  having  to  CLEAR  it  first,  soCLEARs should know  their  place.  Or  youshould know their place.
   1 By The Demon Hacker, Feb 1995
   1 By The Demon Hacker
   1 By Richard Wilmot
   1 By Professor Don H. White Ph.D
   1 By Phil Glaves
   1 By Phil Dobson
   1 By Paul Howard.
   1 By Orson, United Minds.
   1 By Kevin Gurd
   1 By Graham Collier
   1 By Desmond Tyler
   1 By Dave Fountain
   1 By Antony Purvis
   1 By Andy Davis
   1 But, with a simple FOR..NEXT  loop  and  alittle conditioning, you  can  convert  itinto lower case in a few  lines  of  BasicAND have capital letters at the  start  ofany new sentences!
   1 But, they do say  that  imitation  is  thehighest form of flattery! I say that  it'snecause an uneducated man cannot think  ofthings for himself.
   1 But, the real advantage of paged  graphicsis if you wany to display  more  than  oneimage in rapid succession. BASIC  graphicscommands usually only write to the  screenmemory.  This  means  that  pictures   arebuilt up on  the  screen  and  then  savedafterwards.  While  using  paged  graphicswill not make the physical construction ofa screen picture  any  quicker,  once  thecalculations have been performed, picturescan be recalled from memory to the  screenvery quickly. Paged graphics  thus  retainthe simplicity  of  BASIC,  combined  withmuch greater display speeds.  And  if  youset up several images in  different  areasof  memory,  they  can  be  called  up  insequence  rapidly  to  permit   relativelycomplex displays.
   1 But, the project is  going  ahead  withoutthese sources.  And  when  the  manual  isavailable and becomes something of a bibleWITHOUT their credits, maybe they'll  lookbeyond their own personal gains.
   1 But, the  Spectrum  16k  had  a  built  inspeaker and simple  sound  output.  To  beperfectly honest, the system was pathetic.At  the  same  time   there   were   othercomputers  available  at  similar   priceswhich   had
   1 But, please keep your comments coming  in.I'll keep discussing the matter with Ferryand the final plans will be  discussed  inAlchNews 17.
   1 But, one thing is for sure.  Never  beforehas so much  incriminating  material  beengathered against Mr Sherwood. He can go onlying  to  himself  and  others   but   itcertainly won't last forever. The  net  isclosing Mr Sherwood.
   1 But,  why  doesn't  he  practise  what  hepreaches? I have asked many times  for  myletters to be published, as  have  others.The reply was a pathetic  excuse  that  itwould take up "valuable space". Has he notheard of SCALING? Judging by  the  qualityof his letters and magazine I  doubt  he'seven heard of a spell checker. Steps  havenow been taken in reporting PD POWER to  amagazine  regulatory   body   for   biasedarticles without allowing the  other  sideto be published. Since Alchemist  Researchhas welcomed any letters from Mr  Sherwoodfor publishing, he cannot do the same!
   1 But,  while  I  was  being   ignored,   MrSherwood was writing to The United  Minds.He thought that this mix up could be  usedto his advantage and to break  up  supportbetween The  United  Minds  and  AlchemistResearch.
   1 But,  lets  say  that   time   travel   ISdiscovered, no doubt it could  be  in  thefuture. Why hasn't anyone from the  futurecome back in time to our day? Perhaps theyhave but are keeping extremely  hidden  orare perhaps "phased" and although they cansee us, we can't see them - ghosts?
   1 But why do this? Writing to the other pagecertainly doesn't save any time. In  fact,updating the display  will  take  slightlylonger because of the time taken  to  copythe information into  the  screen  memory.The advantage lies in the fact that  whileupdating the "hidden" page,  there  is  nochange on the current screen display.
   1 But time travel.  What  basis  of  currenttechnology can we use as a  reference  forthat? Theres none. While we can say that aphaser is based upon  a  small  laser  andfuelled by a tiny power or chemical sourcein the unit itself, what can  we  say  fortime travel?
   1 But there  have  always  been  reports  ofweird creatures which  look  nothing  likehumans (Like my brother for example)  e.g.the Dogons from africa,  now,  the  Dogonsare an african tribe who beleive that fishlike beings called the Nommo's  came  fromSirius (Also known as  the  Dog  Star  forthose Fact finding bods!)  and  told  themabout  the  system  they  lived  in,   forexample,   the   Dogons,   an   apparentlyun-civilised tribe, gave the correct totalof planets in the solar system,  the  factthat the Earth spun on its axis, the  factthat there are two  stars  in  the  SiriusSystem although you can only see one  (Andthis was only very recently proved!),  andas well as this, they have very  old  starcharts, which are over a hundred years oldbut which are fairly accurate!
   1 But first, enter the SECOND program if youare  using  tape.  Make  sure  that   it'scorrect as you cannot check it. Then, saveit and then enter the FIRST program  whichwill create the machine code and  save  itto tape in  continuation  after  the  mainprogram.
   1 But first this intro..
   1 But Isn't There A Better Way?
   1 But Dok, being the  all-forgiving,  personthat he is,(yeah right), didn't think thiswas fair on  M.Sherwood,  and  decided  togive him the benefit  of  the  doubt,  andsuggested  that  we  use  both  libraries.Might I point out here that this was a:
   1 Bridge (connect) together pins 3, 4, 5,  6and 7.0
   1 Brian Watson, 8-BIT
   1 Brian Watson
   1 Brian Gaff, BG Services
   1 Brandlesholme
   1 Bradby Boys Club
   1 Both of these problems, I have  attributedto the lead that  goes  to  the  Drive  B:socket, and I  have  grown  accustomed  tothem, And have found other ways of copyingdisks.
   1 Both  versions  of  the  Art  Studio  alsocontained a font editor, identical but the128k version had some  fonts  on  the  RAMdisc. This is an excellent  utility,  evenapart from the art  package  itself.  It'sfast, easy to use and has lots of  optionssuch as Mirror, Invert, Rotate and Save todisc or tape.
   1 Bl: L11  Ap: 86
   1 Bits:7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0"
   1 Bits 5, 4 and 3 control whether or not theappropriate sond channel  will  be  givingout white noise or not. Bits 2,  1  and  0apply  likewise  for  musical  tones.  Youcannot have both on the  same  channel  atthe same time!
   1 Bit 6  has  no  part  in  configuring  theactual sound, so I will ignore it in  thisexplaination.a
   1 Bit 4 is the ENVELOPE  ENABLE  flag.  Thiscontrols  whether  the  volume   of   thatchannel should remain constant, or  if  itis to be controlled  by  the  envelope.  Iwill  explain  envelopes  later   on.   Asbefore, a 0 here means that  the  enevlopecontroller is on and a 1 means that it  isoff.
   1 Bill Richardson, EEC
   1 Bill Clark
   1 Big   supplier   of   Spectrum   adventuresoftware,   including?
   1 Benson. <Sigh. Ed.>
   1 Ben Douglas: Scream 'cos you just  stubbedyour toe.3
   1 Ben Douglas DOES exist. Any letters to himshould be  passed  via  Roy  Benson,  DaveFountain,   Alchemist   Research,u
   1 Below  are  some  of  the  topics   MartynSherwood  quotes  as  being   exmples   ofunwarranted attacks on him, but  where  inreality, he has brought all the  criticismon  himself.  Some  of   the   others   hementioned refer  to  situations  where  anapology has already been given,  plus  oneor two cases where,  in  all  fairness,  Ifeel I don't know enough  to  be  able  tocomment.
   1 Before moving  on,  a  word  or  two  on acouple of system  variables which may alsobe poked or used  in  some way or other toadd even more  false trails or protection.
   1 Because of this, Tasword 2 files will  notload into any other  model  because  thereare no invisible markers for it to see  soit will just fill all characters  on  eachline with text!
   1 Because of  place  problems  the  hardwarefleemarket was  a  bit  small,  but  thankThomas Eberle (this time as  manager  fromSinTech) the software sell  has  become  abig range. There was a  high  interest  inthe new games "Atomix" and  "Tango"  (plus"Magic Dice" on  the  backside)  from  theCSFR and also in megapacks who contains  acouple of games.
   1 Because fonts are machine code, they  mustbe loaded in at an  address  -  make  surethat this doesn't interfere with any othercode you are using or you'll have problemslater!
   1 Because  of  Des  Tyler's   pestering   tofeature this along with his article,  hereis the short story I wrote based  on  timetravel  a  few  years  ago.  I   make   myapologies now for it's poor quality!
   1 Beach Imaging Ltd.
   1 Beach Imaging
   1 Basicallyspeaking, it allows you to format  a  3.5"to MS DOS format.  It does more than  thattoo, it allows you  to  copy  files  (say)created with Tasword +3 onto the  disk  sotha your PC  can  load   them!  More  thanthat, the program can copy files from a PCdisk onto a disk in the internal 3"  drivetoo, so if you use a PC at work  and  needto edit some textfiles, then you  can  nowdo it.   This  is  a  brilliant  piece  ofsoftware, highly reccomended.
   1 Barbara Gibb
   1 Back to "Trashman", it's well worth a lookif you spot it at a car boot sale  and  isoverall a very fun game. I don't have  anyother Spectrum games by New  Generation  -although  I'm  not  a  collector,  I'd  beinterested to hear  from  anyone  who  hasthem. <I've got some  Dinosaur  maze  gameand 3D Tunnel. Ed> (If you'd like to  swapgames, write to my address at the  end  ofthis section)
   1 BASIC Line 90
   1 BACKUP. Used to copy tape files.  You  canbreak out of this command while the MB  isexecuting but do note that if  a  file  isover 20k, the  system  may  crash.  Alwaysexecute the NEW command after 'BACKUP' hasbeen executed.
   1 B) Pornographic software
   1 B) On THREE  OCCASIONS,  Mr  Sherwood  hasprinted a numbered series of points in hisletters which  has  either  had  a  numbermissed out, numbers in incorrect order  ornumbers  repeated  or  a  mixture  of  allthree!
   1 B) Mr Davis is blackening his name via thehelp of  "puppets"  to  try  and  end  hisservice.\
   1 B) As above, but  tested  it  and  thought"Sod it".3
   1 B e r k s h i r e
   1 At the moment there are three phenominallygood lists of hardware, software and booksdoing the rounds.  Should  you  want  one,send an SAE to:
   1 At the bottom of the screen is an  optionsbar, in the style of the Multiface.  Userswill see it's familliar with the one  usedin the old AlchNews shell.
   1 At present it doesn't appear to be in  theUK at the moment, but be patient, it  willbe  soon  and  will  no  doubt  take   theSpectrum music scene by storm  once  againmuch like the AY sound chip did!
   1 At first it looks very a daunting task  ofsetting up  but  with  the  unit  comes  awell documented set of instructions, alongwith  diagrams  of  settings  for  popularribbons. The setup is rather similar to  areel to reel tape spooler. The  ribbon  ispulled a little way out of  the  cartridgeand it runs around the ink reservoir  (thetape head?) and  back  again.  The  handleturns the ribbon so it gets re-inked.
   1 Assuming  I've  got  the  bug  right,  theinterpreter promptly decides to do a  spotof improvement and changes your line to:|
   1 Associated   with   these   commands$
   1 As you know, there are several versions ofTasword  for  each   type   of   Spectrum.Although each is  different,  there  is  agreat deal of compatability between them.
   1 As the SPC  also  support  the  SAM  Coupethere was 4 SAMs running this time, and onsome PCs and Notebooks Spectrum  emulatorstried to do their job as good as  possible(but never can beat that feeling you  haveon the original. Speccy forever!).
   1 As stated in  the  news  section  earlier,feedback   from   UK   groups   has   beendisappointing to say the  least.  However,it was to be expected. INDUG  seem  to  betoo high and mighty to work  with  anyone.Spectrum UK are too busy being "odd" to doanything else and  of  Prism,  they  can'teven think of an original  idea  or  spellcorrectly so it's ridiculous to  think  ofthem helping.
   1 As for other holidays, I'm planning a  fewdays in France sometime later in the year.I was hoping to spend Christmas there lastyear   but   a   severely
   1 As briefly detailed  earlier,  Tasword  +3textfiles are of their own format. We mustfirst rename  them  so  that  the  inbuiltconverter program of +3DOS to give them  aheader and then use the converter program.
   1 As an example, this would put CAT  1  intothe underline key:<
   1 As an  example,  the  Verify  command fromBASIC does not  actually do anything.  Youget the OK message  at  the bottom of yourscreen, but the drive isn't even accessed.In machine code,  it  is possible to writeyour own verify  routine.   The routine isthere is the DOS  ROM, only Amstrad didn'timplement it.  Why?  Your guess is as goodas mine  on  that  one.   The  manual sayssomething about  the  reliability of disksmaking the  command  "obsolete".  Why thenis  a  verify  command  part  of  ANY diskoperating system, including  CP/M, MS DOS,AmigaDOS etc.  If  disks  are so reliable,then how is you can  verify files on a +D?Even   the   operating   system   used  onAmstrad's  PCW  machines  will  allow diskverification, and  they  use  the  same 3"drives  and  media  the  +3  does.  Is  it"reliability" or "couldn't  be bothered" Iwonder.   One  thing's  for  sure  though,+3DOS  has   the   routines  required  forverification.   Somebody  somewhere  spentthe   time   and   effort   writing  theseroutines! Why 
   1 As already stated, this is the first in  aseries of articles aimed  at  this  usefuland extremely flexible bit of  kit.   Nextissue I will experiment further,  and  tryto give details of how to page in the  newROM etc.  See ya alll...
   1 As I've  mentioned,  I've  been quite busythese last few months,  and so I've missedquite a bit of the 2nd series of BABALON 5! I have  caught  the odd episode though!,and I have to  say  I'm a bit disappointedwith it - it's improved!, but not much!.
   1 As I say, there  was  a  great  amount  ofCD-ROMs,  plus  a  lot  of  PC  and  Amigasoftware. Although  not  much  use  to  usthere were stands  covering  hardware  andconsumables. To give  you  a  brief  idea,heres what I noticed:
   1 As Ben said some  while ago, once you haveand understand the routines for paging theROM and RAM about, the  DOS ROM is at yourdisposal. For those who understand machinecode,  the  ability   to   use  these  DOSroutines makes  more  possible  than you'dever  imagine.  DOS  is  not  really fullyimplemented by the BASIC operating system,and so it's up to  to  use your +3 the wayit was intended.
   1 As  this  document  proves,  the  more  MrSherwood says  on  the  matter,  the  moremistakes he  makes.  The  lengths  of  thePrism articles  in  AlchNews  have  grown,simply because he makes so many  mistakes.This document is a classic example. It hasbeen compiled  of  the  mistakes  on  justTHREE A4 sheets from Prism PD!
   1 As  promised  last  issue,  here  are  theupdates for a two light device.I
   1 As  I  said  earlier,  two   screens   areenclosed. This is because I  have  amendedthe  screen  because  of   a   couple   ofcharacters that  this  code  page  doesn'tinclude. You will  see  that  this  leavescharacters "a" to "g" blank for  your  ownuse. The final column, characters h-m havebeen altered for characters on the printerbut not on Tasword.
   1 Arnold Yates
   1 Anyway, we have been forced  to  make  ourdemos Non-Pd, and  they  are  licenced  toWoMo  and  MgPd  as  well  as   Alchemist,(obviously!),  so  that  M.Sherwood  can'tdistribute them. We  apologise  for  this,but the demos only cost  1p  to  buy,  andanyway, if you dislike the idea of  Non-Pddemos, whose fault is it? Oh, wow! It justHAPPENS to be M.Sherwood! So  complain  tohim about it. But I strongly  suggest,  ifyou are a subscriber of Pd.Power, dont sayanything to him, as  he  will  just  be  apetty,(and  I  mean  PETTY),  person,  andcancel your subscription. Like he did withMiles Kinloch, which  I  personally  thinkwas  a  really  REALLY  crap   thing   forM.Sherwood to do.
   1 Anyway, the  purpose  of  these columns ispurely to give an insight into how hackingis done, not to  teach  it.  If you are tobecome a hacker, you  will  do so by usingthe information I relay  to you as a basisfor   investigation
   1 Anyway, suppose you have  lots of files on(say) user area 1.  Well, the default userarea is user  area  0,  so  you'll have toaccess the files one by one.  What we needis a  program  to  allow  us  to alter thedefault user  area!  This  is  easy enoughreally, there is  a  DOS routine that willdo it for us.  All  we  need to do is pagein the DOS ROM, set  RAM bank 7 at the topof the memory map, supply parameters, callthe  routine  then  page  BASIC  back  andreturn. Sounds  difficult,  but  it isn't.All those  who  have  been  able to followBen's excellent series  of articles so farwill have no bother with this!
   1 Anyway, it has turned out that  with  somepeople's set-ups, the drive-spin  routinesmay actually be slowing down  the  LOAD  @and SAVE @ routines, by making them  pauselonger than normal. If anyone  finds  thisto  be  the  case,  and  would  prefer  todisable
   1 Anyway, here we go then.  Hands up all you+3 users who  have  noticed that you can'tactually alter the default  user area on adrive.  You can set the default drive, butnot the user area.  Not so bad if you onlyuse the  low  capacity  internal drive, asmany people won't  ever  need to play withthem,  but  when  you  start  using  largecapacity drives, the  ability  to use userareas is very handy.
   1 Anyway, armed with your Meter, tweak  thisscrew until the meter reads  about  5.15V.What happens is that when the PSU is underload, (having power  drawn  from  it)  thevoltage drops, and if it drops below about4.75V, strange things MAY start to happen,such as strange  noises,  locked  machinesand programs that do not work, as well  ascertain parts of your speccy being starvedof power, like the internal drive.
   1 Anyway, I've gone off at a tangent  again.Everything else about the +3 uses  5V.  Ifanyone has had a look in  their  +3  powersupply, they may have noticed  that  thereis a small hole for  a  screw  driver,  toadjust the 5V output.
   1 Anyway, Dok was made  to  look  incredibly(and I mean REALLY incredibly) stupid,  ashe was the only one  who  wanted  to  giveM.Sherwood the benefit of the doubt, but Ihate to say I told him so... but...
   1 Any time you  wish,  you  can  BREAK  fromPOWERPRINT II, give  any  direct  commandsyou wish (or add/modify lines 10/20)  thenreturn to WINDOW MODE with GOTO  99,  thenrestore the display with (U) N - DO.
   1 Any joystick which works with Kempston  orIF2  will  work  with  this  circuit,  butunfortunately the 128  joysticks  do  not.<Perhaps your  next  project  could  be  apatch link for this? Ed> One of  the  realbenefits from this modification is when itcomes  to  playing  in  two  player  mode.Normally this means  one  player  using  ajoystick  while  the  other  operates  thekeyboard. By connecting up your  Kempston,and having your inbuilt IF2, both  playerscan sit back and be on equal  terms.  Thisgives a whole new lease of life  to  gameslike "The way of the Exploding  Fist"  and"Bruce Lee".
   1 Antony Purvis.
   1 Antony Purvis
   1 Another subject of interest, was Mike MeesCD-ROM of speccy games for PCs, maybe he'dbe interested  in  that Advanced lawnmowersimulator adventure
   1 Another poor soul tried to  intervene  andsolve  the  problem.  This   time,   MilesKinloch.\
   1 Another point about the EXT  MODE  controlkeys that I  mentioned  earlier:  some  ofthem can be replicated with GRAPH followedby non-graphic letters. From memory, V andW move to  the  top  and  bottom  of  yourprogram, X and Y move to the ends  of  thecurrent line  and  Z  plonks  you  in  theutterly useless Small  Screen  mode,  alsolosing any line you were in the middle  oftyping in!
   1 Another ex-member said:
   1 Another  thing  about  travelling  throughtime is displacements of  things.  How  doyou know that you aren't going  to  traveland re-materialise inside a car or a tree?
   1 Another  mixed  reaction.  Spectrum  usershave said that AlchNews should  keep  it'sname. After all, it's now something  of  abrand name and a name most can immediatelyrecognise.
   1 Another  interesting  solution   about   aworking harddisk came from Dirk Berghoeferwho connected a  Commodore  harddisk  (CMDfrom  the  United  States)   per   LogitekInterface with the Spectrum.
   1 Andy, in the TRADING POST section of AN15,you've listed  my  name  and address under'SMALLS' -  how  dare  you,  I'll have youknow that  I'm  quite  well endowed, thankyou very much.  <It  was referring to yourbrain. Ed>
   1 Andy was going to give me  a  slating  forgoing off the rails a bit last  issue  andwas going  to  tell  me  to  keep  to  theSpectrum, but it's since  been  discoveredthat most of you are  in  favour  of  more"unexplained" types of articles appearing,so changes are being  made  and  some  newareas will be introduced, so  yah  boo  toyou editor!
   1 Andy has a program  called RS232_XL in thelibrary.  This  is  an  excellent piece ofsoftware if you want  to  have a play withwith the RS232 port on your Spectrum. Thisparticular  version  of  the  program willcope with all models of the Spectrum.
   1 Andy Davis Bsc
   1 Andrew Parish
   1 And luckily enough,  it  is  on one of thecompilation  tapes  which  came  with  thepackaging when you  bought a new Spectrum,so many of  you  will  already  have it tohand.
   1 And if you've noticed, anything not taggedReopened,  early  years   etc.  is  alwaysbilled as  a  NEW  SERIES  or  my personalfavorite, 'A BRAND  NEW/ALL NEW EPISODE OFHIGHLANDER, ROBOCOP, X  FILES etc, ONLY ONSKY'.
   1 And Lothar  Ebelshaeuser,  Grasegger  Str.49, D-50737 Koeln (yeah, Cologne  has  themost questions! Or problems?) asked for  agood public domain program,  which  shouldhelp  him   to   transfer   tapefiles   tomicrodrive in an easy to handle  way.  Alltpyed in  programs  from  magazines  don'twork good or in a correct way he says  andwould be very pleased for help. By the waythe  WoMo-Team  (that  weself)  has   alsoalways an open  eye  for  good  microdrivepublic domain  programs.  In  our  not  sosmall PD we have a lot for Opus, Plus D or+3, but the Microdrive section is not wellrepresented.
   1 And I don't want to hear from any softwarethieves who Sher-Wood like to steal my  PD(!), nor any representatives of a  companynamed   after   a
   1 And  not  to   be  outdone,  QUANTUM  LEAP(already on video) is being re-screened onBBC2 AND SKY as  well!,  Oh boy!.  <I likethat  new  series,  QUANTUM  SHEEP,  whereLarry the  Lamb  travels  through time andhis catchphrase is 'Oh Baaah'! Ed>
   1 And  don't  ask  me  how  they   did   the"Gauntlet:  The  Deeper  Dungeons"  loaderwith only ten characters!!!o
   1 An idea from Dirk Berghoefer, Am  Kalkrain1, D-34549 Edertal Giflitz  we  will  givefurther for discussion: If it is  possibleto run CP/M programs on a Spectrum +3, whyshouldn't it be possible to  run  them  onthe other 128K Spectrums  (maybe  with  anadditional  ROM)?  If  someone  has   someideas, tips or a  real  solution  or  onlyinterest in this, then contact Dirk.
   1 An Erase line
   1 Amy Pandagirl
   1 Americancorporations out for a  quick  buck,  likeM*cr*s*ft (who can it be?!).N
   1 Although very promising,  the  sound  chipproved rather limiting. In it's basic formit was extremely difficult to  use  it  tosynthesize different instruments easily. A"piano" sound happened  to  be  very  muchlike a xlylophone!
   1 Although the program is in Basic  and  theconditions in line  120  slow  it  down  alittle, it's a fine little  program  whichsaves you hours of work  at  the  keyboardand is typical of simple but ingenious  PDprograms around. Still think  Spectrum  PDshould not be encouraged Mr  Brenchley  ofINDUG?
   1 Although the drawing is still  drawing  isstill done in BASIC the  actual  piece  ofprogram to move a  particular  picture  inthe memory will be  a  short  machine-coderoutine. This transfers an  entire  screenof information faster than the eye can see- the essence of animation.
   1 Although  this  may  not   be   an   idealinvestment for  everyone,  if  you  use  aprinter a bit  more  than  the  occasionalletter writing, it's  certainly  for  you.The  device  caters  for   virtually   anyribbon, even the long Epson ones,  of  anywidth and length. There is also an  optionavailable for colour ribbons which may  beour next investment.
   1 Although   primarilly   aimed   at   Appletextfiles, it is appropriate for any  filewhich is  written  entirely  in  capitals.Also, by using  the  advice  elsewhere  inthis issue,  it's  perfectly  possible  toconvert any other format.
   1 Also, perhaps he could highlight any falsearticles  in  these  issues.  It  is  mostinteresting that he refuses to  print  ouraddress or an apology for dozens of errorsmade, including the questions featured  inAlchNews 15.  Mr  Sherwood  is  more  thanwelcome to an apology for  any  statementswhich are found to be untrue. But,  beforehe dictates the terms, he  should  explainhis own untruths which he  has  constantlyignored,  and  failed  to  apologise  for,hence their publishing in AlchNews.
   1 Also, at one point,  we  were  consideringquitting The United  Minds,  and  somehow,M.Sherwood got hold of  this  information,(I dont  know  how!)  and,  as  Dok  said,printed in PD.Power that we were  leaving!Not 'considering'  leaving,  but  actuallySPLITTING UP! And that he would do what hecould to stop us  from  leaving.  Might  Ijust say that this is utter rubbish!!  Thereason we were even considring leaving wasbecause of M.Sherwood in the first place!
   1 Also,   after   receiving   a   mass$
   1 Almost immediately, ever faithful Womo andthe other reliable groups responded givingfull   support   but   typically,   Prism,Spectrum UK, and INDUG ignored the projectaltogether. The  fact  that  these  groupscome from the birthplace of  the  Spectrumand that groups from other  countries  aremore  willing  to   help   is   absolutelypathetic. It just goes to show where theirpriorities lie - with their backs  to  thewall thinking only of themselves.
   1 Allo, all of you little fishes. The  superspectrum, as she  is  called  by  all  youenglisher people was just  an  ,  how  yousay, "April fool"!. The clue  was  in  thecompany name "poissons  d'avril",  becausein France we have no such thing  as  aprilfool, instead it is april fish, as near asI can translate. We  try  to  stick  largecomedy fish on each other's  back  on  the1st of april instead.
   1 Allie Weston
   1 All you  need  to  remember  is  the lineswhich control what  the  program does mustalways   conform   to   the   interpretersstringent rules - that  does not say thereare  not  ways  and  means  to  confuse ushumans when we inspect these lines!
   1 All versions come  with  a  double  heightprinter  routine  in   high   Basic,   butdisabled for speed.g
   1 All right all right, I give in!!  A  whileago, I wrote to Andy telling  him  of  themodifications I've done to my +3  so  thatit uses an Amiga external drive,  and  thefact that my Multiface 3 is now built in.
   1 All points listed above have  their  proofsources and / or definitions below:M
   1 All of this has  got me thinking (you meanyou can actually do that? - bored reader)S
   1 All lights should be off. This is  becausethe address, OUT 49149 is zero.I
   1 All input  on  this  and  the  forthcomingmanuals  projects  are  most  welcome  andcontributors will be generously rewarded!}
   1 All EVEN numbered pins
   1 All  types  of   animation   rely   on   aphenomenon   of   perspective   known   aspersistence of  vision.  In  effect,  thismeans that an image which we see is "held"in memory for an appreciable instant, evenafter the view  is  changed  to  somethingelse. If a sequence  of  still  images  isshown rapidly, the brain  cannot  keep  upwith changes of picture occuring more thantwelve or so times a second. As a  result,it ceases to see  seperate  images  -  thepictures blur into one  another,  and  thebrain is fooled into seeing movement.
   1 All  numbers  in   a  basic  line,  unlessthey are  contained  with  quotes,  have ahidden five  byte  number form immediatelyfollowing them - actually there are six ifyou take into  account  the  OE byte whichtells the interpreter  the next five bytesare a number form.
   1 Alf Fairweather
   1 Alec Carswell
   1 Alchenews  to  all  and   sundry 
   1 AlchemistResearch and The United Minds  decided  tocease links with Prism.J
   1 Alchemist Software has a growing number ofNON PUBLIC  DOMAIN  titles,  all  for  theprice of media and postage.  We  have  thechilling  128k  adventure  DOOMSDAY,  manyutilities from the 007 series, plus titlesfrom  BRADWAY   SOFTWARE   and   our   newexclusive   in-house
   1 Alchemist Research will not change in  anyway but it is proposed that AlchNews  runsthe features from the UC&US  magazine  andessentially turn it into  a  Spectrum  andSam magazine, with Ferry being Sam editor.At present, AlchNews has no provision  forthe SAM  due  to  minimal  readership  andwriters on that machine. Ferry will  solveboth parts of this problem.
   1 Alchemist Research has offered  the  olivebranch on  several  occasions  and  statedthat this embarassing position need not beaired  publicly,  but  they  continue   toignore or send back  letters.  The  latestone was the information  sheet  about  thelink up with  UC&US  and  also  the  groupcollaboration to produce  a  Spectrum  128technical manual (see later). The envelopewas opened, material read and resealed andreturned with "NO MORE MAIL FROM YOU THANKYOU" written on the top!
   1 Alchemist Research  continues  to  welcomeex-readers  and  contrubutors  from   thismagazine which once showed potential,  butnow shows failure.
   1 Alchemist Research
   1 AlchNews is more than happy to publish anycomplaints or letters from any  member  ofPrism PD. We  could  then  add  our  replyafter it and point out further errors suchas  these.  Then  why  don't  we?   Simplybecause of six little words on the top  ofthe  letters  we  and  many  others   haverecieved:   "(C)   NOT   FOR   PRINT
   1 AlchNews 128k:
   1 Ah, well, this is the big question really.First, a bit of theory about fonts in RAM.The Speccy standard font is built into theROM, making it unchangeable. What you haveto do to get another font is to  make  theSpeccy  look  somewhere   else   for   itscharacter set -  somewhere  in  RAM!  (Theplot thickens!).
   1 Ah, speaking of The Terminator, how  aboutrather than creating a  song,  what  aboutyourself? Go back in time,  have  a  briefencounter with a lady who turns out to  beyour mother or  grandmother  without  yourknowledge. You've then, in effect, createdyourself and are stuck in a continual loopcreating yourself ad infinatum.
   1 Ages and ages ago, before  the  demise  ofthe "popular" Spectrum  press,  there  wasthis bloke who seemed to always have  someprogram or other on the cover tapes.  Thatman was Theo Devil, widely  recognised  asTHE best coder to come from Greece.
   1 After this, add a colon (:). Now  type  inthe symbol or statement  you  want  to  bedisplayed. If you want it to execute  whenthe key is pressed, add an "@" at the  endof it. Otherwise when you press a key,  itwill upload your command  into  the  inputarea and just wait for you to press ENTER.
   1 After speaking to Darren Randle, he  tellsme that Mr Sherwood hasn't spoken  to  himsince his telephone number was passed  on.It just goes to show that HE doesn't  likebeing placed on the spot, yet he's willingto do the same to others.
   1 After removing  the  crosshead  screws,  adecision has to be made whether  you  wantto remove the keyboard  from  the  circuitboard, or try to keep both parts  togetherwhile soldering.
   1 After one member of our group sent  Martyna very agressive letter which was,  to  bequite honest, rather insulting, I  clearedthe air with  Martyn,  and  said  that  wewould send him our first couple of  demos,and  after  I  mentioned  that   we   werepossibly going to do a Christmas demo  andthat we would think about letting him do apart for it, he put  an  article  in  P.D.Power that we were now doing an  exclusivedemo for him, now, although it would neverhave been an exclusive demo for  him,  hadwe  done  it,  it  would  have  more  thanprobable  that  no-one  elso  would   havedistributed it!
   1 After inking you must wait a few hours forthe ink to spread  to  cover  the  ribbon.This I did and when I tried it the  ribbonwas  only  half  inked  and  quality   wasextremely poor.
   1 After all, you based  an  article  in  thevery first issue based entirely on anotherletter of mine, but you didn't give me anycredit for it. What on earth did you  knowof the activities of Daniel Garner  beforeyou read my letter on the subject.
   1 After a few years, the active end user mayfind  that  his  cumulative  cost  of  theribbons will often  surpass  the  originalcost of the printer. The future trend willbe towards improved  ribbon  life  throughre-inking devices.
   1 After Mr  Sherwood  was  told  The  UnitedMinds were breaking off their support  forPrism PD, he tried to hide this fact  fromhis customers by LYING again.  He  printedan A4 information sheet called "PD FACTS -FEBRUARY 1995" (which  actually  containedNINE CLEAR LIES!) which said:
   1 After  contacting  Chris  Taylor  of   TheKnights, it was  revealed  that  Andy  hadbeen  perfectly  right  to  criticise  theservice by Prism, and That Mr Sherwood hadbeen extremely unreasonable by refusing tocomply with Chris' request that he stoppeddistributing any demos made by him.
   1 Advances the current  register
   1 Advances  the  current  memory
   1 Address on page 1
   1 Address changing shortly - contact A.R.   Fountain PD is run  by  Dave  Fountain  ofSinclair Classic. Although we supply theirprograms, you can  also  get  them  directfrom him on tape or 3" disk.
   1 Adapting the +3 to accept a standard Amigadrive isn't all that difficult either, butyou will need an additional  power  supplyfor the drive.
   1 Abiding by my rules laid down  in  AN15  Itold  Miles  that  I  welcomed  his  braveattempt and commented  no  further.  Mileswrote to Prism a few more times trying  tomake  arangements  but  he  seemed  to  beblocked at every opportunity. It  appearedthat Mr Sherwood would do anything to  getout of a truce, and also denying that someproblems Miles  encountered  in  the  pastnever existed!
   1 Abandon change at this instance,  characteis not a letter of the alphabet.J
   1 AY-wise,  white  noise  is  used  for  thecreation of drum effects,  explosions  andeven trains!`
   1 AUTO and DELETE
   1 AUGUST 93"
   1 ATT and ALT  control  whether  the  volumeattacks or decays. Envelopes only  controlthe VOLUME of  a  sound,  not  the  pitch.While this is limiting, it is not a  majorobstacle to producing pleasing results.
   1 AT b,b;"";: LOAD D1;S$SCREEN$  :  FOR%
   1 ARE YOU???
   1 ANDREW  MARSHALL  has  the  following  forsale:/
   1 AN16.D    
   1 AN16.C    
   1 AN16.9:  GROUNDS  FOR  AN  APOLOGY.  Miles*
   1 AN16.9    
   1 AN16.8:  A WASTED OPPORTUNITY.  How  Prism*
   1 AN16.8    k
   1 AN16.7:  CALL ME A LIAR?  Complaint  about*
   1 AN16.7    Y
   1 AN16.6:  PRISM PROBLEMS. A  bumper  issue,*
   1 AN16.63: THE END.  The credits list is now*
   1 AN16.63   )
   1 AN16.62   
   1 AN16.61: TRADING   POST.
   1 AN16.61   x
   1 AN16.60: CLIPART  EXAMPLES.  Some  of  the*
   1 AN16.60   
   1 AN16.6    J*
   1 AN16.5:  HARD  TIMES.  "Hey  You"   device*
   1 AN16.59: PD WORLD. A look at  the  Clipart*
   1 AN16.59   
   1 AN16.58: ROY'S   ROASTINGS?   Bet   you're*
   1 AN16.58   v
   1 AN16.57: +3 PLETHORA. What you've all been*
   1 AN16.57   ^
   1 AN16.56: DEMON  HACKERS  +3  DOS   EFFORT.*
   1 AN16.56   $
   1 AN16.55: RS232 BOO HOO. Revised musings on*
   1 AN16.55   
   1 AN16.54: MICRODRIVE  MICROGUIDE.  Much  in*
   1 AN16.54   
   1 AN16.53: ODD GAMES? Paul Howard. A look at*
   1 AN16.53   0
   1 AN16.52   
   1 AN16.51: HACKERS CORNER. Graham Collier, aAN16.52: new name  to  Alchemist  ResearchT
   1 AN16.51   
   1 AN16.50: MOBILE MADNESS. A look at  mobile*
   1 AN16.50   Y
   1 AN16.5    
   1 AN16.4:  COLLABORATION PROJECT.  A plan to*
   1 AN16.49  SCREEN  SCENE.
   1 AN16.49   
   1 AN16.48   
   1 AN16.47: BASIC TIPS.   Lots  of  help  andAN16.48: advice9
   1 AN16.47   
   1 AN16.46: MUSIC  MAESTRO.  Phil  Glaves  on*
   1 AN16.46   
   1 AN16.45: ZEN AND THE  ART  OF  NOISE.  The*
   1 AN16.45   
   1 AN16.44: ALLS FAIR?  A report on  the  All*
   1 AN16.44   
   1 AN16.43: TIME TRAVEL.  Des asked for  this*
   1 AN16.43   J
   1 AN16.42: WOMO WORLD: A  look  at  the  SPC*
   1 AN16.42   j
   1 AN16.41: THE RANT FILES  by  Roy  "Spooky"*
   1 AN16.41   
   1 AN16.40   
   1 AN16.4    
   1 AN16.3:  FUNNY  FILENAMES.   Paul   Howard*
   1 AN16.39: BENS  BITS.  Dangerously  gettingAN16.40: more like  ROY'S  RANTINGS  everyT
   1 AN16.39   P
   1 AN16.38: USING MORSE  CODE.  Machine  code*
   1 AN16.38   
   1 AN16.37: NOISE   SUPPRESSION.   A!
   1 AN16.37   
   1 AN16.36   g
   1 AN16.35: PAGED GRAPHICS.  A  comprehensiveAN16.36: look   at   graphics   techniquesT
   1 AN16.35   
   1 AN16.34   L"
   1 AN16.33: CRACK CITY.  Six  months  in  the*
   1 AN16.33   
   1 AN16.32: APD  TUTORIALS.  A  look  at   an*
   1 AN16.32   
   1 AN16.31: APD TUTORIALS. Brief look at  the*
   1 AN16.31   4
   1 AN16.30   
   1 AN16.3    
   1 AN16.2:  ALL CHANGE.   Alchemist  Research*
   1 AN16.29   q
   1 AN16.28: TAKE IT TO THE  MAX.  An  articleAN16.29: about   re-inkingD
   1 AN16.28   
   1 AN16.27: ON TRIAL. No, it's not Brookside.*
   1 AN16.27   y
   1 AN16.26: TO CAP IT ALL. Converting Tasword*
   1 AN16.26   
   1 AN16.25: STAR   USERS   CLUB.
   1 AN16.25   
   1 AN16.24   3
   1 AN16.23: MEGABASIC  MEGA   TUTORIAL.   TheAN16.24: final   two   partsF
   1 AN16.23   
   1 AN16.22: DESERT ISLAND SPECS. This  issue:*
   1 AN16.22   W
   1 AN16.21: EXAMPLES. Guide to converting the*
   1 AN16.21   
   1 AN16.20: POWER TO THE  PRINT?  Vic  Bishop*
   1 AN16.20    
   1 AN16.2    
   1 AN16.1:  NEWS.  Spectrum  guys  do   good)
   1 AN16.19   
   1 AN16.18: TASTUTOR.   A   guide   to#
   1 AN16.18   
   1 AN16.17: THE  DOX's  FILES?  Dok  of   the*
   1 AN16.17   %
   1 AN16.16: PLUS D DOS  DO'S  AND  DON'TS.  A*
   1 AN16.16   
   1 AN16.15: MARKET FORCES. A  quick  look  at*
   1 AN16.15   
   1 AN16.14   
   1 AN16.13   
   1 AN16.12: LIES UNLIMITED. A look at some ofAN16.13: the lies  Mr  Sherwood  has  toldAN16.14: people  in  order  to  cover  his~
   1 AN16.12   z
   1 AN16.11   )
   1 AN16.10: YOU CAN'T  WRIGGLE  OUT  OF  THISAN16.11: ONE!  More  proof  about   MartynT
   1 AN16.10   
   1 AN16.1    j$
   1 AN16.0:  This file.
   1 AN16.0    ;,
   1 ALthough he is giving them a taste of  thefuture,  whos  to  say  that   HE   didn'tinfluence other songwriters to  write  thesongs which eventually DO become classics!
   1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH - Still supporting  theSpectrum  with   an   excellent   friendlyservice   and   loads   of   PDs
   1 ALCHEMIST  RESEARCH  has   the   followingdouble sized card boxed programs for sale:T
   1 ADDITIONAL  information  on  PRINTING  ANDEXTRA-CHARACTER SETS from POWERPRINT II. Aprogram by Roy Butterfield.o
   1 ACTING IMMATURELY. I don't  think  I  evenneed comment on this one!C
   1 ABUSING  PROGRAMS.  Chris  Taylor   deniedPrism PD permission to distribute  his  PDDemos. Prism did not comply, claiming theyhad a perfect  right,  as  they  were  PD.Never  mind  the  legality,  though,  whatabout  the  ETHICS?   Unwritten   protocoldictates that any reputable library simplywouldn't engage in this sort of  activity.End of story.
   1 A4catalogue   of   these   wares   availableshortly.4
   1 A4 booklet of this tutorial available fromAlchemist Research. Send SAE & 20pL
   1 A) Illegal software
   1 A) Ill addressing of letters. He knows  myname, so why did he print "To whom it  mayconcern" on the envelope one occasion?z
   1 A) AlchNews, all programs  by  C.  Taylor,programs by Theo Develegas listed earlier.T
   1 A)  Typed  it  in  and  not   tested   it,therefore  not  testing  the  software  helists.Z
   1 A)  He  is  completely   guilty   of   allaccusations in AN11-15@
   1 A write protect line
   1 A word of caution now for  Betados  users:there are many  programs  which,  althoughperfectly safe once the DOS bugs have beencured, can cause  nasty  effects  if  usedwith an 'unfixed' Betados. Do please  makesure,  therefore,  your  DOS  is  debuggedbefore  using  any  of   the   following:-DISC-KIT, +D CONVERTED  TASWORD  128  (AND+2),  HACKERS   WORKBENCH,   PROFILE,   +DCONVERTED  ART  STUDIO,   BETTER-   BYTES'SOFTWARE. There could well be more to  addto this list - these are just the  ones  Iknow about!
   1 A week before the deadline, Andy sends  mea rather large book full of info!   I  canimagine him sat there at his dest laughinghis head off as I frantically read throughthe book and then type this article!  ThatAndy eh?
   1 A tricky subject as there are hundreds  tochoose from. Some  look  downright  cheap,tacky and like toys  whereas  others  lookfirst rate. As  there  are  so  many,  thechoice is down to you.  Many  perform  thesame features but have different looks.
   1 A suitable hole  must  be  made  into  thelower casing for the joystick  socket.  Anideal position would be  at  the  oppositeend from the reset switch. Once the socketis connected, it and the circuit board canbe lowered into the case. (Remembering  toremove the foam if fitted).  The  joysticksocket is normally retained by  two  smallscrews  (remember  to  fit  these   beforeclosing the lid). When finished, all  thatremains is to test it.
   1 A slap in the face indeed to any  customerreading that, such as myself, who knew  itwas only too true!  Martyn  Sherwood  evenadmitted this himself  at  a  later  date,explaining the problems  had  been  causedthrough a  number  of  difficulties  Prismwere experiencing at the time, which  werebeyond their control.
   1 A similar thing was done in the film "Backto  the  Future".  Michael  J.  Fox   madechanges   in   the   pastm
   1 A series on Computer Music
   1 A regular guide to 2nd hand equipment%
   1 A read/write line
   1 A long established company in the Spectrumfield, also catering for the SAM. Lots  ofuseful  bits   are   available   for   theSpectrum, including leads and hardware. BGServices is also the official  distributorof the Z80 Spectrum emulator for the PC.
   1 A great deal of the input will  come  fromrevised  articles  previously  covered  inAlchNews and programs from APD,  but  willbe in one handy document.
   1 A couple of months ago, Kevin got in touchto  tell  me  his  plans  for   a   speechrecognition unit for the Spectrum. One wasmade in the early 80's called  "BIG  EARS"and allowed you to speak instructions intothe computer, rather than pressing keys!
   1 A brief intro to Mobile Phones
   1 A Compendium of lies to third parties%
   1 A  simple   kind   of   multi-tasking   isavailable. The 'MTASK_' command allows theprogram to be run from two separate placesat once. The  first  continues  after  the'MTASK_' command and the second starts  atthe line specified  by  a  single  numericexpression  following  'MTASK_'.  If   thevalue  is  zero,  then  the   command   isdisabled.
   1 A  few  televisions   also   generate   anappreciable  amount  of  noise.  You   caneasily check this by switching it off  andlistening for any  improvement.  The  onlyeasy cure for this is to  use  another  TVwhich is noise free.
   1 A   staticdischarge will DESTROY the  multiface,  sotake precautions.E
   1 A   number   of   printer
   1 >>AA>><<KJKJHJ
   1 <The main root of the problem also evolvesfrom when Roy Benson wrote some complaintsabout Prism in AlchNews  10.  Mr  Sherwoodresponded  with  a  cocky  letter  withoutchecking his facts. The letter and replieswere placed in the subsequent issue  whichleft him looking somewhat of  a  fool.  Henever apologised for  making  these  wrongassumptions, nor for any other mistakes hehas made. Ed.>
   1 <Sher-wood? My God,  another  Roy  Benson!Ed.>.
   1 <Or a QL / SAM (Delete as appropriate)&
   1 <If you'd like to be  featured  with  yourfavourite five, simply jot them  down  andsend them to the usual address.>t
   1 <I do! It's  quite  easy.  The  values  in23606/7 tell the computer the  address  ofthe  font.  You  can  work  this  out   bymultiplying the value in PEEK 23607 by 256and then adding the value in  PEEK  23606.Now add 256 to the sum and there you  haveit.
   1 <He actually wrote out THE  ENTIRE  LETTERand it just needed Doc & Orson to sign  itand send it to me! Letter is elsewhere  inthis issue
   1 <Because it has RAM 7 in area  49152-65535for the 128k editor scratchpad. Ed>M
   1 <Altering the chosen  key  to  it's  ASCIIequivalent  is  also  faster.  Eg:  20  IFj$=CHR$ 48 THEN. Using CODE is also fasterstill. Ed>
   1 <Additional   note   regarding
   1 <Actually, Alchemist PD would have carriedthe demo with a non-agressive part  by  MrSherwood. Alchemist PD  has  also  carriedissues of SINCLAIR CLASSIC  which  featurePrism adverts. These issues  also  featureAlchemist Research adverts but Mr Sherwoodtried to get them removed. Ed.>
   1 <<??==>>JKJNJQ
   1 ;"Next, Prev, Index or Choose:"
   1 ;"M to change Music (+D)":
   1 ; load A with the flag byte
   1 ; Try again if load error
   1 ; Try again if an error
   1 ; Return to basic or the
   1 ; LOAD A with the flag byte-
   1 : One year +
   1 999 POKE 23606,0 : POKE 23607,60 : STOP'
   1 9866 TM LUTJEGAST
   1 98 LOAD "MORSE.C"CODE 49800,200
   1 97 POKE 23658,8
   1 96 CLEAR 49799
   1 9012CM RAERD
   1 90 PRINT AT  21,0;"any  key  when ready":)
   1 90 POKE 23388,24: REM Show second screen 100 PAUSE 04
   1 9 pages, last issue?, maybe you should&
   1 9 West View
   1 840 INPUT ;: PRINT #a;  AT  b,b;  INVERSE)
   1 830 SAVE D1; i$ SCREEN$  : GO TO s"
   1 80 PAUSE 0
   1 80 GOSUB 270: LET dest=dest+16
   1 8 POKE 49871,INT (315/32/W)
   1 8 End of File, 0:1
   1 7D1D  30F0
   1 7D1A  CD5605  ; Call 'load bytes'!
   1 7D17  ED5B0B7E; Load DE with the number of*
   1 7D17  3EFF
   1 7D13  DD21CB9C; Load IX with the address(
   1 7D0D  30F1
   1 7D0A  CD5605  ; Call 'load bytes' in the(
   1 7D07  3E00
   1 7D00  DD21CB9C; Load IX with an address to*
   1 78 Holtdale Avenue
   1 70794 Filderstadt
   1 70794 FILDERSTADT
   1 70 POKE 23388,16: REM Show main screen&
   1 70 PLOT 108,106: DRAW 40,0: PLOT 113,106:)
   1 70 IF PEEK x>64 AND PEEK x<128 THEN#
   1 7,5,15,22,27,10,8,3,12,24,14,@5,29,19 290 LET N=482
   1 7 Manor Drive
   1 7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
   1 65 St Thomas' Square
   1 64 Roebuck Road
   1 60*256  =15360
   1 60 REM FLIP
   1 60 Queensfield
   1 60 PRINT "23607:";b
   1 60 FOR x=32000 to (32000+l)
   1 60 CIRCLE 128,168,7: PLOT 128,161:DRAW 0,)
   1 6 Ravensmead
   1 6 POKE 49870, INT((315/32/W-INT
   1 5: The  paper  properties  (porosity,  ink   absorption)8
   1 5: Input bit 5
   1 59875 The statement within the line  where*
   1 59862 The  code  of   the   error   that's*
   1 51069 KOLN
   1 500 SAVE "MORSE.C"CODE 49800,200 
   1 50 PRINT "23606:";l
   1 50 LOAD a$ CODE 32000
   1 50 LOAD "screen1" SCREEN$: REM main#
   1 50 3.5" DSDD disks - `8
   1 5 lines that are unused, all grounded.&
   1 5 Various art packages
   1 4E2346B928032318F7CB28C52828
   1 4: The   ink   properties
   1 4: Output bit 1
   1 48kadventures, plus many compilations.  Printand presentation quality of  this  companyis outstanding, which  reflects  the  highstandard  it's  software  is.   The   CP/Mcatalogue is  just  as  impressive,  goinginto greater detail of each adventure!
   1 46 High Road West
   1 40 SAVE d1"+SYS 2a"CODE 8192,6656!
   1 40 POKE 23388,16: REM 16 (ROM) +0 (RAM)'
   1 40 LOAD "screen2" CODE 49152:
   1 40 LET srce=64: LET dest=208
   1 40 LET b=h-1
   1 40 INPUT "Length of file ";l
   1 4. It appears that he wants me to say thatthe information in the PRISM  PROBLEMS  inAlchNews   10-14d
   1 4. According to Martyn, all you have to dois state quite clearly that over the  last12  months,  you  were  misled  by   wronginformation, and  that  you  apologise  toPrism PD for printing inaccurate articles.Then print his address stating that  PrismPD is trustworthy and that  both  you  andMartyn have spoken and cleared the air.
   1 4 Bethune Close
   1 4 Assembly rooms, Harrogate
   1 3: The ribbon properties (ink  absorption,   affinity)6
   1 3: Input bit 4
   1 39 High Street
   1 37 Trimingham Drive
   1 36 Grasmere Road
   1 34680 ST GEORGES
   1 330 DATA 44,115,46,85,63,76,56,120"
   1 32768-49151respectively), they can also be paged intothe top 16K, if desired - though  why  onemight wish to do so,  is  another  matter!(Has anyone found a use for this?) Anyway,that leaves us with pages 1,3,4,6 and partof page 7 at our disposal : the 128  BASICEditor uses areas  of  RAM  7  itself  forvarious purposes, so not all of that  pageis actually free.
   1 320 FOR A=49992 TO 3
   1 31st July-6th August 1995
   1 302CDB503018011B0B79B020FBC118D8"!
   1 300 RETURN
   1 300 POKE A,N:LET N=N+1: NEXT A
   1 30 Woodside Hall, Glasgow
   1 30 RANDOMIZE USR 49800
   1 30 POKE @4091,1797
   1 30 POKE 23388,23: REM Page RAM 7 
   1 30 LET l=(a-(h*256))
   1 30 INPUT "Enter Filename ";LINE a$"
   1 30 IF J$="2" THEN ...
   1 30 GOSUB 220
   1 30 DATA 33,0,61,17,39,236,1,0,3, 
   1 30 DATA 100,200,300,400,500
   1 30 ( Rest of program )
   1 3. You have come very close in the past tobeing taken to court by Martyn, and if youcontinue, YOU  WILL  be  taken  to  court,involving the rest of us due to your lies.We don't want this, nor  does  Martyn,  hewill eventually lose patience  -  and  whocould blame him.
   1 3. Does your equipment  need  initialisingfor Hi-Res copy and /or  LPRINT?.  If  youcan normally set your equipment up ONCE asdescribed in the  earlier  paragraph,  andthen do repeated Hi-Res, COPY  and  LPRINTcommands,  then  answer   'no'   to   thisquestion.
   1 3.  Court  threats  don't  mean   anythingunless you can provide positive  proof.  Ihave  had  no  letters   from   solicitorsconnected  with  Mr  Sherwood,  nor   withSpectrum UK.  If  you're  going  to  bluffpeople, you must be prepared to have  yourbluff called.
   1 3) Re-scan  the   textfile.   Change   the   initial letter of a word at  the  start   of a new sentence to a capital.v
   1 3) Filename should  now  have  the  ".HED"   suffix.4
   1 3" and 3.5" drive cleaners - `2
   1 3 6   B u d g e s   R o a d
   1 2: The contact time of ribbon and paper'
   1 2: Output bit 0
   1 298 Holton Road
   1 295 FOR A=49972 TO 49990 STEP 2
   1 290 RANDOMIZE USR 53231
   1 29 Northumbria Centre, Washington!
   1 29 Barber Street
   1 285 DATA 6,17,21,9,2,20,11,16,4,30,13,18,)
   1 280 POKE 53239,srce
   1 28 PAUSE 0:CLS
   1 27:97:79721
   1 275 FOR A=49921 TO 49971 STEP 2
   1 270 POKE A,N:LET N=N+1:NEXT A
   1 270 POKE 53236,dest
   1 27 The Millpond
   1 265 FOR A=49920 TO 49970 STEP 2
   1 260 RETURN
   1 260 LET N=65
   1 26 Spotland Tops
   1 250 NEXT i
   1 250 DATA "C50603180206011100511B7BB220FB1)
   1 25 Tolworth Rec Centre, Surbiton 
   1 240 READ byte: POKE i,byte
   1 240 DATA "11A000215302CDB5031809113500215)
   1 24 Tolworth Rec. Centre, Surbiton!
   1 24 LET A$=(B$+CHR$ 255)
   1 23:5705/06/22):"
   1 235 DATA "F5F53E02CD0116F1D7F1FE202837210)
   1 230 DATA "DDE5DD2A4B5CDD7E06DDE5CB7F200DC)
   1 23 Statonbury Centre, Milton Keynes#
   1 23 Nat. Motorcycle Museum, J6 M42!
   1 23 Cleveland
   1 220 NEXT C:NEXT L
   1 220 DATA 1,0,16,17,0,0,33,0,0,237,176,201 230 FOR i=53231 TO 53231+11E
   1 22 Haydock Park Racecourse
   1 218 LET A=A+1
   1 216 POKE A,16*X+Y
   1 214 LET Y=CODE D$(C+1)-48-7*(D$(C+1)$
   1 212 LET X=CODE D$(C)-48-7*(D$(C)>="A")&
   1 210 GOTO 150
   1 210 FOR C=1 TO LEN D$ STEP 2
   1 205 Glenesk Road
   1 204 FOR L=1 TO 4: READ D$
   1 2010 If  i$="L"   THEN   LET   m$="   LOAD*
   1 2000 IF  i$="S"   THEN   LET   m$="   SAVE*
   1 200 NEXT n
   1 200 CLEAR 49799: LET A=49800
   1 20 RESTORE 30:FOR N=1 TO VAL J$:READ$
   1 20 REM (C) 1995 Andy Davis
   1 20 POKE @4060,1797
   1 20 POKE 23388,23: REM 16 (ROM) +7 (RAM)   30 LOAD "screen" CODE 49152E
   1 20 PAUSE 0
   1 20 NEXT N : RANDOMIZE USR 60094
   1 20 LET h= INT (a/256)
   1 20 IF J$="1" THEN ...
   1 20 IF INT (A/6)=A/6 THEN LET B$(A)=CHR$ 3221 NEXT A3
   1 20 GOTO 10
   1 20 CLEAR 53230
   1 20 CLEAR 49151
   1 2. It is an utter swine to fit, because ithas about  two  hundred  legs  around  theoutside, and the legs are about a  quarterof a millimetre apart.
   1 2. His claim that I  will  be  repsonsiblefor  destroying  the  Spectrum  market  isridiculous. The only section of the marketin danger of being destroyed is  the  tinyminority ruled by Prism  PD.  If  this  isdestroyed, this would be no great loss andwould probably BENEFIT the market!
   1 2. Enough is enough. Your antics have goneon  for  a  year,  and  it   just   cannotcontinue, or you will be  responsible  fordestroying what remains  of  the  Spectrummarket.
   1 2. Does your equipment use a RANDOMISE USR*
   1 2) When they have the whales, how can theyexpect to re-populate the species  with  afamily  of  three  -  father,  mother  andchild?  For  a  successful  re-population,they would need a large number  of  whalesfor a wide gene pool.
   1 2) There could be  the  possibility  of  apaper issue. UC&US was  a  paper  magazineand if Ferry has the time and resources toconstruct a paper magazine, AlchNews couldbe available on paper or magnetic media.
   1 2) Stefan Ballerstaller is an  ex-customerof Prism. He, like so many others, told meabout the  problems  he  experienced  withpoor and expensive software.  Stefan  alsoinformed me that Amanda felt the same  wayand that she was, I quote, "on your side".
   1 2) Size. AlchNews is already growing to analmost uncontrollable  size.  Although  wehave some free space on disks  and  tapes,it's not sure how long it  will  last.  Ifthe finished  magazine  size  goes  beyond710k or a C90 cassette tape we may have toconsider capping it at that level.
   1 2) He returned  to  a  reality  he  didn'tknow. Since he  wasn't  constant  to  thisreality  he  disappeared  (in  a  puff  oflogic?).
   1 2) Convert the file with the command:%
   1 2) Convert ALL characters to lower case'
   1 2) Continue lying and be exposed at  every   turn,2
   1 2 nominal ground.
   1 2 didirectional data lines
   1 2 control lines
   1 2 North Hill Road
   1 2 Microdrive units
   1 2 Joysticks
   1 2 Cromwell Close
   1 2 = Character array
   1 2 "Twin" joystick / mouse interface#
   1 1: The strike pressure of the  print  head   needles4
   1 1: Earth 0v
   1 1995 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 199 REM 34/04/05/90/05/95/TJ
   1 190 GOSUB 270 : LET srce=srce+16 
   1 19.   (F)ILL  n  - - -
   1 19 Lyme Avenue
   1 19 LET B$(A)=CHR$ (N)
   1 18 Woodside Hall, Glasgow
   1 18 Tivoli Crescent
   1 18 Clyde Grange
   1 170 FOR n=0 TO 1
   1 17 Northumria centre, Washington 
   1 17 Le Mas Blanc
   1 17 LET N=65+(RND*25)
   1 17 Haydock Park Racecourse
   1 160  PRINT  AT  17,0;"press  any  key  to)
   1 16 Tolworth Rec Centre, Surbiton 
   1 151 Balsusney Road
   1 150 LET srce=208: LET dest=64
   1 15 FOR A=1 TO 36
   1 140 PRINT AT  21,0;"any  key  when ready":*
   1 14 POKE 49909,INT (1100/W)
   1 14 De Verose Court
   1 130 NEXT x
   1 130 GOSUB 270
   1 13.   (P)RINT P  - - -
   1 128K Music:
   1 126,203,47,182,18,19,35,11,
   1 120,177,32,244,33,39,235,34,54,92,201%
   1 120 PRINT AT 6,4;"!!BOING!!"
   1 120 IF PEEK x=46 AND PEEK (x+1)=32 AND&
   1 12.   (F)ILL  1o - - -
   1 12 blank MD cartridges
   1 12 POKE 49891,INT (560/W)
   1 12 Frederick Street
   1 110 PLOT 108,106: DRAW  15,-4:  DRAW 10,0:*
   1 110 IF A$<>"YES" THEN GOTO 500
   1 110 GO TO 70
   1 110 FOR x=32000 TO (32000+l)
   1 110 ( Routine for A$<>"YES" goes here )'
   1 11 NAC Showground, Stoneleigh
   1 100 capacity 3.5" disk boxes - `2.50$
   1 100 CLS: CIRCLE  128,141,7:  PLOT 128,134:*
   1 100 BEEP .5,1
   1 10,-10: PLOT 118,161: DRAW 11,-5: DRAW&
   1 10 University, Bristol
   1 10 RESTORE 30 : FOR N = 60094  TO  60121:)
   1 10 REM Tasword converter
   1 10 POKE 49881,INT (840/W)
   1 10 POKE 23388,24: REM 16 (ROM)
   1 10 LOAD d1"+SYS 2a" CODE 8192
   1 10 INPUT "Address: ";a
   1 10 IF INKEY$="" THEN GOTO 10
   1 10 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN GOTO 30
   1 10 IF AB>-C THEN STOP
   1 10 IF AB>+2 THEN...
   1 10 IF A>B+2 THEN...
   1 10 IF A>(B+2) THEN...
   1 10 IF A > B - C THEN STOP
   1 10 CLEAR 49151: REM Move stack
   1 10 CLEAR 30664: LOAD *"m";1;"m" CODE:%
   1 10 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7:CLS
   1 1. We know  that  you  are  lying.  Martynknows  you  are  lying  -  and  the  otherstatements about  insulting  United  Mindsand
   1 1. The insults to  the  United  Minds  andbegging for software has been proven. Thishas also been seen in other areas, such asthe false propaganda in PD POWER about TheUnited Minds working only with  Prism  andhow Mr Sherwood stopped them from splittinup. Mr Sherwood has also approached  otherprogrammers begging for software.
   1 1.  How  many  screen  lines   does   yourequipment copy?. Examples: LPRINT III  andKempston E both copy all 24 lines.v
   1 1) Why go back to the  late  20th  centurywhen the whales were  almost  extinct  andthe chances of them being discovered  wereextremely high? Why not  go  back  to  the1600's   when   whales   were   not   nearextinction. Granted, it  would  spoil  theplot!
   1 1) The original  Spectrum  readers.  Theseare my priority and you should be the oneskept most  happy.  I  am  not  willing  tosacrifice this under ANY circumstances.
   1 1) Rename your filename by adding ".COM"(
   1 1) Load in textfile
   1 1) He returned,  already  knowing  of  thechanges as he grew up with them  so  wouldthink nothing of them.j
   1 1) Getting Amanda to do his dirty work  totry and persude Womo to take a chance  andhear his side of the story.o
   1 1) Create THREE versions of each issue.  Astandard Spectrum  version  with  Spectrumonly articles.  A  SAM  version  featuringeverything   and   a
   1 1) Bow out now, while you still have  some   readers4
   1 1 Spectrum 128k
   1 1 Spectrum +3
   1 1 Rubber keyed 48k
   1 1 REM _: CAT 1 @
   1 1 REM _: (C)
   1 1 REM NEW: STOP @
   1 1 QL computer and spare machine
   1 1 Pelham Street
   1 1 LET A = 1 : PRINT A : STOP
   1 1 Interface one
   1 1 DK Tronics keyboard
   1 1 DIM A$(360): DIM B$(36)
   1 1 = Numerical Array
   1 1 +D interface
   1 1 +D 3.5" drive (780k DSDD)
   1 00  ; Load DE with the number of 
   1 0 = Basic Program
   1 0   1   1   1   0   0
   1 ...should be altered to the following:&
   1 ...on an order form for  the  next  issue!So, it appears that if I want  a  reply  Ihave to pay `3.50 for it.  How  would  youreaders feel if you had to pay  `1  for  areply to your letter and wait  upto  threemonths for it to be featured in  AlchNews?Of course, I could make  AlchNews  monthlythis way because of the  sheer  volume  ofyour letters, even weekly, and it would bewell over one megabyte! But, the layout ofAlchemist Research is  to  reply  to  yourletters  personally  and  concentrate   onarticles and features in AlchNews and,  nodoubt, that has been  the  secret  of  oursuccess.
   1 ...but there  is  one  big  ceiling!  Erm,flaw.  The  controls  are  really   reallystupid! At the start of the game there's asort   of   pointer   system,   like
   1 ...Orson '95
   1 -15: DRAW -10,-10: PLOT  128,146: DRAW&
   1 , Xenix, Unix, Cobol or  any  othernon-Speccy BASIC language.  Now,  for  thefaithful few (?),  here  are  some  usefultips for general neatness, efficiency  andmemory-saving for  pedantic  byte-countingtypes.
   1 +D Support:
   1 +3DOS EFFORT!
   1 +3 PSUS - `5
   1 +3 Edge connector
   1 +3 & CP/M Support:
   1 +0 (RAM) +8 (Screen)
   1 +.532533226
   1 *** SOUND ***
   1 *** OTHER COMMANDS ***
   1 *** MACHINE CODE ***
   1 *** END OF TUTORIAL ***
   1 * Use permanent  dye  with  a  minimum  of  insoluble  particles,   which   provides  dark, uniform and crisp prints.u
   1 * The print head needles
   1 * The paper
   1 * The nylon fabric ribbon
   1 * Tendecy to make trivial mistakes"
   1 * Split personality
   1 * Print head impact temperature
   1 * Poor covering up of these mistakes and(
   1 * Paranoia
   1 * Needle impact pressure
   1 * Irritation
   1 * Insolubles must have  particle  size  of  less than 3 microns  and  are  carefully  selected to eliminate abrasion.u
   1 * Friction coefficient between needles and  ribbon2
   1 * Frequency of impact
   1 * Fabricating information to such a degree  that the patient believes it to be true,  despite   such   overwhelming   evidence  pointing the opposite.
   1 * Evasive and irrational behaviour"
   1 * Do  not  degrade  the  print   head   or  chemically  react  with   any   of   the  following  components  involved  in  the  inking   process:
   1 * Contain  an  ink-compatable  lubrication  additive that is  stable  and  will  not  form gummy  precipitates  on  the  print  head, but will form  a  thin  protective  coating on the metal  surfaces  and  can  provide it's lubricating qualities  over  the whole operating temperature range.
   1 * Constant lying
   1 *  30 Bassetlaw Les. Cent. Worksop"
   1 (when do you need to do this?!)
   1 (viscosity,
   1 (Whats  new?),  plus  some   very!
   1 (To alter the printable area  to  TYPE  A,hold FONT, PITCH and  PAPER  FEED  buttonswhilst turning on the printer. Press  FONTonce, then press PITCH once then press ON-LINE. Now hold FONT and  press  PITCH  andrelease them to hear the printer reset.)
   1 (Sheffield if our  experience  is!
   1 (See Yellow pages)
   1 (See Yellow Pages)
   1 (Save whole font at new addr.)
   1 (Rather a co-incidence seeing  as!
   1 (P)RINT b  - - -
   1 (P)RINT U  - - -
   1 (P)RINT 1o - - -
   1 (P)RINT 1P
   1 (P)RINT 0A
   1 (P)RINT 01J  17.   (F)ILL  b  - - -#
   1 (P)RINT  j   9.
   1 (P)RINT  h   8.
   1 (P)RINT  b   16.   (F)ILL  J  - - -#
   1 (P)RINT  I
   1 (P)RINT  1E
   1 (P)RINT  0r  5.
   1 (P)RINT  0o  2.
   1 (P)RINT  0n  4.
   1 (P)RINT  01b 3.
   1 (O)VER   b   14.   (P)RINT F
   1 (No. 937). Paul Howard <with help!
   1 (Force code to new address)
   1 (Following VGA 04  in  the  list  was  theappropriately titled "STOLEN"!).J
   1 (F)ILL  h  - - -
   1 (F)ILL  S  - - -
   1 (F)ILL  C  - - -
   1 (F)ILL  1o - - -
   1 (F)ILL  1h - - -
   1 (Currently
   1 (C) 1991 A. Davis
   1 (According to Martyn Sherwood)
   1 (315/32/W))*256)
   1 ("Player One Loses" AND A=0)
   1 'March 10th... EEC'93, VGA 1-4, DINOSAURS,B/W1.. The question is, do  YOU  say  it'sPublic Domain? I would  be  most  greatfulfor your clarification on this matter'
   1 'Angry' from Wokingham (aka  Paul!
   1 &U&`Vfe"vTS
   1 &&o&+i+((&
   1 & Big thanks:
   1 "l"  looks  like  an  @  but  is  in  factsupposed to be the copyright symbol.  Thisone,  however,  is  the  (R)  symbol   forRegistered.
   1 "k" is shown with an "s". This  representsthe double 's' used  in  German  language,such as in strasse. This is value 225  andlooks a little like a B.
   1 "j" is marked "f". I've used character 159which can be used for Francs.G
   1 "i" is  marked  "U".  This  is  the  greekletter for  "Micro",  as  used  in  CurrahSpeech. If you do  a  lot  of  electronicswork this will come in useful for  writingMicrofarad in short. This is value 230.
   1 "dunno yet, but I'll work on it."!
   1 "Yes, go on."
   1 "Yep,  just  one,  before  you  press  thebutton..."4
   1 "Yeah? how?"
   1 "Yeah, nevermind"
   1 "Yeah, alright then, whilst you're at  it,don't suppose you could  do  something  onRS232 links could ya?"j
   1 "Write an article about  how  you  get  onwith it" writes Andy when it all arrived.S
   1 "Which one?"
   1 "Well, about ten  to  midnight,  'I'  camethrough the pod door and told me"K
   1 "Well I suppose I'd better let you go. Youhave to finish the program by midnight  tostart the test"c
   1 "We  did  belong  to  Spectrum  UK,  untilthings went odd with them."E
   1 "Uh, yeah, course I did!"
   1 "U" brings up a further utilities menu. Onthe present version it allows you  to  setthe number of files shown,  either  10  or12.
   1 "The Sam data will be of no  use  to  Specusers & vica-versa (see last few issues of'Format' - now  80%  SAm  information  andpractically useless to Spec users".
   1 "Thanks,   but   how   did   you   know?",questioned the original me.E
   1 "Thank you for your letter or contribution- we will  reply  or  include  this  in  afuture OUTLET as soon as possible."w
   1 "TIMED JUMP (Enter time to depart or  justENTER to skip)"9
   1 "THE button!"
   1 "Suggesting  I  provided  a  non   workingprogram? Rubbish!"<
   1 "Star Trek IV, the voyage home" was on ITVon the wekend of the 13th, where Kirk wentback in time to bring back some Hump  BackWhales to save Earth in the 24th century. ERROR TIME:
   1 "SpectrumAdventures" (Sunshine publishing), writtenfrom Tony Bridge and Roy Carnell.T
   1 "Software House" is a text-only managementgame,  but  nonetheless  quite  addictive.It's easy to pick up how to play; my  onlymoans are the lack of graphics  (just  bigtext  on  the  magazine   cover   -   even"Millionaire" had graphics in  1982!)  andthe unfair magazine; every time  you  readit, something bad happens to your company!There  are  some  puns  in  the   softwarecharts, ie Pond for Ocean,  which  improvethe game in a miniscule way,  and  despitethe  game  all  being  text,   it's   verycolourful and I've just  remembered  thereis a telephone graphic and a nice  loadingscreen (although the man looks scary!).
   1 "So, arent you gonna ask me?"
   1 "So arent you gonna ask me?"
   1 "Sad to say, but a coding  group 
   1 "S" shows all programs listed on the menu,their ID letter and filename.G
   1 "Roy wassisname"
   1 "Right, best be off Andy, I'll  see  aboutthe RS232 link"9
   1 "R" closes the options menu and returns torequesting A-L to load.A
   1 "Okay, well thanks for stopping by"#
   1 "Oh, not for ages now, why d'ya ask?"%
   1 "Oh, I dunno, I'm not watching it  at  themoment"1
   1 "Of course!" My duplicate smiled 
   1 "No reason really, just wondered if it wasthe same bloke I just saw on telly"M
   1 "Nevermind eh"
   1 "Need more info Andy" was my reply.#
   1 "LOCATION (Currently 2233 4844 0040):"&
   1 "Just a quick  note  to  remind  you  thatcontributions  for  AlchNews  are  welcomewithin the next 10 days. "n
   1 "It would be decent  of  you  to 
   1 "I reckon we should get him back you know"*
   1 "I had to, it was on my  way.",  and  withthat bade farewell and climbed out of  thepod.X
   1 "I got a letter from  Mr  Sherwood  sayingthe following:8
   1 "I enclose `4 refund on the  remainder  ofyour subscription. It is quite clear  whatline you are taking, and I  will  play  NOfurther  part  communicating  directly  toyourself or Mr Davis. Your last 2  lettershave that A. Davis touch to them,  &  it'sobvious you are working together. GoodbyteMr Kinloch."
   1 "I dont need to ask, the proof is right infront of me"6
   1 "Hullo, Alchemist Research"
   1 "Hiya Andy, did you see Roy's bit  in  thelast AlchNews?"9
   1 "Hi" replied the figure.
   1 "Hi" I replied.
   1 "Hello?"   he   spoke,   questioning$
   1 "Hello?"   I   spoke,   questioning#
   1 "Erm, I'll give it a go."
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1 "D" deletes  a  file  from  the  list  andleaves it blank.:
   1 "Can you sort out RAMMAP for me. It  loadsin (48k mode) but just freezes".J
   1 "By the way, when did you last  hear  fromhim?"/
   1 "Ben  Douglas,  (assuming  he  is  a  realperson) fired insults"@
   1 "Apology? No can do - you misunderstood me- if the 'cap fits'=
   1 "Anyway, in  September  the  Minds  got  aletter from  Martyn  Sherwood  asking  forrights to distribute their  software.  Thefunny thing was that in one  part  of  theletter he was insulting them,  in  anotherhe was being as nice as  pie  begging  forthe software. The latest 'drama'  is  thathe is now ringing up  Patrick  Morris  allthe time trying to befriend him so that hecan put in his magazine that they are  thebest of friends. Poor old Patrick - I  bethe'd  prefer  to  be  hassled  by   doubleglazing salesmen. Well, PD POWER can printwhat it likes, just remember which servicehas exclusive rights to their software!"
   1 "Any problems?"
   1 "Amanda has just send  us  a  letter.  Shewrotes us, to have good contact to you andPrism. She will bring  us  in  contact  toPrism too, that we can decide ourself whatis going on with Martin Sherwood. She saysshe never had trouble or problems with himand also not with you."
   1 "Alright mate, see ya!"
   1 "A" lets you add a file to  the  list,  oroverwrite one currently in store. It  asksyou for the letter where you wish to storeit, some details about the  game  for  themenu display (DATA) and then the  filenameof the game. It then  checks  if  you  aresure and makes the change if so.
   1 "300": GO TO S
   1 "..Well, just make sure that you  type  inthe landing  co-ordinates  exactly  thirtyfeet to  the  side  of  this  one.  You'llreappear in here if you dont and break thetime-space continumn otherwise."
   1 !  O   InvalidScream 0:1
   1  command to achieve  a  Hi-Res  copy?(Example: Tasman interfaces  do).  If  youanswer  'yes'  you  will  be  required  toprovide the 
   1  and the rest
   1  address (usually 23296).<In 48k mode. Ed>*
   1  LOAD PART 
   1  LOAD  INDEX 
   1   toachieve Hi-Res copy, then instead of, ( orin addition to) entering new lines  10/20,edit line 8600 & replace the keyword  COPYwith your special command.
   1   <<The 'Ben Douglas' Piece of Alchnews>>:
   1                       JUNE 1995